Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1346: Visit Mount Tai


The Azure Dragon general raised his fist, his supernatural power blasted away the cloud cover all over the sky with one punch, as if it was overwhelming the river and the sea, causing the sky to shake for a while.

The surrounding garrison troops were shocked, thinking that a major enemy had invaded, they all loaded their guns.

In their eyes, they saw a figure descending from the sky, and the clouds all over their body were tumbling, as if they were flying in the clouds and driving the fog, hunting in long clothes, floating like an immortal.

"Practice a penance, I am a man today!"

"I Qinglong will not regret entering China in this life. From now on, China will be guarded by me!"

A thunderous sound resounded through the world, as if swearing to the sky, causing the sky to rumbling.

The Qinglong general is tall and slender, his face is like a knife, his hair is thick and shiny, his eyes are like stars, his appearance is dozens of years younger, exactly what he looked like when he was flourishing.

He is full of blood and energy, blending in the heaven and the earth, flowing out a kind of peerless elegance.

"Heaven and human beings are above, please be respected by me! Thank you for helping me enter the divine realm, this kind of grace will be unforgettable forever!"

After landing, the Azure Dragon warlord bowed to Ye Tianna, as pious as facing a god. The gratitude is beyond words.

Without Ye Tian's help, he wouldn't be able to take this half step if given ten years. This is the kindness that is almost recreated.

"Get up." Ye Tian carried his hands on his back, and said lightly: "Divine Realm is nothing. With your aptitude, if it is not limited by this world, it is not difficult to become an immortal."

"Earth fairy? Is it possible?" Qinglong warrior was startled.

"What's impossible, the world is limited, we break the world. The monks of my generation are going against the sky, reversing the way of heaven."

"Yes, there are limits to the heavens and the earth, we will break the heavens and the earth! Now I have broken through the divine realm. Heaven and man are no longer my pursuit. I will also fight for the earth and immortals." Qinglong warrior clenched sharply After closing his fist, there was a scorching heat in his eyes.

Originally, Earth Immortal was a realm he couldn't even think of. Now that he has broken through the Divine Realm, his next goal naturally falls on Earth Immortal.

The expressions of all the people in the audience were all moved and their hearts were surging. Looking at Ye Tian's eyes, there was more awe.

As a god, but being able to raise his hands to help others become enchanted, this kind of ability is amazing.

But he didn't know that Ye Tian just helped an old dragon to condense the pill. In comparison, helping people get absorbed is simply pediatrics.

Next, Ye Tian used the same method to help Xiao Tianqi be absorbed.

Xiao Tianqi, like the Qinglong general, was infinitely close to the divine realm, only half the time.


The sky was trembling, an invisible spiritual thought enveloped a radius of more than ten kilometers, and a cloud of vitality covered the sky.

"Is this the world of heaven and human? It's really exciting!"

Xiao Tianqi jumped into the air, the world in his eyes was still the original world, but his feelings were completely different, richer, more layered, and magnificent.

"One by one, there's still no end?"

There was a loud shout from a garrison unit not far away. There were a lot of high-profile artillery guns pointing at the sky, wishing to give the figure in the void a shuttle, too high-profile.

The other war dragons were a little worse in their realm, although Ye Tian wanted them to enter the realm of Gods, they also had this ability. But pulling out the seedlings to encourage growth is always bad, and it is detrimental to future practice.

However, Ye Tian would give them some pills to speed up their cultivation progress, and they should be able to break through the gods within a few years.

In addition, Ye Tian left several Immortal Realm exercises, and Long Wei can teach him in accordance with his aptitude.

Among them, the simplified version of the Qi Refining Chapter of "Chaotic Golden Body Art", "Bei Ming Refining Qi Art", is reserved as the basic training method of Dragon Guard, which can be practiced by all Dragon Guards.

Although it is a simplified version of Qi Refining, it is also a real immortal technique. As long as you practice well, you will achieve limitless achievements in the future.

"Bei Ming Qi Lian Jue" was originally the teaching method of the Bei Ming Immortal Sect. Only the disciples of Bei Ming can practice it. It was passed to Long Wei. It can be seen that he attaches great importance to Long Wei, which is clearly regarded as a Bei Ming Train in separate classes.

Ye Tian's time is limited, and it is impossible to carefully investigate Longwei's affairs. Xiao Tianqi is still in charge of Longwei, and the Azure Dragon can assist him.

However, Ye Tian also proposed a genius development plan. He would choose some talented students from the Dragon Guards and receive them from his side to practice and teach them personally.

This is a supreme honor. When Ye Tian proposed this plan, all the Dragon Guards were in a commotion, and they all wanted to be one of them.

Many people have heard that Ye Tian's dojo is in Tianhai, a pure land treasure. It can practice for one day in it, and it can last ten days outside.

Ye Tian appointed three people, Long Xiaoyun, Sima Xuankong and Liang Fei. These three are his good partners. They have fought side by side and are very talented. Other talented students will be considered and recommended by Xiao Tianqi and Qinglong Zhan in the future.

Ye Tian stayed in Yancheng that night, chatting with Qinghan all night long.

His great plan for creating gods is ready for everything.

If this plan goes out, he will definitely be called a lunatic, because the plan is too crazy, like a fantasy.

What a existence God is, supreme, with billions of believers on earth.

His plan is to make Qinghan a god, to be worshipped by hundreds of millions of believers, and to attract sentient beings to practice their beliefs and thoughts. Thinking about it is enough to make the scalp numb, not only crazy, but also terrifying.

However, once this plan begins, Qinghan's life path will be completely rewritten, and he will embark on a different life path, the path of cultivating immortals.

In everything, there must be gains if there is loss, and there must be losses if there is gain.

On the road of cultivating immortals, Qinghan has to let go a lot. UU reading's current studies, previous dreams, and family expectations of her,...

Qinghan may not be the master of these destiny-related life events, so he needs to discuss with his family.

Ye Tian gave her time to think about it and explain to her family.

Of course, if necessary, Ye Tian will go out in person and talk to the Qin family.

Early the next morning, Ye Tian left Yancheng and came to Mount Tai with Changbai Sanzu.

Ye Tian used the Xuanguang Stage, which was faster than the Rockets, and arrived in minutes.

Changbai Sanzu said that Mount Tai was the beginning of a heavenly road eternally, and Ye Tian's intention to come here is self-evident, looking for this heavenly road. Although Changbai Sanzu said that the road to heaven was interrupted, even the ruins may not be there after eternal years.

On the eastern skyline, a red sun broke free from the shackles of the earth, rising slowly, gushing out endless brilliance, dyeing half of the sky, illuminating the boundless earth.

Across the front, the terrain was open, and a towering mountain range stood up. At this moment, it suddenly seemed to wake up, bursting with vitality, steaming haze, rolling clouds, lush vegetation, and verdant pines.

"Is this Mount Tai? As expected, it deserves the title of No. 1 Mountain in the world."

Standing at the foot of Mount Tai, Ye Tian said with emotion.

"The **** is the world's first mountain, a small mound. It's far from eternal, shrinking seriously, not even a tenth of the height." Changbai Sanzu shook his head for a while.

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