
Suddenly, an earth-shattering breath erupted from the thunder pond. It was so cold that it was as powerful as Ye Tian and cold everywhere, like in an ice cave, like a dormant wild beast waking up, emitting a strong Bloodthirsty desire.

This is caused by the half drop of the blood of the gods, being invaded by external forces, instinctively erupting, self-preserving, like a round of divine sun, bursting out of ten thousand divine light, the breath of killing and cutting is overwhelming, and all enemies are to be eliminated.

The thunder pond is like a fountain. Thousands of thunder lights spew out several meters high, overflowing out, accompanied by a terrible killing and killing aura.

I saw that thousands of Lei Mans had been dyed blood, and Lei Chi seemed to have turned into a pool of blood, a pool of thick blood boiling, terrifying to the extreme.

Fortunately, Ye Tian moved the Lei Ling fruit tree in the Lei Chi ahead of time, otherwise he would be crushed by this killing energy in an instant. The Lei Ling fruit tree is the eye of the small world, and once it is crushed, the small world will collapse.

If the small world collapses, the consequences will be catastrophic. The entire Dongshan Scenic Area may cease to exist, become barren, or even be razed to the ground.

The killing Qi that transforms the blood of the gods can cut the Yuan Ying, is it waiting?

It is across the membrane of the small world, the entire Dongshan Scenic Area is not peaceful, and it is filled with this terrible killing atmosphere, as if there is a big demon coming invisible, startling birds, and countless small animals in chaos. Flee, flee to the distance.

Fortunately, it is late at night, there are no people in the scenic area, and there are not many pedestrians on the surrounding roads, otherwise it would be scary.


In just a moment, it seemed as if God’s punishment had come, half a drop of God’s blood was violent to the point of unbelievable, the law manifested, the avenue was ups and downs, and it was so bright that it was not a drop of blood, but a The real power of God.

The overwhelming killing air was surging in all directions like a tsunami, boundless, raging in all directions, actively attacking Ye Tian.

Even if Ye Tian was mentally prepared, his scalp numb.

This kind of power is like a deity, and it is overwhelming. How can it be resisted?

In an instant, Ye Tian was overwhelmed by the tsunami-like killing air, and it was like being swallowed by a wild beast.

There was blood everywhere in the Chaos God Realm, and there was strong killing Qi everywhere, as if it turned into a **** and ghost world, and Ye Tian could not be seen at all.

Qiang Qiang!

The crystal wall vibrated violently, and there was a burst of sonorous sound, as if being chopped by countless swordsmen and soldiers, almost being washed out, nine deaths were alive. However, the scenes and objects evolved inside, rockery and water, birds, beasts, insects, and fish were all washed out, all burst and turned into chaos.

Ye Tian glanced at the half drop of the blood of God, overestimating his ability. His golden body had blood stains, and the joints screamed violently. The whole figure seemed to be going through the punishment of heaven, being skinned and boned, and tempered. .

What's more terrifying is that the wounds caused by the way of the gods, the law of the gods, and the suppression of the avenues contained in the killing qi of the gods can not heal quickly. The power of the laws must be resolved first, which is fatal.

However, Ye Tian was not too afraid, Ren Mo was one foot taller, and he was taller.

If he couldn't even refine the blood of the gods, how could he dare to merge the blood of the gods with Qinghan's body?

His whole body first burst into golden light, and then burst into flames, turning into a burning man.

In the blazing fire, a divine bird of Vermilion appeared above his body.

As soon as this magical technique came out, Ye Tian's physical body crackled, his internal organs vibrated, broken bones continued, and the clanging sound was endless, and the wound was healing at an extremely fast speed.

It can be seen that in the wound, runes rushed out and were stripped.

It is Suzaku's nirvana regeneration magic!

"Town!" Ye Tian roared, his eyes gleaming like a torch, he was covered with gold and blood splashing, like a blood man, his breath was like a wild dragon.


The Xuanhuangdaotai rushed out and turned into a three-foot tall, weighing tens of millions of jun, crushed into the void and blasted, suspended above the thunder pond, and the chaotic air fell like a waterfall, covering the entire thunder pond.


The Xuanhuangdaotai vibrated violently, as if pressed against a volcanic crater, constantly impacted by terrifying energy, and killing Qi still spilled out.

A furnace manifested beside Ye Tian, ​​frantically devouring the killing Qi in the Chaos God Realm.

In a moment, the small world was clean.

At this time, the Xuanhuangdaotai made a creaking sound, bursting out dense cobweb-like cracks, and it was about to collapse.

The breath of the blood of the gods was too violent, and the Xuanhuangdaotai could not be suppressed. In just a moment, he was about to explode.

At the beginning, the Xuanhuangdaotai and the Great West God General's star-core Thor's hammer were hard to shake.

"If this is the case, then I will smash the Xuanhuang Daotai, and re-finish it, and make it into a real earthshaking seal. I have always had this idea, but the Daotai is too strong, and I am suffering from no external force to borrow. , Help me recast it. And the murderous aura in the blood of the gods, I can just refine into the Dao Taizhong, increase the lethal power of the Dao Tai." Ye Tian's eyes flickered, and a bold thought suddenly appeared.


Accompanied by a clang of birdsong, the Suzaku firebird clinging to Ye Tian flapped its wings, opened its mouth and spit out, a pillar of fire like a dragon swept out, bursting into the void, burning towards the Xuan Zodiac Terrace.

The Fire of Suzaku is Nanming Lihuo, UU Reading www. is a kind of sacred fire that is hard to find in the world.

Ye Tian's eyes also lit up two golden flames, bursting out golden light, the fire condensed the sky, burned the sky, and engulfed the Xuan Zodiac Platform in an instant.

If it is a complete Xuan Zodiac, it is difficult to smelt.

But now there are countless cracks on the Xuanhuangdao platform, almost the edge of collapse. The flame penetrated into the inside of the Taoist platform through these numerous gaps, being burned inside and out, and soon there were signs of melting.

Once in a semi-melted state, the Xuanhuangdaotai will not collapse, but will merge into one.

Throughout the process, the Xuanhuangdao platform was madly absorbing the killing energy of the blood of the gods. Some were stored in the platform, and some spilled out through the cracks and flooded into the Chaos God Realm, seeming to be under a will. Like control, actively attacking Ye Tian.

Although Ye Tian's Chaos Furnace could refine killing Qi, his body was constantly wounded, bones and bloody, and even torn apart. He had to use Suzaku's Nirvana regeneration magic to heal his injuries and reorganize his body.

Ye Tian endured the pain, multitasking, resisting the catastrophe, suppressing the blood, smelting the Xuanhuangdaotai,..., his nerves were tense, and he dared not relax for a moment.

After another moment, his heart palpitated suddenly, and he felt that a majestic force in the thunder pond suddenly awakened, shocking Shifang Tianyu. The Xuan Zodiac Platform continued to rise, and many cracks appeared.

The light in his eyes was like a torch, and he looked into the depths of the Lei Chi suddenly, and he saw an eighteen-winged angel transformed into a form with a glow in his eyes, looking directly at him.

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