Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1345: Long Shuai's ability

In the martial arts field of Longwei Base, Ye Tian accepted the title of Marshal Longwei.

Commander No.1 took time out of his busy schedule, rushed from the center, and personally handed the Commander Seal to Ye Tian's hands, with eager anticipation in his firm eyes.

Ye Tianshuai printed it on his hand, and his entire popularity was shocked. In his eyes, the wisps of spirits jumped wildly, as if it was not a few hundred dragon guards who commanded him, but a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, and then he used a mouthful to wear it. Touli's voice said:

"Since the country trusts me and puts Long Wei in my hands, I will do my best to let Long Wei grow up in the shortest possible time and become the strongest team in the world."

"The future Dragon Guard must not only have the strength to fight against the powers of the world, but also become the king of the entire dark world, crushing the major religions, crushing the secrets of life, and even possible foreign enemies in the future. "

"In the future, your journey may not be on this planet, but the vast universe, the stars and the sea!"

As soon as Ye Tian said this, all the Dragon Guard soldiers in the audience were in a commotion, and their eyes were full of incredible.

Although Ye Tian's words were shocking and deceptive, everyone was an adult, not a child, and could distinguish between true and false.

Although Dragon Guard is a superpower team, it is not omnipotent. The most powerful Dragon Guard ten dragons are only at the level of grandmasters. They want to fight against the great powers of the world, suppress all religions, and the secrets of life. Impossible, it can be said that the worm shakes the tree. Fighting aliens, conquering the stars and the sea, is even more daunting, just like a fantasy.

Longwei wants to fight against the great powers of the world and suppress all religions. At least a few gods fighting dragons must do it.

However, if you want to fight against the major life secret realms that may exist, you must have a few earth fairy war dragons.

As for fighting aliens and conquering the stars of the universe, it must be done at a higher level.

And these, the current Dragon Guard is still far away.

"Follow Long Shuai to the death!"

Amid the noisy discussion, suddenly a voice shouted loudly, deaf, almost hoarse.

Liang Fei's waist was straight and his eyes were full of scorching heat, following a demon, as if he had unconditional trust in Ye Tian's words.

"Follow Long Shuai to the death!" Sima Xuankong also expressed his attitude, his voice sonorous and powerful.

"This guy, I really know how to say it." After Long Xiaoyun laughed, he became angry and yelled: "Follow Long Shuai to the death!"

Then people kept shouting out this sound, it was messy at first, and finally uniform. The sound seemed to resonate with the heavens and the earth, spreading far and wide.

The surrounding garrison troops were all disturbed, and they cast strange glances. It was because Long Wei was very low-key on weekdays, yelling hoarsely like this, it was the first time.

However, some people shook their heads, believing that Ye Tian was speaking the vernacular in an empty mouth, and that he took over the handsome seal for his own fame and would not really spend his mind on Longwei.

"Anyone can say big things, I want to know how you lead Longwei to win the world's strongest team, dominate the dark world, and battle the stars and the sea. You know, your own strength does not mean Longwei's strength." A different voice Said, obviously with doubts and provocations.


A pair of eyes followed the prestige, fixed on a one-armed man, no one else, but the Azure Dragon general, the most powerful dragon among the ten dragons.

The Qinglong warlord has a straight posture, neither humble nor overbearing, and even strands of cold electricity bloom in his icy eyes.

This is a genius-like warrior. He was Tianjiao when he was a teenager. If it hadn't been because of an arm being cut off, he might have broken through the gods and made a generation of heavenly people. If it hadn't been for an arm to be cut off, he would probably have taken the seat of the dragon's head instead of Xiao Tianqi.

In addition to the Azure Dragon generals, there are also a few ten dragon generals with suspicious expressions in their eyes, and their expressions are as cold as frost.

It seems that if Ye Tian wants to gain a foothold in Longwei, he must first establish his prestige.

"My ability is not what you can imagine. I have thousands of techniques and all kinds of secrets. Even if you only learn the fur, you can look down on this star."

Ye Tian said, after holding his hands, his eyes were filled with indifference and alienation, and he walked towards Qinglong Warrior step by step.

A coercion rushed out of his body, making everyone feel the oppression, suffocating.

"I declare that from now on, Dragon Guards and Ten Dragons will only need to be competent in the Divine Realm. Those without a Divine Realm level will consciously withdraw and fall into the ranks of ordinary soldiers."

As soon as Ye Tian said this, the audience suddenly fryed.

He demanded that the dragon guarding the ten dragons must be strong in the **** realm, obviously forcing the ten dragons to step down, because there is no **** realm in the ten dragons.

Long Xiaoyun immediately lost her color and opened her mouth into an O shape.

Xiao Tianqi also looked shocked, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"Of course, you don't have to worry. Within a year, I will dig out ten gods in Longwei. But whether it will be the original ten dragon generals, I can't guarantee." Ye Tian continued.

There was a moment of silence in the audience, as if they were listening to a fairy tale, they couldn't believe it.

No one knows that the difficulty of the gods is harder than going to the sky.

Ten divine realms were excavated within a year, and assembly line production did not have this speed!

"Divine Realm, is it difficult?" Ye Tian asked, seemingly surprised by everyone's reaction.

At this time, he came to the front of Qinglong general.

Under the pressure of horror, the skeleton of the Qinglong general was crying, his body was trembling, and he was a little unsteady in his standing, but he was strong enough to stand still.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Ye Tian smiled faintly, and asked Qinglong general.

"Humph! There is never the word ‘fear’ in my Qinglong’s dictionary."

"You are not Azure Dragon anymore."

"The glory that belongs to me, no one can take it, as long as I am still alive, as long as I can fight. One day, Qinglong will still belong to me."

"Okay, spine and ambition! Today I will help you enter the realm of God, and Long Wei should take you as an example."


Ye Tianyi raised his hand and triggered a storm of vitality, which rolled across the sky like a tsunami, and finally turned into a huge funnel, filling in from the Heavenly Spirit Cap of the Azure Dragon.

The biggest difference between the transforming realm and the divine realm is the transformation of spiritual power. The spiritual power is sublimated into divine consciousness, which can be released outside, communicate with the world, and inspire vitality.

Because they can communicate with the world and borrow strength from the world, the power of the gods has supreme power in every move.

However, no matter how strong the transforming realm is, he can only play out his own power.

When manpower is poor, and the power of heaven and earth is endless, so the strong in the gods are called heaven and human, and look down on sentient beings like ants.

The Azure Dragon Warrior is already the pinnacle master, half-step from the realm, only half a foot away from the realm.

However, even this is half-footed, but it is also like a chasm, and many people cannot step out of it in their entire life.

Boom boom boom!

A terrifying storm of vitality came in, scouring wildly in the meridian of the Qinglong warlord, like the Yangtze River, making rumbling noises.

At the same time, Ye Tian's eyebrows glowed, and a divine thought turned into a beam of light and rushed into the sea of ​​eyebrows of the Azure Dragon general.

Ye Tian Shennian is so powerful, condensed like fine gold and steel, turning into a warhammer in the sea of ​​knowledge of the Qinglong warlord, as if hammering the spirit of the Qinglong warlord.

Suddenly, the Azure Dragon warlord's whole person is not good, the soul and the body are being baptized and tempered, and it is simply better to die.

He couldn't resist even if he wanted to resist, because he lost all his power and became a walking dead.

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

Everyone didn't worry about the Azure Dragon general, but was amazed at Ye Tian's anti-sky methods.


The vitality storm was raging, crazily rushing through the body, and the body of the Qinglong general was almost destroyed.

However, this is not enough.

The spirit of the gods alone is not enough, and the physical body must be strong enough, otherwise it cannot match the strong spiritual power, and the spirit, Qi and God cannot be united.

To be promoted to the Divine Realm, one must be reborn.

No matter how strong the physical body of the Transformation Realm is, it belongs to the mortal body after all.


In the vitality storm, suddenly cyan thunders spawned, faintly turning into thunderstorms, becoming more terrifying.

This is the Otsuki God Thunder, the most docile God Thunder among the Five Elements God Thunder.

Yi Mu Shen Lei enters the body with the vitality storm, tempering the flesh and bones of the Azure Dragon general in the scouring. His whole body was glowing, and there were a series of thunder light spilling out of his body, and the whole person seemed to be turned into a barrel of fire and medicine, which might burst at any time.

"I'm going to die soon." The Qinglong warlord shouted with a ferocious look.

At this moment, he was able to control his body suddenly, and he felt that his body was as powerful as the sea, and he was about to break out of his body.

His mental power has also become extremely powerful under Ye Tian's temper, he can look inward, merge with his physical body, and see every inch of his own flesh and blood.

He saw it in his eyes, and saw his own flesh and blood, viscera, bones, and other body parts, all becoming crystal clear and flawless.

His dantian became several times larger, and his true essence was like a sea, surging and surging like magma, surging with terrible energy.

His eyebrows were conscious of the sea, and the nine layers of consciousness were peeled off layer by layer, his spiritual power surged, and his soul turned pale gold.

The surface of his skin gave birth to a crystal luster, and UU reading was brilliant.

Even his appearance has changed, from rough to delicate.

"It's time. Tianmen, open!"

At this time, Ye Tian withdrew his spiritual thoughts, flipped his palm and slapped the sky spirit cover of the Azure Dragon Commander.


It seemed that a heavenly gate opened on the Tianling cover of the Azure Dragon general, and a golden beam of light rushed out.

In the void, this golden beam of light suddenly exploded, turning into a golden phantom, which was somewhat similar to the Qinglong general.

In the end, this phantom radiated from all directions and merged into the world.

This is his divine mind, released outside.

In an instant, the Azure Dragon general felt ample vitality of the world, like a vast ocean, boundless.

One thousand meters, two kilometers, three kilometers...

In the end, his divine mind was placed ten kilometers away, and the heaven and earth vitality within the range was aroused and whizzed out, forming a cloud cover above his head.

His figure can not help but ascend to the sky, like a dragon, rushing into the tide of vitality.

"Divine Realm, Heaven and Human, hahaha!" The Qinglong general was overjoyed and laughed.

Everyone in the audience was suffocated and stunned inexplicably.

"Control the heaven and the earth, condensing energy into a cloud, the Azure Dragon Warrior is truly a heavenly man."


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