Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1365: War Can Nian

In the thunder pond, under the Xuan Zodiac platform, the holy light filled, a powerful figure suddenly appeared, super but majestic, carrying eighteen bright wings, and eighteen gods around him, looking sacred and peaceful, but full With the breath of death, a pair of eyes opened, and the scene of the destruction of the galaxy contained in it, cold and ruthless, making people frightened, and couldn't help kneeling to worship.

It is the owner of half a drop of the blood of the gods, the legendary god, not a native of the earth, but from the outer world, belonging to a different kind of creature, the bright feather clan.

The feather clan is a big clan in the universe, known as a demigod, born strong, divided into light feather clan and dark feather clan.

Not that the light feather tribe must be good, the dark feather tribe must be bad, but the source of the power they master is different, one that controls the law of light and the other that controls the law of darkness.

Ye Tian's heart jumped suddenly, and only felt that this figure was too real, as if there was blood, flesh, and spirit, especially a pair of eyes, which clearly flashed with the light of wisdom, which was different from the phantom that appeared before.

Just when Ye Tian was shocked, the Eighteen Winged Angel suddenly raised a fist and blasted it towards the Xuanhuangdaotai.


The fist shook the world, and the void trembled.

Suddenly, dazzling sacred brilliance gushed from all over his body, gathered on his fist, and with the force of the fist, turned into a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth.

This holy glow pillar is peerlessly sharp, as if everything is unbreakable and everything is unbreakable. Any power, all obstacles, will be vulnerable to this punch.

Sure enough, there was a loud bang, as if a meteor hit the earth, shaking the sky, suppressing the Xuan Zodiac Platform above the thunder pond, it was blasted by the fist of the eighteen-winged angel, and it was broken into countless pieces.

The aura of great destruction scrolled and swept in all directions, the crystal wall of the Chaos God Realm was like a piece of cloth, exceeding the limit, and suddenly torn apart.

This is a shocking scene, as if the mountains and rivers collapsed, the universe was destroyed, and everything ceased to exist. Only the blazing light remained between the sky and the earth, and the figure of the eighteen-winged angel in the blazing light.

"It's just a remnant thought, still want to stir up the wind and waves?" Ye Tian was furious, his pores relaxed, and the golden light flowed throughout his body.

He blasted out with a punch, and his power was surging to the extreme, and he punched the eighteen-winged angel forcibly. As a result, his fist burst, the bone stubble was thick, the golden blood splashed, and the spilled everywhere.

And the brilliance of the fist of the eighteen-winged angel suddenly darkened, turning from reality to virtual. But after the flick of the finger, the dim fist once again shined brightly, just like before.

Ye Tian knew that this ray of remnant thought of the eighteen-winged angel was sublimating to the extreme, that's why it was so terrifying.

And after the extreme sublimation, what will usher in is destruction.

The eighteen-winged angel's remnant thought knew that Ye Tian was going to destroy him, and he had no choice but to do so and die with Ye Tian.

Although Ye Tian was brave and fearless, he didn't dare to neglect, he fought a hundred thousand points and tried his best to fight.

The process of fighting Cannian is also obliterating the innate murderous aura of the blood of God.

As the innate murderous aura continues to wear away, Can Nian will become weaker and weaker.

Therefore, Ye Tian does not have to win, as long as he can persist for a period of time.

He quickly ran the Suzaku's Nirvana Rebirth Technique, melting the broken fists into one again, and at the same time sacrificed a five-element chaotic **** thunder. The five-color thunder pillar is bigger than the water tank, and the power that can destroy the world is contained in the eighteen wings. The angel fell away.

Eighteen-winged angels looked cold, seeming to know the horror of the five elements chaotic **** thunder, the eighteen bright wings behind them flapped gently, and strands of sage burst out, interweaving out of thin air, and instantly formed a protective light film.


The five-element chaotic **** thunder blasted on the holy glow membrane, and couldn't even tear it apart, only rippling waves.

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, seeming a little frightened.

"Yin and Yang Damopan!" He swiped his palms and shouted.

A cloud of chaotic energy surging out from his body, as if opening up the world, differentiated into two yin and yang qi, condensing two huge grinding discs, which can be as big as a door.


The yin and yang damo struck out, and flew away at the eighteen-winged angels in the thunder pond, separated from each other, like open mouths.

When the eighteen-winged angels were crushed on the left and the right, Ye Tian's palms closed, and the two mills of Yin and Yang quickly closed, as if two strong magnets were rapidly approaching each other.


Yin and Yang merged, heaven and earth burst, the eighteen-winged angel was squeezed in the yin and yang mill, and the holy glow membrane that had been bombarded by the five elements of chaos divine thunder cracked.

When the yin and yang two mills revolved and crushed, the light film suddenly burst.

"Give it to me!" Ye Tian yelled.

The yin and yang millstone was really ground on the eighteen-winged angel, bursting out a string of sparks, and the holy feathers were eroded one by one.

"Damn you!"

The eighteen-winged angel suddenly let out a low roar, and burst out a terrifying breath.

The eighteen bright wings behind him suddenly spread out, and they actually opened the yin and yang grinding plate, and then the wings slammed again, like a divine palm that was pulled out, smashing the yin and yang second grinding to pieces.

Ye Tian's expression was indifferent, as if he had expected this result, he didn't feel much shock.

In a short period of time, he not only healed the injury on his hand, but also completely repaired the Chaos God Realm.

If there is no Chaos God Realm, the atmosphere of the war can easily penetrate the boundary membrane of the small world, and everything in the small world will disappear.

In the Chaos God Realm, the earth, fire, wind and water rotate, and the red bird, basalt, blue dragon, and white tiger are separated around, trapping the eighteen-winged angel in the center.

At the same time, Ye Tian condensed the shattered Xuanhuangdaotai once again, and turned into a large square seal, hanging directly above the thunder pond.

The earth is thick, the sea of ​​fire is raging, the wind is fierce, the water is surging, the thunder and lightning are surging, and the big seal is shaken. For a while, the power of various elements in the small world rotates and attacks the eighteen-winged angels.

This is another method Ye Tian deduce, using the power of opening up a small world to attack and kill the enemy.

For a long time, his Chaos God Realm has more than trapped the enemy, and insufficient damage. In fact, the Chaos God Realm can not only trap the enemy, but also kill the enemy, as long as the way and method of killing the enemy can be deduced.

The eighteen-winged angel’s eyes flickered and seemed shocked. This power to open up a small world was too terrifying. Earth, fire, geomancy, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the power of various elements blended, restrained each other, and obliterated the power of one element. , It will regenerate, and all elemental powers must be obliterated before it can be cracked.


The eighteen-winged angel blasted the Xuanhuang Dayin with another punch, and then the eighteen wings slammed violently, as if Kunpeng smashed three thousand realms and rushed towards Ye Tian to kill him.


The fire, wind and water in the small world rotate, and the bitter wind whizzes, splitting thousands of wind blades. There is also a raging sea of ​​fire, burning up the sky. ...

The eighteen-winged angel was fearless, flapping its wings, blowing out the Suzaku divine fire, and commanding the palm to smash the wind blade,...

However, when a thick chaotic thunder pillar fell from the sky, it still blasted him into darkness and almost fell from midair.

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