Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1331: 1 knife 2 breaks

Remember in one second【】


Another mountain was uprooted by the old Jiaowang, and the meteor blasted towards the Vermillion Bird.

The old King Jiao is really brave, and his body is like a magic mountain. It contains monstrous power, which can shake the world. The ordinary gods are here, and can't withstand his blow. Even the immortal can end the battle within dozens of moves.

But Ye Tian is too powerful, it can be called a guard against the sky, the golden eucharist is comparable to the body of the golden core, the Vermillion Bird Nirvana regeneration technique can restore the injury between the fingers, all kinds of magical powers, magic weapons, can see the super, even crush the old King Jiao fights.


The Suzaku and the divine bird screamed up to the sky and frightened all creatures. With its red feathers standing upright, it waved two huge divine claws and grabbed the mountain that was blasting toward itself like a meteor.

The old Jiaowang's divine power is endless, he can pull mountains and throw mountains, how can the Suzaku and the divine bird wait for a moment, a big claw goes down, the mountain suddenly collapses in the void, the broken stone splashes, the violent aura is overwhelming.

"If you want to break through the shackles with the help of battle, then try your best to sublimate the battle, otherwise you will have no chance." Ye Tian said, already seeing the intention of the old king.

Seeking breakthroughs in battle and comprehending Tao and Dharma between life and death is the path that many monks will choose.

As the so-called fight to prove the Dao, only by putting oneself in desperate situation, letting go of everything, and fighting back, can one exert one's utmost combat power and uncover unlimited potential.

If you don't put yourself in a desperate situation, you will never know how big your potential is.

In this battle, Ye Tian is also breaking through himself.

After all, such a powerful opponent as Old Jiaowang is hard to find in the world.

The old King Jiao changed his color, but he was still brave and fearless, his joints crackled like a series of rolling thunders, deafening.

It can wind up a storm with just one breath.

With a slight tear of its iron claw, it can open mountains and rocks.

With a light sweep of its hundred-zhang body, it can smooth a mountain.

The power of the old king is beyond doubt!

"Okay, let's fight it hard!"


His huge tail twitched, and the tops of the mountains rose from the ground, blasting into the sky, his divine power almost never dried up.

Even Ye Tian had to admit that the Jiao Clan was a powerful race. If he is not the golden body, only the ordinary innate body level, it will not consume him at all.

call out!

There was a prairie fire in the sky, seeming to burn the sky, the golden light was brilliant, the sky was full of red clouds, and a huge divine bird came from the sky and broke through 90,000 miles in the sky.

Bang bang bang!

The sacred bird shook its wings, the whole body was golden light, and its supernatural power was surging, and the hills were shattered.

The wings of the gods are like heavenly swords, which are invincible, and everything they pass is turned into ashes.

In the end, the old Jiao Wang forcefully pulled up the nine hills, and Ye Tian's Suzaku method tore the nine hills apart.


The time to come is still here, a divine winged war knife cracked the sky, killing the mans coldly, breaking through the void, and slashing towards the old Jiao Wang's Baizhang Jiao.

It was a huge "battle knife" with a length of several feet, showing a beautiful streamlined shape, brilliant light, raging flames, and Suzaku's extreme speed, like a bolt of lightning, dazzling, so dazzling that you can't look directly at it.


The old King Jiao attacked passively, and the black scale giant claws larger than a house slapped towards the sky, hitting the divine wings of the Vermillion Bird, making a sound of metal crashing through gold and cracking stones, shaking the entire Dragon Pool secret realm.


At the same time as the sound, a bunch of blood blossoms burst out, scorching hot, dyeing a piece of sky red, and a huge sharp claw flying in the void, shining with a cold black light.


Old Jiaowang screamed in pain.

One of his sharp claws was cut off by the Suzaku God's wings, and the blood was flowing.

"Human junior, you angered me." Old King Jiao roared.

Ye Tian ignored him, using the Vermillion Bird's swift speed, almost inconceivable, phantom shadows, as if in the form of thousands, slashed towards the old king.

In just a moment, a bird and a bird collided so many times, as if it had opened a blacksmith's shop, the sound was endless, and every blow was like Hong Zhong Da Lu, shaking the void to the ground.

The old King Jiao kept retreating, blood was spilling over the sky, the scales fell like rain, and the bones rattled, making him very embarrassed.


The old Jiao Wang flew for several miles and landed in a valley.

The Suzaku, the **** bird, fluttered its wings and chased it.

"Don't go there." Changbai Sanzu shouted.

But Ye Tian's speed was too fast, surpassing the speed of sound, and the sound couldn't catch up, so how could he hear it?

The valley is verdant and green, wild flowers are everywhere, colorful, very gorgeous and peaceful.

However, Changbai Sanzu looked terrified and seemed to know what was wrong here.

Suddenly, the valley shook violently, and the mountains on both sides glowed with brilliant light.

The old Jiao Wang's Baizhang Jiao body disappeared suddenly. However, the mountains on both sides moved and closed towards each other, squeezing the Suzaku and the divine bird that was in close pursuit.

Above the valley, a light curtain formed in an instant, forming a barrier, blocking the entire valley.

There is an ancient magic circle here, to grind Ye Tian to death in it.

However, the old Jiao Wang fought, so he had no choice but to make the best move.

Boom, boom!

The two big mountains are hundreds of feet high, and they move under the force of the earth veins. When they close together, they can burst out.

^0^Remember in one second【】

Power is definitely an astronomical figure, how many times more ferocious than Ye Tian's yin and yang grinding disc.

"A **** array, do you want to trap me?" Ye Tian shouted loudly.

He first waved his divine wings to slash the light curtain, but he couldn't cut it open.

Then he opened his mouth to breathe, and burned the light curtain with the sky fire, and burned the mountains on both sides, and was bombarded by the fire **** Thunder.

In an instant, the gorgeous mountain-flowered valley turned into a dead Jedi, and magma flowed down from the mountain, converging into a magma river in the valley.


The wings of the gods cracked the sky again and slashed out in anger. This time the light curtain was easily cut open, and even the entire formation was destroyed.

"You...?" The old king's eyes widened, and this time he finally showed fear.

"What are you doing! Cut it to me!"

Accompanied by Ye Tian's icy and biting voice, the Vermillion Bird flew up, speeding like a bolt of lightning, and its wings were like a heavenly sword, cutting across.

The old King Jiao roared and breathed out a domineering storm, but it was useless. The Heavenly Sword was all inevitable and could break through all obstacles.

"Damn, you can't let him succeed!"

On the ground, a group of Jiao Clan elders were all shocked.

Because at this moment, the old king's life is hanging by a thread.

However, it was too late for them to help each other at this time.

"Do you really think I am afraid of you?"

The old Jiaowang roared, there was no way to dodge, he could only shake with his body, his joints burst like thunder, UU reading exploded with his best combat power, as if it could shake the sky and the earth.


Amidst the huge explosion sound like a meteor hitting the earth, a bird and a bird collided in the void, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye erupted, spreading in all directions, destroying the mountains and the earth, and turning the ground within a radius of several miles into a barren. The earth, violent smoke and dust covering the sky.

The sky was dazzling, smoke and dust filled the sky, and nothing was visible.

"Who's winning?"

All the Jiao tribe people's hearts mentioned their throats.

After a while, the smoke disappeared, the storm subsided, and all the Jiao people were dumbfounded and shocked.

There is only one figure standing proudly in the sky. It is a human youth, who is full of golden light, like a golden armored god.

At the feet of the boy, a large mountain collapsed, and a giant floodgate lay horizontally in it. The Baizhang floodgate's body was broken in two, and the whole mountain was stained red with blood.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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