Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1363: Refining the blood

Europa, a small neutral country, steep Alps, in the depths of inaccessible primitive mountains, a tall dark castle stands.

Here is the base camp of the dark blood race, surrounded by ancient magic circles, clouds cover the fog all the year round, and the old castle never sees the sky.

"Two thousand people have been sacrificed. Why haven't the statues of the blood ancestors moved? Is there not enough blood?"

"When the thirteen blood ancestors were summoned, only 800 people were sacrificed. Now there are 2,000 people. There is no reason why it is not enough. It may be that our summoning method is wrong and our minds cannot reach the sea of ​​blood."

"It's a pity that the thirteen vampire elders who mastered the summoning technique were all beheaded by the young demon king, and the summoning technique has not been passed down completely. Moreover, the strength of my blood clan was greatly damaged, and I couldn't find even a **** realm. Without the power of the **** realm, Even with a complete summoning technique, it can't exert much power."

"What should I do? Give up the call?"

"Never give up. If two thousand people are not enough, then twenty thousand, if twenty thousand is not enough, then two hundred thousand. I believe that as long as the blood ancestors drink and drink and are full, they will take the initiative to be born."

"However, we have been noticed by humans when we hunt and kill humans like this. Will they let us do this?"

"Don't worry, as long as it's not too much, they won't interfere, because they want the Young Demon King to die better than we do. Now the entire world is stepped on by the Young Demon King, and only my blood family has the ability to kill the Young Demon King. Ability. Don’t say that 200,000 blood is 2 million, and they will let us get it. If we let them know what we need, someone will even take the initiative to send blood to the door, hoping that the blood ancestors will be born early."


In the dark castle, there was a haze of blood, a strong smell of blood, and there was a sound of discussion, like a devil talking, terrifying and gloomy.

In the central hall of the old castle, there is a tall altar. On the flat table, blood troughs criss-cross one after another, and the red blood flows gurglingly towards the thirteen tall statues in front.

The last statue was dim and full of cracks, and it was badly damaged.

Just as a group of vampires were talking about offering sacrifices, the broken statue suddenly exploded with a crackling sound. Without any sign, it just burst suddenly and turned into a piece of stone dust.

A group of vampires were scared to urinate on the spot, for no reason.

Immediately afterwards, something more terrifying happened. The other twelve statues trembled together, and blood bursts out of the sky spirit cover, and a devilish roar broke out.

"It's the blood ancestors. They feel our call and are about to come out." A priest yelled in a sure tone.

Plop, plop...

All the vampire sacrifices fell on their knees, reciting scriptures, and worshipping devoutly.

Some of them still vaguely remember that when the thirteen blood ancestors were awakened, it was similar to this scene.

Not only them, but all the vampires inside and outside the castle felt a terrible pressure. Although they didn't know what happened, they couldn't help kneeling down.

However, this situation only lasted for a moment before it subsided, and no blood ancestor appeared. But the blood trough on the altar was dry, and the blood that was originally flowing was sucked up by the twelve statues.

"No! Hurry up, blood, I want blood." A priest yelled.

"Don't kneel down, hurry up and look for blood. Everyone has at least fifty heads a day, and if you miss one, you can raise your head to see you."


Penglai Fairy Island, Tiannv Cave. The pill gas is permeated, and the fragrance bursts.

The refining of the sacred great pill is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary pill, at least it takes a few days to be released, and at most tens of days, it is commonplace.

Ye Tian gave all the essentials of alchemy to each other, and three disciples took care of the alchemy furnace, while he did his own thing to refine the blood of the gods and dissolve the innate murderous aura in the blood.

If you don't dissolve the innate murderous aura, this half drop of Divine Blood will be swallowed by Ye Tian's golden sacred body. It will burst and die, and the body will be destroyed.

Refining the blood of the gods is not an easy task, and it is dangerous.

"Fortunately, I have a thunder pond. Otherwise, with my personal ability, I am afraid that I will not be able to cleanse the innate murderous aura in the blood of the gods for a year." Ye Tian thought in his heart and had a plan.

He confessed a few words to the three disciples, then stood up and left the Tiannv Cave.

He didn't immediately go to the small world of Higashiyama enchantment, but first went to the cave house where Taro Miyamoto retreats.

This was originally a cave house of the ancient immortal of Penglai, filled with aura and strange flowers and plants on the ground. It was called a blessed place. After Miyamoto found it, he temporarily borrowed it.

Ye Tian was looking for Taro Miyamoto for a matter, and wanted him to go to Europe and pay attention to the vampires over there.

He killed thirteen blood ancestors, and the other twelve blood ancestors are likely to be born, so he has to guard against.

Taro Miyamoto left without saying a word.

He put down his figure completely now and fell under Ye Tian's command.

After that, Ye Tian found Xiao Qingtian, gave him a drop of divine liquid, chatted with him again, and talked about his own thoughts in practice, hoping that he could break through as soon as possible and use it for himself.

Of course, a **** of earth is also a mainstay to the country.

The current world is becoming more and more dangerous, the ancient secret realms appear one by one, the ancient Taoism is lifted one by one, the gods are nothing, and only the earth immortals can stand proudly on the top of the world.

Finally, Ye Tian came to the small world of Dongshan enchantment, sat next to the thunder pond, and took out the remaining half drop of the blood of God.

There was a dazzling light in the eyes, a drop of blood burst out with thunderous sound, exuding an astonishing breath, as if thousands of horses were galloping, golden clouds and brilliant red shot at the same time, beautiful and dazzling, holy and dusty.

The monstrous blood was surging, and the small world of the enchantment was stained with a brilliant red in an instant, filled with a majestic and majestic aura, like an invincible God of War resurrecting.

Under this breath, all the creatures in the small world were trembling, and the flowers, flowers, and grasses that were full of vitality began to dim, as if they were about to wither.

Ye Tian summoned the Chaos God Realm, covering the thunder pond, as far as possible to isolate the spirit of God's blood.

Then, he threw the blood of the gods into the thunder pond, and played a magic trick to provoke the thunder pond, and cooperate with his mana to refine the innate murderous aura in the blood of the gods.

His eyebrows glowed, releasing his spiritual thoughts, and infiltrating the evolutionary blood with a taste.


Suddenly, he screamed, as if he had been struck by lightning, his eyebrows were prickling, and blood was spilled.

The innate murderous aura in the blood of the gods was too strong, countless avenue fragments ups and downs, and the essence of the divine nature turned into ten thousand rays of divine light, which was not touched by his divine mind. At least temporarily can not be touched.

"Finally, take your time, it's a hard work, and I can't be impatient."

A few minutes later, Ye Tian regained his mood and continued the process of refining.

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