Ye Tian spent a lot of effort to finally obliterate the remnant thoughts of the eighteen-winged angels, and the innate murderous aura in the half drop of the blood of the gods was drastically reduced. Although the blood was still overwhelming, it was much more peaceful and no longer killed the aura. Xiao.

The obliteration of this remnant thought means the end of an era, the great collapse of the faith of countless people, the weeping of sentient beings, and the cry of heaven and earth.

But it does not matter, an old era is lonely, and a new era is destined to open. God will surely return from Nirvana, allowing countless people's faith to continue and their hearts to be sued.

The golden villain was still deep in the blood of the gods, and Ye Tian continued to refine the remaining innate murderous aura with the power of divine thought.

After some tempering, although the golden villain had injuries, his aura became stronger, and the Dao sword in his arms became sharper. The golden villain even tried to vomit this kind of innate murderous aura to sharpen himself inside and out.

The big seal fragments were floating in mid-air, each piece was crystal clear, bursting with bright sunlight, surging out of chaos, buzzing and trembling, and making roars, as if it was swaying the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Absorbing the innate murderous aura in the blood of Hai Quan, every piece of the big seal became extremely sharp, like a piece of sacred blade, when it buzzed and trembled, a sharp killing light was stirred.

But this was not enough. Ye Tian opened his palm, sprinkled a string of golden blood, poured it on the big seal fragment, making it more spiritual and more connected with his own mind, and he whispered softly, as if muttering.

"In my way, cast my weapon!"

Ye Tian's eyes were clear, his mouth was proverbs, his tongue was full of lotus flowers, and the ancient gold characters flew out one by one, sinking into the fragments of the big seal.

This is the way of casting that he has understood in his previous life. It is manifested by the innate **** pattern and imprinted on the big seal, which can be subtle and make the big seal continue to change.


Using divine consciousness as a guide and thunder as a fire, he began to forge, and a large square seal was quickly formed.

However, the formation is only the beginning, and it is far from the real success of the sacrifice.

Ye Tian pinched the tactics, and carved a series of symbols in the void.

The surging vitality of the five elements in a radius of a hundred li, as if being called, rushed from all directions, surging like a tide, not only flooding the small world of enchantment, but also covering several hills outside.


A series of thunderbolts fell from the sky, facing a mountain top in the Dongshan Scenic Area, it actually penetrated the membrane of the small world, and blasted directly on the formed big seal.

The Great Seal did not absorb all the power of the thunder, and the thunder was overflowing, burning a piece of ground into scorched earth.

If more thunder strikes, the small world must be destroyed.

This is a real sky thunder, a thousand times more violent than the thunder in the thunder pond.

Ye Tian didn't dare to neglect, and rushed out of the small world, the big seal was suspended, accepting the tempering of Thunder.

Boom, boom!

The thunder roared, and the guns smashed down, breaking the tranquility of Tianhai City.

Above the Dongshan Scenic Area, the Five Elements' vitality is surging, covering the heaven and the earth, as if a group of thunderclouds and storms are condensing, thunder is shocking the world, and lightning is like a tide.

But in other places in Tianhai City, the sky was clear and cloudless, and a round of red sun rose, sprinkling golden light.

This scene was very strange and shocked the citizens of Tianhai City.

A lot of unthinkable things have really happened in the world today. Ghosts and gods cry, blood and rain are horrifying, and it feels like the end of the world is coming, which makes people panic.

"There is a person in the thick fog, hanging in the air, and a small shiny thing absorbing the thunder."

Relevant departments of Tianhai City used scientific and technological means to detect the thick fog, and found some tricks.

"Can you tell who it is?"

"Can't see it, it's too vague."

"Let’s inform Long Wei, we can’t handle this."


Although science and technology can't find out who is acting the demon, many people already have guesses.

"It must be the Young Demon King. No one else can have such a great ability to control the thunderstorm."

At the foot of the mountain, a teenager who came to watch the excitement was very sure.

"I also think it is him, because it is said that he lives here, and a certain villa at the foot of the mountain belongs to him."

"The battle is so big? Is the Young Demon King being promoted to the Earth Immortal? In the Great Tribulation of Dudi Immortal?"


Soon, the foot of the mountain was boiling, and more and more people gathered to watch the excitement.

Even many foreign spies, as well as the capable people and strangers on the rivers and lakes, came here to find out.

If the young demon king is really breaking through the earth immortal, it is simply terrifying. To be truly invincible in this world, even if the old earth immortal is born, it may be shot to death.

Because when the young demon king was in the realm of God, he shot the fairy to death!

The battle power of the Queen of Breakthrough will explode at least several times, how powerful it will become, it is frightening just to think about it.

"Never let him break through the earth immortal, otherwise no one can clean him up."

This is the consensus of the entire Western world and the dark world, and it was reached invisibly without anyone urging it.

"To protect the safety of Ye Tianren with all his strength, we must not let him be disturbed by the robbery!"

A high-level instruction from me was conveyed, and then a hundred thousand troops were dispatched to encircle the Dongshan Scenic Area with various weapons of war.

"It's not crossing the robbery. UU reading seems to be refining tools."

An old man from Tianzhu split his eyebrows, his eyes opened and closed, his eyes were like electricity, very sharp, he peeped at the top of the dense fog and found a hint.

"What? It's not crossing the catastrophe, just refining weapons? Fortunately, the paradise has a torch and found the clues. Otherwise, if I rush to take action, I will definitely be more violent." A small golden snake coiled around his neck. The old Nanyang man said in fear after a while.

"The tools he refines are very unusual, and he can't let him practice successfully." The old man Tianzhu had a torch in his eyes and his expression was very solemn.

He is a sacrifice to an ancient temple in Tianzhu, and an ascetic monk named Pala, known as the god, bare feet, withered body, almost skinny, full of hairs that are not washed all year round, and are knotted. The nails are crooked and long, and the body emits a stinky smell all the time.

However, one should not be in appearance. The God of Parallel is a practitioner, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the gods.

And the old Nanyang man with a golden snake around his neck is also very unusual. He is a sacrifice to an ancient temple of the sea **** in Nanyang, and he is also a god.

In addition, several people stood with them. They were all good practitioners. They were very disturbed when they heard the words of the God of Pala.

Boom, boom!

The dark clouds on the sky became denser and denser, faintly turning into a sea of ​​thunder.

Even far away, many people's eardrums swelled, feeling that they were about to be penetrated, and their souls were almost shattered.

"What kind of magic weapon did you train, so powerful?"

"Never let him succeed in the practice. I have a faint intuition that once this magic weapon is refined, it can kill the immortal!"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's take action together, even if you can't kill him, you will still destroy his magic weapon."


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