Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1366: Inside and outside

In the realm of chaos, a group of chaos is evolving, based on yin and yang and two qi, based on earth, fire, fengshui, and the origin of the five elements, to open up a small world and evolve everything in the world.


Thousands of chaotic divine thunders smashed down, all as thick as a bucket, slashing down from the sky, like a divine punishment, eclipsing the sun, moon and stars.

Suzaku guards the south, spews out a sacred fire, burns the sky and smelts everything in the world.

The white tiger guarded the west, opened his mouth and screamed, and the golden evil spirit was like a tide, like a ten thousand sharp arrow shooting rapidly, tearing the world apart.

Qinglong guarded the east, spewing out wild thunder.

Xuanwu guards the north, the waves are rough and the water is over the golden mountains.

The wind is strong and the wind is fierce, with thousands of wind blades, cutting the sky and the earth.

The earth is thick and heavy, carrying everything in the world, and big pillars of earth-yellow mud rush out of the surface, transforming into a **** cage.


At the highest point of the Chaos God Realm, a golden figure sits cross-legged, like the emperor of the heavens.

This is a golden villain, only half a foot tall, holding a golden Taoist sword in his hand. It is Ye Tian's Yuanshen and Taoist sword, like a god, and is the supreme master of this small world.

Although the Chaos God Realm is a kind of realm, its Taoism is endless. With continuous improvement, it can open up a maximum of 33 heavens, just like the 33 heavens in myths and legends.

Even this small world of illusion can be transformed into a real real world.

Under the seat of the golden villain, there is a large seal in all directions, floating in the chaos. Ye Tian condensed the broken Xuan Zodiac platform again, imitating the sky-turning mark in myths and legends, but it was dim and lacking a kind of spirituality, and Ye Tian needed great mana to sacrifice.

At this moment, all the elemental powers that opened up small worlds came out, and they were controlled by Ye Tian, ​​as if small worlds were rotating, crushing against the eighteen-winged angel.

This is a new method deduced by Ye Tian, ​​a new supernatural power, without much success, it can only be regarded as an introduction, but the power shown is already very terrifying, comparable to the Dixian Killing Array, and has the power to kill the Dixian.


Ye Tian also shot, holding the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, and cut it down with a single sword.

Amidst the shining sun, moon and stars, a peerless sharp sword light slashed down, and the chaos was separated, as if a piece of heaven and earth had been divided into two.

Ye Tianren walked with the sword and rushed together, cutting out the highest sword of his life.

The eighteen-winged angel's eyes were cold, and he didn't even dodge. With a flick of his fingers, Hong Zhong Dalu's voice resounded across the world, shattering the peerless sword light, and even the Sun Moon God Sword was almost shot out.

Then, the eighteen-winged angel slammed out a palm, a holy light surging, like a giant palm of bright glazed glass, breaking through the chaos, like a mountain rising from the ground, almost propping up the chaotic realm and blasting towards Ye Tian .

The giant palm is slender, and every pore and every silk pattern is clearly visible, like a palm shot by the **** of light, containing the terrifying power of light, and there are even clusters of bright fire burning in the palm of the palm , Seems to destroy the endless universe and illuminate the universe of galaxies.


The world collapsed, and the power of various elements in the evolution of the small world in the Chaos God's Domain was almost about to collapse, being suppressed to death.

"Town!" Ye Tian yelled, and with a stroke of his palm, the Great Seal fell into the sky, filled with great mana, and burst into light.


There was no suspense, after a loud bang, the Great Seal broke again, and there was no power in the giant palm of the eighteen-winged angel.

However, this blow was not ineffective, and the brilliance of Guangming Liuli's giant palm was obviously dimmed.

"Break it for me!" Ye Tian shouted another loudly.


He also took a palm shot. When the ten thousand golden lights were shining, a giant golden palm appeared, various runes flickered, and the sound of the avenue rumbling, full of mystery.


The Bright Glazed Glazed Palm and the Chaos Golden Light Palm collided without fancy.

Unexpectedly, the chaotic golden light palm, which has been unfavorable since its debut, broke with a bang, like broken glass, with dense cobweb-like cracks, spreading in all directions, and finally shattered into countless pieces with a bang.

A big hand shot by Ye Tian also spattered a bunch of blood flowers, which was shattered, and the stubble was horrible.

There were also several cracks in the giant palm of Guangming Glazed Glass, but they did not break. First, Guanghua was indeterminate for a while, and finally the mana was exhausted and disappeared.

"not good!"

Ye Tian's expression changed and he dodged abruptly.

However, how brave the eighteen-winged angels are, the way of transforming the gods, the method of transforming the gods, and how defying the sky is, the eighteen bright wings flap violently, like a Kunpeng hitting the three thousand realms, and the vermilion bird reverses the nine heavens in an instant Appeared in front of him, slammed it off.


call out!

Ye Tian showed his magical powers, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and escaped into the void.

However, in the next moment, he came out of the void again. It was not that the flash was over, but the void passage was broken by the eighteen-winged angel, and was blasted out.


His golden sacrament, under the palm of the Guangming Glazed God, was like a paper paste, vulnerable to a single blow, and it was photographed sparsely, with golden blood sprinkled all over the world, and stubble of flesh and bones flying around.

"You **** it!" The eighteen-winged angel spoke again, full of resentment and anger, not loud, but like the sound of the sky, shaking Ye Tian's eardrums.

"You are very strong, but you are destined to fall today." Ye Tian was indifferent and still had invincible belief in his heart.

His whole body was full of flames, using the Suzaku's Nirvana regeneration magic to heal his physical injuries.


Eighteen-winged angels did not give him time to recover at all, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com stepped out, rushed again, and a big foot slammed down.

"go with!"

While Ye Tian dodges, his mind moved, and the golden villain hugged his sword. He did not slash towards the eighteen-winged angel, but turned into a golden rainbow, rushing into the half drop of the blood in the thunder pond. .

This golden villain, the golden Taoist sword, is essentially Ye Tian's divine mind, but under the extreme condensing, he transformed into a form.

I think that when Ye Tian refined the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, he used pure spirituality to rush into the sword body to erase the previous brand.

Now his golden villain, the golden Taoist sword, is more than ten hundred times stronger than the spirit of the Sun Moon God Sword. I don’t know if he rushed into half a drop of God’s blood, he made eighteen. Wing Angel felt a strong sense of crisis, and the stomped big foot violently stagnated in the void.

There was also an eighteen-winged angel phantom in the half drop of the blood of the gods.

"Ah!" The eighteen-winged angel manifesting in reality let out a stern cry, and his body shook, and the glory was dark.

Then he moved and wanted to return, but he was once again **** by the rotating chaotic world, and the power of various elements bombarded.

Ye Tian ignored the wounds on his body, holding the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, struck it horizontally, and cooperated with the Yuanshen Dao Sword to combine inside and outside to wipe out the eighteen-winged angel.

Otherwise, once the eighteen-winged angel returned to half a drop of the blood of the god, the golden villain would be in danger.

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