Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1370: Blood Sacrifice Great Seal

"Everyone will drag him together. It only takes a few seconds. I will destroy the magic weapon." The Nanyang old man said loudly, his eyes were very gloomy.

The original intention of a group of them was not to kill Ye Tian, ​​but to destroy the Heaven-shaking Seal, because they knew they were not Ye Tian's opponent.

"Isn't it okay to live well? Why do you have to come and die?" Ye Tian shook his head, seemingly sorry, but there was a bit of excitement between his brows.

He didn't even look at the ten-zhang golden python that drew towards the sky-shaking mark. A big foot trampled on the void, facing the Nanyang old man's Tianling Gai.


Numerous ripples swelled in the void, and the air wave rolled like a storm. The Nanyang old man suddenly became unstable and almost fell.

He opened his mouth abruptly and spit out, and a water-blue spiritual orb flew out, blooming with brilliant brilliance, intertwined with a light curtain to guard him in it.

However, it was useless at all. A great power machine locked him and crushed it. Before the others could help, a big foot stepped on the cover of his heavenly spirit, and the water-blue spirit beads instantly collapsed. broken.


Ye Tian's golden feet are so powerful, condensed like fine gold, penetrates the void, is unbreakable, everything is unbreakable.

"Child, do you dare?" The Nanyang old man yelled, with blue veins on his forehead violently, and then shouted to the golden python for help.

But the next second, he was desperate.

The golden python drew its tail towards the sky-turning mark. The body of a ten-foot snake that looked like a copper wall and iron wall broke apart with a loud noise. The flesh and blood flew over and scattered bunches of blood flowers, and then it was all taken by the sky-turning mark. Away.

The radiance of the sky-shaking seal was blazing, and the chaotic energy was raging like a tide, and it drowned the injured golden python at once, and never came out, only a scream came out, heart-piercing.

Bang bang bang!

The old Nanyang man was about to split, threw out five weird magical instruments one after another, trying to resist Ye Tian's golden feet, but Ye Tian smashed them all.

Ye Tian shook his foot and broke through ten thousand laws with one force, sweeping away all the monsters and ghosts.


After all, the big golden feet stepped on the old Nanyang man's heavenly spirit cover, and the whole person instantly shattered and turned into a cloud of blood, and then was also absorbed by the Great Seal, and was eventually swallowed as a blood sacrifice.

In other words, the magic weapon sacrificed in blood will be more spiritual.

Ye Tian didn't think about the Blood Sacrifice's Heaven-shaking Seal, and now someone automatically sends it to the door, and it's useless for nothing.


In the void behind Ye Tian, ​​a thin old man appeared abruptly, his head covered in knotted hair, and his clothes in tatters, like a beggar.

It is the old man Tianzhu, the God of Pala.

He held a small sword in his hand, only a ruler long, but it was as translucent as autumn water, bursting out with brilliant light, and vomiting a strong murderous, extremely sharp, cutting the void like cutting paper.

Elder Tianzhu held a short sword and turned it into an electric light, slashing towards Ye Tian's neck.

His speed is too fast, his body skills are like ghosts and charms, and he can't stop him even in a hundred thousand army.

"You kill my junior, take your life to pay for it." The old man Tianzhu shouted angrily.

The sharp sword glow of autumn water penetrated the void, and the trajectory across it was blurred, and the void was distorted. It can be seen that the speed and power of this sword are so fast that it can be called a **** blocking and killing gods, and immortals blocking and killing immortals.

Five inches, three inches, one inch...

The peerless sharp sword light was getting closer and closer to Ye Tian's neck.

The old man Tianzhu was about to succeed, and the pleasure of revenge filled his mind, almost making him laugh out loud.

But in this electric light and flint, the young man turned around, and the golden fist shot out, shaking the dagger hard.


A string of brilliant sparks splashed, Hong Zhongda Lu's voice resounded through the world.

The dagger wailed, and the old man Tianzhu could hardly hold it, and almost got out of his hand.

At this moment, Ye Tian shook his palms again and again.


A dagger that has been tempered for thousands of years, after countless years of meticulous sacrifice, turned into a mass of iron filings.

"You...?" The old man Tian Zhu was frightened, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"When did I kill your junior brother? Who is your junior brother?" Ye Tian asked him, his eyes sharp as a knife.

If it weren't for this question, Ye Tian had already taken action, exploding his physical body, and the blood sacrifice was overwhelming.

The old man Tianzhu ignored him and slammed back.

"Answer me!" Two sharp lights shot out from Ye Tian's eyes, which turned into two golden flames, burning blazingly.

"You devil, you don't deserve to know the answer. One day I will kill you."

The old man Tianzhu suddenly waved his sleeves and rushed out a golden rope, entwining Ye Tian like a swimming dragon. And he continued to dash back and flee.

"Tongtian rope!" Ye Tian suddenly recognized the rope, and suddenly he understood who the old man was talking about.

He once killed another Tianzhu elder in the Golden Triangle Witch King Town, and he thought he was the junior of the Tianzhu elder. There can be no others.

To be precise, the old man Tianzhu was not killed by him at all, but was killed by a heavy missile of the current great empire.


Two strings of golden flames spouted from Ye Tian's pupils, the ropes exploded from inch to inch, and his fingers were burnt to ashes.

Then, Ye Tian clenched a fist, facing the direction where the old man Tianzhu was fleeing, and blasted a fist away.

The fist strength is extremely condensed, like a sword like a sword, like a spear like a spear, quietly penetrating the 100-meter void.

"Run away, this person is invincible!"

The old man Tianzhu was extremely fast, and he escaped to a hundred meters away in a short period of time, and said to several masters who had just arrived in the field.

But as soon as his voice fell, his body suddenly stagnated, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

On his chest, a bowl of thick blood hole is very eye-catching, transparent from the front and back.

The monstrous fist punched his body, making his skinny and thin figure inflated.

"Why? I'm not reconciled!" The old man Tianzhu was crying with grief. U U Reading


His body swelled to its limit, and suddenly exploded, turning into a cloud of blood, staining a large area of ​​void with blood.

Turning over the sky, the radiance and blazing flames came, carrying the thunder and smelling the fishy.

"No, run away!"

Seeing that the situation is not good, several other masters rushed to escape.

However, it was too late.

The Heaven-shaking Seal flew by like a lightning, and thousands of chaotic energy fell down, suppressing them all below.

"Youth Devil, be merciful. We have no intention of being an enemy of you."

"We were stunned by others and used as guns."

"Let us go, and be a cow and a horse for you from now on."


Ye Tian was unmoved, led the animation to the sky thunder, tempering the big seal.

Only heard a burst of screams, and after a while, the Chaos Qi was stowed away by the Heaven-Shaking Seal, and there was no bone stubble left below.


The great seal of the sky shook abruptly, and the chaotic light was surging, even brighter than the sun, as if a **** was born, permeating a ray of immortality.

"This bit of blood is not enough!" Ye Tian said to himself with indifferent eyes.

Xiao Tianqi and Qinglong battle general chased the enemy into the thundercloud storm. When they saw this scene, they were all over with cold, and there was cold air in their spine.

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