Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1360: 1 alchemy

Penglai Fairy Island, Tiannv Cave.

This is the cave house of the Penglai Goddess, who practiced here for eternity.

Since then, the Tiannv Cave has been deserted, with vines and weeds growing, and there is almost no place for people to stand.

Ye Tian came here, took care of it carefully, cleared the vines and weeds, and transplanted many strange flowers, colorful, rich and fragrant, giving the cave a new look.

In the future, this place will be Qinghan's training ground, how could Ye Tian not be serious?

At this moment, he is like building a nest to attract the phoenix, waiting for the return of the beautiful woman.

Although Qinghan's ability to convince his family is still unknown, Ye Tian's understanding of the Qin family's elder Qin Yongchang will definitely agree, and he may even be ashamed to follow him to practice in order to prolong his life.

Qin Yongchang is very powerful and ambitious, but not for himself, but for the family. Pursuing the glory of the family is his lifelong pursuit.

If there is a cultivator of immortality in the family, it may become a great power for immortality cultivation in the future, and it will bring glory to the family far more than earning hundreds of billions.

With Qin Yongchang's insight and scheming, it is not difficult to make a choice.

And Qin Yongchang's will will be the will of the entire Qin family.

"Teacher, let me help you!" A young girl appeared, her voice as clear and sweet as a silver bell.

It was Su Mengyao, who wore a white robe with dust, her eyes waved like water, her hair was black and shiny, her skin was white and delicate, and her appearance became more moving.

She refers to it like cutting the roots of green onions, slender and crystal clear, her fingers are not tainted with the spring water, but she does things very quickly.

She was not born to be the arrogant daughter of the sky. Before meeting Ye Tian, ​​she lived with her grandmother and lived at the bottom of the society, enjoying the warmth of the world.

"Senior Sister, it's fine if you just watch it by the side. We still need men to do this kind of rough work." A seven-foot man came up, his voice was loud and loud.

Zhao Tianlong, once a rough person, the boss of black and astringent, now puts on his own custom-made robe, coupled with a long flowing hair, it has a bit of fairy style.

However, he practiced "Taigu Longxiang Gong", a kind of horizontal exercise, even wearing loose robes, he still can't hide his majestic posture, he is as strong as a savage beast.

"Lao Jin, go and remove the stones and the old trees. They have their roots uprooted and transplanted to other places. This way the valley will be much brighter and will not appear gloomy." Zhao Tianlong said to the one next to him. Said the nine-foot giant.

If Zhao Tianlong is a savage beast, then the nine-foot giant next to him is a savage beast among the savage beasts. He is more than two meters tall, has a bronze skin, and has muscles like iron, big tendons like a dragon, and broad arms. The waist was round, and he was so strong.

It was the Golden Armored Corpse King, who was rescued by Ye Tian after he was taken abducted by the Dongying Amber family last time, and once again helped him unlock his spiritual wisdom.

Hearing Zhao Tianlong’s words, the King of Golden Armor Corpse King said nothing. The tiger's body shook and his muscles swelled. The two-meter-high body was raised to more than three meters from the ground. With Lu Zhishen's tendency to droop the willow, he slammed. He uprooted a thick old pine tree with several people in his arms and carried it on his shoulders.

"Where will it be transplanted?" The Jinjia Corpse King asked Zhao Tianlong, a towering tree weighing dozens of tons, but he lifted the weight lightly.

Zhao Tianlong smacked his tongue, squeezed his chin, pretending to think.

Mengyao shook her head, speechless for a while.

There are many people and powerful people, and they are not ordinary people. Only a few hours have passed, and the valley has changed greatly, from a wild land to a pure land.

I saw that the original towering trees and old vines in the valley were replaced by exotic flowers and weeds. The space was bright, lush, and vibrant, with colorful flowers blooming in full bloom, and the fragrant fragrance of flowers filled the valley, breeze blowing, flowers and grass swaying, like The waves are rippling.

In addition, there is a waterfall hanging down on the mountain, like a silver streamer, forming a stream in the valley, connected with a large lake outside the valley.

In short, this is a place with great scenery.

"It's so beautiful. The gods will be tempted when they see it. I wish I could also give myself a place, she will definitely like it." Zhao Tianlong patted his palms and praised.

"I haven't seen my sister yet, she should be as beautiful as Mengyao, right?" Jin Jiashi Wang looked forward to it.

"How can I be compared to my mother, she is much more beautiful?" Mengyao smiled, her pretty face was radiant, but a little unnatural.

"You'd better call her Qinghan, don't make her long and short. She is just my girlfriend now, and there is no real husband and wife." Ye Tian said.

Not only the valley, but the inside of the cave also changed a lot. Ye Tian made a knife with his palm, took some materials on the spot, made some stone stools and chairs, and placed them in the cave. Finally, there was a hint of smoke.

There is a Wang Lingchi in the cave, with liquid crystals and aura, Zhao Tianlong and Jinjiashiwang are very greedy when they see them, and they want to get down and take a drink.

"Penglai Heavenly Girl's bath water, do you dare to make ideas?" Mengyao joked.

"Really? It's so fragrant."

Zhao Tianlong was startled at first, and then his eyes became bright and blazing. Not only did he not seem to be frightened, but he became more interested in the spirit fluid.

Mengyao curled her lips, expressing dislike, very speechless.

"Come on all of you." Ye Tian said to the three of them suddenly, taking out the dragon pattern and leaving the fire treasure cauldron, sitting on the ground, ready to make alchemy.

He taught three exercises, but alchemy never taught half.

The three immediately gathered around and watched carefully.

They are all familiar with the dragon pattern from the Huobaoding, UU reading www. has three legs and two ears. It is simple and natural. It is made from a kind of magical material called dragon pattern red bronze. It is extraordinary, just like a myth.

The most precious thing about Baoding is the fire of the Five Elements Lihuo inoculated inside, which brings great convenience to alchemy.

The kind of fire that leaves the five elements from the fire alone is of infinite value, and it is difficult to find it if you step through the iron shoes. Even if you find it, it takes extraordinary means to be inoculated into the treasure tripod.

"Alchemy is primarily about fire control."

Ye Tian did not use the Five Elements Lihuo in the Baoding, but sprayed out golden flames from his eyes, burning Baoding with chaotic golden flames.

He is not what he used to be, and his true essence is like a mountain like a sea, and he is not worried about the consumption of alchemy.

Among the three, with the exception of Mengyao, Zhao Tianlong and the Jinjia Corpse King both awakened the talents of Firewalking.

Zhao Tianlong called out the red flame armor, a cluster of red flames condensed in his palm, burning towards Baoding.

The Golden Armored Corpse King Zengsheng ate the flesh and blood of the Red Flame Dragon Flood Dragon, capable of transforming into a fire man, awakening the talent of the fire, and also condensed a red flame in his palm, burning away at Baoding.

Because the fire talents of the two are related to the Chiyan Dragon Jiao, the flame types of the two are the same.

As for Mengyao, he didn't need to stand by. Ye Tian used great magic power to remove the five elements from the fire from the treasure ding, temporarily inoculated on her, and taught her a set of fire control techniques.

Four people, three kinds of flames, burn the pill furnace together, and jointly make a big pill.

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