Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1362: Refining Blood Progenitor

"What are you doing?"

Seeing a treasure tripod in front of him, and the fire was burning, the thirteen blood ancestors suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Where is the sea of ​​blood? What's the situation inside? Frankly and leniently, it can give you a happy way to die." Ye Tian asked, his voice flat but full of threats.

"Don't want to ask anything from my mouth." The Thirteen Blood Ancestor had a hard mouth, and refused to answer any questions from Ye Tian, ​​saying: "Stupid Huaguo kid, you better let me go now, otherwise, not only If you die, the entire country of China will be removed from the world. I swear it will be so!"

"If you don't tell me, then I can only use you to refine alchemy."

"Dare you! If you kill me, my twelve brothers will feel it for the first time. You will only speed up your own demise."

"That's better, let them come to me and throw themselves into the net. It saves me wasting time to find them."

Ye Tian opened Baoding and threw in the small amber ball that sealed the blood ancestors, simple and crude.


Under the scorching high temperature, the small amber ball loosened and swelled first, and finally burst suddenly. The thirteen blood ancestors escaped and rushed into the treasure cauldron. But just like Monkey King was trapped in the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, he couldn't break free, because Baoding had its own restrictions.

After all, he is just a soul, with no magic power. If the physical body is built, there is still a possibility of escape.

Ye Tian originally wanted to search for his soul. Hearing what he said, it was really unnecessary, because the twelve blood ancestors could sense that after killing him, he might be born soon.

Rather than go deep into the tiger's den, step by step, and full of dangers, Ye Tian might as well lay a net outside the world and wait for the twelve blood ancestors to throw themselves into the net.

Frankly speaking, the twelve blood ancestors of the earth immortals, really may not be able to deal with him.

If it were in the Secret Realm of Blood Sea, his cultivation level would even be suppressed, and the opponent would increase, and it would be even more unfavorable for him when one trades and the other grows.

If he doesn't become an immortal, he'd better not venture into the blood, it's too dangerous.

In addition, as a veteran land immortal, the spirit of the thirteen blood ancestors is not so easy to search. Ye Tian has to pay a great price to get useful information.

Therefore, Ye Tian threw the thirteen blood ancestors into the treasure cauldron at this moment, and he was going to do it directly.

Seeing that there is no way to escape, such as being in purgatory, the thirteen blood ancestors are finally afraid.

"Chinese boy, do you really want to die with my blood? Let me go, I can forget everything. And I can promise you to continue to call myself a sea of ​​blood, not to be born within a thousand years, and not to harm the world." Ten Three Blood Ancestor begged for mercy.

"Where is the sea of ​​blood?" Ye Tianren didn't say much and didn't bargain at all.

"Made! It's dead if you say it, or it's dead if you don't say it, are you a fool?" Thirteen Blood Ancestor couldn't help cursing.

"If you say, you can suffer less."

"I'm going to you Mad, are you really unwilling to let me go? I can even sign a master-servant contract with you and become your undead slave for you to summon, as long as you don't kill me. And, I can let mine Twelve brothers help you to dominate this planet."

Both Mengyao and Zhao Tianlong's jaws fell to the ground. They didn't think that the thirteen blood ancestors were so afraid of death, that they could even say such things as slaves.

"You don't need your twelve brothers to help at all. My teacher is now the strongest ruler of the earth." Mengyao said, pursing her lips and smiling.

"What?" Thirteen Blood Ancestor was shocked.

"It seems you are not going to tell me where the sea of ​​blood is."


A more blazing fire spurted from Ye Tian's pupils, burning Baoding to red, as if it was about to melt.

On the wall of the tripod, a series of dragon patterns appeared suddenly as if they were alive, turning into a series of small dragons, and the rhyme of the Taoism appeared.

"Fine, I'm dead, don't think about it. The soul explodes, let's be done together!" The thirteen blood ancestor shouted, wanting to explode the soul.

At this time, numerous small dragons transformed into dragon patterns suddenly surrounded him, some wrapped around the soul of the thirteen blood ancestors, some interspersed through the body, and some surrounded them into a sphere, forming a party of their own Xiaotiandi.

"Blast me!"

Left and right is a death, the thirteen blood ancestors really made up their minds to explode.

However, he suddenly discovered a very terrifying reality. His mana was imprisoned, suppressed by the marks of the dragon pattern, and he was unable to explode himself.

This was not Ye Tian's imprisonment mana, it was the imprisonment that the Dragon Mark Lihuo Baoding came with, Ye Tian just spurred this imprisonment.

"Hua Guo children, how can you let me go?" Changbai Sanzu was desperate, but he really didn't want to die.

"Why haven't my twelve brothers come to rescue me? Why don't they come and avenge me?"

"Could it be that those living vampire wastes haven't awakened them yet?"

"Damn Huaguo kid, don't think that you will really dominate this planet by hitting Invincible Hands all over the world. To tell you the truth, there are so many secret realms in this world, and the combined area of ​​these secret realms is much larger than that of today's earth. It is big, and there are uncountable ancient gods sealed inside. The blood sea of ​​my blood is just one of many secret realms. There are many people who are stronger than my thirteen blood ancestors. Compared with them, you are an inconspicuous Ants."


Next, Ren Thirteen Blood Ancestor pleaded bitterly, cursed loudly, and cursed loudly. Ye Tian remained unmoved and refined him in an orderly manner. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Ye Tian’s chaotic golden flames, Mengyao’s Five Elements Lihuo, Zhao Tianlong and Jinjia Corpse King’s earth lungs are real fire, all three flames are not ordinary, with extremely high temperature and inherent laws, they are the Earth Immortal Soul Belt When the body is burned, it will not be able to bear it, let alone a soul.

When the time passed three hours, the wailing of the thirteen blood ancestors finally disappeared, and the divine soul was obviously dimmed, as if it was about to disappear.

At this time, a strong medicinal scent was already coming out of the Baoding, and strands of fresh scent lingered in the cave. This is a pill, which has certain medicinal properties, and smelling too much is of great benefit to the body. .

"You control the flames." Ye Tian said to the three disciples.

Then, he put away the golden pupil of the fire eyes, his eyebrows glowed, and a beam of divine thought light rushed out, through the cauldron wall, straight into the dim sea of ​​thirteen blood ancestors.


The thirteen blood ancestors were struggling to death, but they couldn't resist at all because they were stubbornly pinched.

However, his sea of ​​consciousness also turned into a pot of porridge, with only a few fragments of information. Ye Tian searched for his soul for a while, but he did not find any useful information.

"Youth Devil, you are dead. My twelve brothers have sensed that my life is going to die, and will soon wake up from a deep sleep. In a few days, your death date will come."


After speaking, the dim soul of the thirteen blood ancestors suddenly collapsed and turned into countless fragments, but they were manipulated by Ye Tian's spirit and penetrated into the liquid medicine.

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