Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1369: Join forces

The false news of Ye Tian's tribulation in Dongshan quickly spread all over the world, and countless people were moved.

After all, not everyone has a torch and can see through the truth of his refinery. Even my relevant departments mistakenly thought he was crossing the robbery, and sent a hundred thousand troops to suppress the battle to help him protect the law.

Ye Tian is the Long Commander, not only the commander of Long Wei, but the country has also given him the privilege to control the three armies.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the state sending a hundred thousand army to protect him.

This is the last thing the Western world wants to see. Once he successfully overcomes the catastrophe, the difficulty of beheading him will increase exponentially, making it almost impossible to succeed.

They were blasted with a hammer by Ye Tiandiao. Although they had surrendered on the surface, they were just a stopgap measure. They kept small movements secretly, and didn't want to kill Ye Tian all the time.

Undercurrents in the dark world are surging, and many powerful masters have heard the wind, the peak masters are in groups, and there are some gods and gods.

In this world, there are more masters than the world imagined.

What if Tianhai City was closed, and what about a hundred thousand troops opposing the formation? These god-like masters could not stop them as if they were entering the land of no one.

"Why do I have a bad hunch that someone will take action against the Young Devil?"

"I also feel that way. This is the best opportunity to kill the young demon king, and it can be said to be the last opportunity. The Western world and the dark world will definitely not miss it."

"On the land of our country, bad guys cannot succeed."


The depressive breath of the rain and the wind filled the building enveloped Tianhai City, making many people feel heavy and restless.

"If anyone dares to plot against Long Shuai, step on my corpse first!" a rugged loud voice shouted, the voice spread far.

This is a tower-like brawny man, more than two meters tall, holding a large door-panel sword, standing at the gate of Dongshan Scenic Area, wearing a black shirt hunting, his head full of hair dancing wildly, and his eyes like torches. , Like a **** and demon, the breath covers the world.

One sleeve of his shirt was empty, swinging with the wind, and he was a one-armed man.

It is Longwei's Qinglong warrior, the guard is here, one man is the guard, and the man is not open.

Long Wei almost came out of the nest, together with the 100,000 army, protected the dragon commander, vowing to live and die with him.

"Strange, why didn't any of the young demon king's disciples appear? There is also that Taro Miyamoto, who also heard that he also worshipped under his command. There is no reason not to come out!" Someone wondered.

But I don't know, at this moment Mengyao, Zhao Tianlong and Jin Jiashi Wang are making alchemy in the Tiannv Cave of Penglai Fairy Island. They can't get away, and they don't know what's going on outside.

Xiao Qingtian was refining a drop of divine liquid given to him by Ye Tian, ​​hitting the fairyland.

And Taro Miyamoto was sent to Europe by Ye Tian to monitor the movement of the blood family.


Not long after the voice of the Azure Dragon Commander fell, the void violently shook, and a bright divine light suddenly appeared, bringing an extremely violent power and suppressing it.

In the dazzling divine light, a huge withered hand turned into a heart-palpiting breath, and the cloud was slapped and rolled, as if tearing the world apart.

"Mom pulls me up. Someone really dared to attack me, opened fire and beat me to death." A general was furious and gave orders.

Then, the whole scene was violent. Metal jets rushed to the sky, the flames obscured the sun, and the sound was earth-shaking. There were rapid-fire machine guns with thousands of bullets per minute, antiaircraft artillery, tanks, and even rocket launchers, etc. All kinds of war-killing weapons, all swept away, ruthlessly blasted towards the withered big hand.

However, something astonishing happened. The violent firepower couldn't hit the sky-shielding big hand, and the gang wind stirred by the big hand was blown away, and it fell like rain.

"The pinnacle of the gods may even be a half-step immortal." Someone said in horror, shocked in his heart.

I saw that the withered big hand, ignoring all firepower attacks, dived into the thundercloud storm.

"Looking for death!" The two eyes of the Azure Dragon warlord instantly stared into the size of a copper bell, one after another fiercely violent, murderous aura surged.


The door-panel sword in his hand was raised high, and the muscles on his arms were swollen and thicker than the thighs of ordinary people. It slashed down, and a thousand-zhang sword glow whizzed out, splitting the sky, and slashing towards the sky and withered hands.

"What a sharp sword!"

Suddenly, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Sword Mang Shuo Shuo, thousands of feet long, fierce and fierce, white and white, making the sun, moon and stars dim.


There was a loud noise, sparks splashed, and a gap in the thin giant palm was split, which was deep, but the giant palm was still intact and continued to be caught in the thundercloud storm.

"Longwei's Azure Dragon is really extraordinary. However, he is obviously a pinnacle master, when will he break through the gods?" A spy from the Western world expressed surprise.

They have the information of everyone in the Dragon Guard, and the ten dragons in the Dragon Guard are all masters, none of them are in the realm of gods. The destructive power of the Azure Dragon now smashing a sword out of the God Realm made him surprised and shocked.

"I come!"

A figure soared up into the sky, surrounded by monstrous blood, flowing out of a powerful Qi, holding a dragon spear, and piercing it at the sky-covering big hand.

"Longwei's dragon head, **** it, when did he break through the divine realm?" The Western spy hiding in the dark was taken aback again.

Yes, it was Xiao Tianqi who was making the shot.

At this moment, Xiao Tianqi was holding a dragon spear, and the man followed the spear. The man and spear merged into one, transforming into a heaven-shattering divine rainbow, rushing out like lightning, his arms shook, and the dragon spear marked a mysterious trajectory, UU Reading collapsed into the void, the thin giant palm was pierced all at once, and then shattered into the void.

Xiao Tianqi is the leader of the Dragon Guard, and he has to sit in the Dragon Guard base camp on weekdays. There are few opportunities for missions, so he does not take many shots, so that the world has no impression of him.

At this moment, he shocked the world with one blow and proved himself to the world.

He did not get the shelter of the old man to achieve the throne of Dragon Guard, but with his own efforts and strength.

The tsunami-like cheers sounded, almost overturning the sky.

But at this moment, a golden divine light rushed into the thundercloud storm like lightning, rolling towards the great seal that was being practiced.


When this golden divine light first appeared, it was unremarkable, but as soon as it rushed into the thundercloud storm, it swelled quickly, like an inflated ball, bursting out with a power to destroy the world.

The world only discovered that this golden light was a golden snake.

After a few flicks, the golden snake turned into a ten-foot-long golden python, thicker than a bucket, like a big golden dragon, with a tail drawn towards the sky.

"Hehehe, what kind of treasure is this sacrifice, let me see it."

Following the golden snake, the old Nanyang man also rose into the sky, escaped the heavy encirclement of a hundred thousand army and Longwei, and rushed into the thundercloud storm.

After him, there were several figures standing up together, attacking Ye Tian together.

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