Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1361: Demon Core Great Dan

"Teacher, what kind of pill do you want to refine?" Mengyao asked Ye Tian with a wink.

With the help of the Fire Control Technique, she controls the fire from the fire in the body, and creates a fluffy flame, flexible and easy to use.

She used to refine the Taiyin Ice Soul Pearl and awakened the Ice Spirit Root. Now she is inoculated with the fire from the fire, and the ice and fire are together, but there is no discomfort. The ice and fire are two days, and the well water does not affect the river.

Zhao Tianlong looked eagerly, very envious. He has awakened the talent of fire walking. If he has the fire kind of fire, his combat power will definitely rise to a higher level, and it will even be possible to break through the gods.

However, he knew that Ye Tian had always been very fond of Su Mengyao, and the status of the two was not the same. Even a real disciple was not even considered a real disciple, so he could only envy and hate in his mind.

"It must be a peerless **** pill. After eating the cultivation base, it can skyrocket." Zhao Tianlong said, Kuairenkuaiyu, it seems that he thought that the refined pill was also a part of him, and he was a little excited.

"The **** pill is capable of powering the gods, and it can conquer the world. Without the spiritual material of the gods, how can I refine the big pill of the gods? I will laugh happily if I can become the gods." Ye Tian smiled faintly.

If the Changbai ginseng ancestor is caught to refine the medicine, and there is a demi-magic medicine as the main medicine, he has the confidence to refine a great pill of great quality, but let’s just think about it. The ancestor of Changbai ginseng.

"Sacred Great Pill." Mengyao whispered softly, her eyes flickering.

However, he said that since his rebirth, Ye Tian had once refined a pot of sacred pill, and only one pot of sacred pill. The Taiyin True Blood Pill refined in Yinmen Fengleigu was given to Mengyao.

The Taiyin True Blood Pill has spent countless years of hard work in Fenglei Valley, accumulated various medicinal materials, and even killed many girls with Taiyin physique, taking the blood in the body as a medicine, originally wanted to refine the Taiyin True Blood Pill for Tai The elder Tai Xuzi took it in order to create an earth fairy, but Ye Tian was made for nothing.

Ye Tian captured Taixuzi alive and used it as a medicine to refine it. Together with the many rare medicinal materials he found from Fengleigu, he finally refined the Taiyin True Blood Great Pill, which became a sacred product, and even triggered Thunder Tribulation.

After taking the Great Pill of Taiyin True Blood, Mengyao went from an ordinary girl to the sky and became a master of transformation, and in the later stage, he was only one step away from the gods. Others may have to walk for decades, and she will finish in one step, which is simply a miracle.

Ye Tian now only has five Earth Immortal cores, which are the main medicinal materials of the Great Pill, which can be regarded as high-grade spiritual medicinal materials, but the auxiliary medicines are a little worse, all of which are found in Penglai Fairy Island.

"Since the pill is based on the demon cores of five different creatures and earth immortals, let it be named Demon Core Great Pill for the time being."

"A clever woman can't cook without rice. If you only rely on these medicinal materials, it would be difficult for the demon-core great pill to become a sacred product, even if my pill technique can reach the sky. But it doesn't matter, I have a dozen drops of divine liquid on my body, which can be powerful Sasuke’s effect. Pill becoming a sacred product is not only possible, but also very possible."

"Only when the pill becomes the sacred product, can Qinghan be able to enter the innate one step. Only when Qinghan has achieved the innate, possessing the innate realm, the innate body, and the innate soul, can it be possible to carry the heaviness of the blood of the god."

Ye Tian thought like this in his heart, the golden flames in his pupils were burning.

He originally thought of pushing Qinghan into the **** realm, and then smelting the blood of the god.

Later, it wasn't appropriate to think about it. A drop of the blood of the **** can obliterate the Nascent Soul, and the inner avenue fragments and divine essence are arrogant and destructive. Even if the innate murderous aura in it is refined, it is still terrifying. The blood energy like a mountain like a sea can fill a large lake and easily burst a human body.

If Qinghan can be pushed into the innate in one step, and the carrying capacity of the body and soul can be increased dozens of times, the danger will be much reduced.

Therefore, if possible, Ye Tian will push Qinghan's realm as much as possible, and make his body and soul become as strong as possible.

Bailing fruit, dragon grass, chalcedony mushroom...

All kinds of medicinal materials were thrown into the treasure pot by Ye Tian one after another. Although they were the elixir of middle and low grade, they were also invaluable in the secular world.

Ye Tianxian added auxiliary medicinal materials, and the heavyweight main medicine stayed behind.

The fox yellow and white willow ash, five demon cores were successively taken out by Ye Tian from the Qiankun ring.

Both Zhao Tianlong and Mengyao were surprised to see Demon Core for the first time.

The demon core was crystal clear, like a night pearl, capable of shining, surging in energy, and fluctuating with a terrible aura all the time. Ordinary people don't dare to touch them at all, and they will be shocked or even killed by the diffuse aura.

The demon core has condensed most of the mana of the alien beings, even if it is not used for alchemy, it is a potion in itself, which can easily push a mortal into the state of transformation, or even half a step into the realm of God.

Of course, if it were a mortal, it might have been overwhelmed by the violent medicinal power of the demon core before it changed.

However, it was taken by Grandmaster of Transformation Realm, especially for Grandmaster of Pinnacle.

One Earth Immortal Demon Core is so powerful, and five together, how terrifying is that medicine?

"The teacher must be able to refine the sacred pill." Mengyao said, her expression firm.

Zhao Tianlong and Jinjiashi Wang naturally believed in them.

Although they didn't have any concept of the Saint-Princess Great Pill, they had almost paranoid trust in Ye Tian's ability.

After the five earth fairy cores, Ye Tian took out another amber-like sphere, crystal clear, and he could clearly see a small figure with wings sealed inside. UU reading www.uukANAshu. com

"this is……?"


"Could it be another demon core? Birdman's demon core?"


The three of them all looked surprised, feeling incredible.

"Damn Dongfang boy, let me go."

Suddenly, the amber sphere shook violently, and there was a roar.


Accompanied by the sound, a terrible breath swept out, as if to burst the amber sphere.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Tianlong and Mengyao immediately recognized who this was, the thirteen blood ancestors. To be precise, it was the soul of the thirteen blood ancestors, and his body was blasted by Ye Tian.

The blood clan is also a kind of alien creature, and the earth immortal-level vampire is full of treasures, including spirits, and can be used to refine medicine. So Ye Tian once hit the other twelve blood ancestors, and after having five earth fairy cores, he let them go.

The soul of the blood ancestor is a big potion, which has the effect of shaping the soul.

Ye Tian's intention was self-evident, he wanted the demon core great pill he refined to have a soul-shaping effect and strengthen Qinghan's soul.

However, before putting the spirits of the thirteen blood ancestors into the pill furnace, Ye Tian had to interrogate some things, about the sea of ​​blood, and about the other twelve blood ancestors.

Sooner or later there will be a battle between Ye Tian and them. It is necessary to find out some situations in advance.

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