Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1371: 4 blood ancestors

Europe, a small neutral country, deep in the Alps, a stronghold of blood.

An ancient castle is concealed in the fog of blood, and the strong smell of blood is tangy, and there are waves of energy that are powerful enough to make one's heart palpitating. It is full of bloodthirsty and tyrannical aura, like a scourge, about to choose people to eat. .

Around the castle, dead bodies were piled up into mountains, blood was flowing all over the ground, and there were tens of thousands of lives, to say nothing.

Although these corpses are shriveled, most of them are still fresh and not decomposed.

This shows a terrible reality. They were all persecuted not long after their deaths.


The yin wind whistled, and the rustling noise came from the blood mist, like sentient beings crying, and ghosts wailing, making people cold to the bones.

A few jackdaws were beating on the corpse mountain, feasting, and rattling from time to time, adding to the loneliness, gloom and terror here.

"Blood, blood, I want blood!"

Suddenly, a roar came from the castle, very hoarse, very deep, but deaf and deaf, like a devil's voice, revealing supreme majesty.

"Dear Blood King, stay calm. The thousand lives contributed by the small Aurora are already outside the valley, and will soon arrive. There are also three thousand lives in the Sunset Empire and two thousand in the Bourbon Empire. The two thousand lives of the peninsula’s old empire... are already on their way."

In order for the blood ancestors to be born and deal with the young demon king, the entire western world worked together and lost its conscience and went into madness collectively.

There is no need to collect blood from the kinsmen at all, they send the blood themselves, harvesting the bottom of society.

Although the price is very heavy, but in their view these efforts are worth it.

Because as long as the young demon king is beheaded, the balance between the East and the West will be reversed again, the West will once again lead the world, and the East will continue to become a vassal and be squeezed by the West.

The sacrifice of a few people in exchange for the well-being of the majority is a business that only makes a profit without losing money.

However, the Western world does not seem to realize that the blood race is not a good crop, and the thirteen blood ancestors are like demon gods. If they are released, the consequences are unpredictable. A bad thing may be a disaster for the entire world.

"Blood is coming!" someone spread.

Puff puff!

Blood spattered, life after life was harvested, blood filled the altar, and bones piled up into a new hill.

"Mad, who has contributed so many lives, if the blood ancestor cannot be summoned, a nuclear weapon will blow up here."

"The power of the blood race has been killed by the young demon king, and the rest are crooked melons and jujubes. The ability is not good, and it really may not be able to summon the blood ancestors."

"Stop talking cold words, the blood ancestor is our only hope to kill the young demon king, hurry up and pray together."


Outside the valley, a group of elites in suits and shoes gathered together to discuss.

They come from different countries. They came here to give their heads to the country and donate blood to the blood clan. Second, they wanted to understand the progress of the blood clan calling blood ancestors for the first time.

"Look, the Twelve Blood Ancestor has reacted." Suddenly an excited voice came from the castle.


First, a terrifying and monstrous aura erupted, and then a huge **** vortex rushed out of the castle and rushed straight into the sky, accompanied by the crying sound of thousands of ghosts, exuding trembling fluctuations, as if an unimaginable will pass through The **** vortex descended on the world.


There was a thunderous thunder in the **** vortex, and a series of lightning smashed down, exuding a terrifying light, like a doomsday scene, terrifying to the extreme.

"Ah!!" A sigh suddenly came from the **** vortex, "It's a familiar and unfamiliar world. It belongs to our era and will eventually restart. This world, I am here."

It was a tall figure, hidden in the **** vortex, blending in the heavens and the earth, both true and illusion, carrying a pair of huge wings, blue-faced fangs, like a ghost like a charm, scarlet eyes blooming with evil light, as deep as hell.

"I don't know which of the Twelve Blood Ancestors is, it looks so powerful."

Outside the valley, a group of people looked up at Gao Tian, ​​all in shock.

Under the overwhelming coercion, all of them couldn't help kneeling on the ground, their hearts throbbing, and even breathing became difficult.

"Respected blood ancestor, go and kill the young demon king. He is the common enemy of our western world and the enemy of your blood clan." One person shouted.

It's okay for him not to speak. As soon as he spoke, the Twelve Blood Ancestor looked at them, and his eyes shot out two torch-like beams, which was very scary.

"A group of ants, do I still need you to teach me to do things?" The Twelve Blood Ancestor's voice is hoarse and low, but there is a kind of strange magic power, shocking heart, and frightening people.


Then, a huge scarlet palm fell from the sky and grabbed it at several people.

"Ah, no, it was the blood we provided that summoned you out."

"Blood Ancestor, we are in a group, don't be like this."


A group of people begged for mercy, but the Twelve Blood Ancestor regarded them like ants, and ignored them at all, swallowing them all in one bite to replenish their vitality.

He slept for too long, and he lost most of his blood energy. Although he had absorbed a lot of blood during the sacrifice process, it was far from enough to return to the peak.

Suddenly, on the top of a mountain, a figure rushed towards him, wearing a black robe, vague, unable to see his face, fast to the extreme, and rushed to the side of the Twelve Blood Ancestor in the blink of an eye, holding a handle of cold light The sword slashed diagonally towards the neck of the Twelve Blood Ancestor.


The huge blood-colored vortex was divided into two, as if Tianyu had been cut open, a fiery blade light shining across the world, cold and murderous engulfing the sky.

The twelve blood ancestors do not dodge or avoid, like a demon **** standing between heaven and earth.

Just when the saber was one foot away from him, he suddenly pointed at the saber crosswise. At the same time, he clenched a fist with the other hand and blasted the attacker's head, as fast as a gust of wind and as fierce as thunder.

"It seems that some people don't want me to be born!" The Twelve Blood Ancestor sighed softly, his fighting spirit was surging, and his momentum continued to rise.


The visitor was very powerful. After welcoming him with a finger knife, he whirled violently, with a sword in his hand like an antelope hanging on a horn, tracing a mysterious trajectory, and blocking his sharp iron fist, a long string of fiery sparks splashed. The sound of the storm burst out.

The Twelve Blood Ancestor narrowed his eyes slightly, seeming a little surprised.

"You are very powerful, and the sword technique is amazing, but you shouldn't provoke me." The Twelve Blood Ancestor said, his eyes grew colder, staring at the incoming person.

The visitor looked very young, but the Twelve Blood Ancestor saw the precipitation of the years from him, and concluded that his true age should not be too young, but the immortal queen, who has grown old and rejuvenated.

Twelve-blooded ancestors have eyes like torches, and they will not be wrong.

This uninvited guest who shot suddenly was not someone else, it was Miyamoto Taro. His true age was two hundred years old, but he looked only thirty or forty years old.

Ye Tian just asked him to wait and see, but didn't let him make a move. He couldn't help but make a move. He wanted to measure the combat power of this blood ancestor. It would be better if he could kill him.

In other words, the Twelve-Blood Ancestor had just opened the seal and just regained consciousness, his vitality was at the lowest point, and his combat power was at the lowest level. Miyamoto Taro still had some confidence in killing him.

"Stop talking nonsense, die!" Taro Miyamoto didn't say much, and shot again.

"Although my blood is weak and I am not at the peak, it is not something you can insult. Now that I am here, leave all my flesh and blood behind for my consumption. UU Reading"


The Twelve Blood Ancestor slammed the bat wings and rolled up **** storms, causing all the sky to burst, swiftly breaking through several times the speed of sound, and rushed towards Miyamoto Taro.

Qiang Qiang!

Both of them turned into lightning, and their palms fought with the saber, making clanging sounds, shattering the world.


I don't know how many times they fought, and the two separated.

The twelve blood ancestors pointed at him for a while, and there was even blood dripping.

The sword in Miyamoto Taro's hand broke through many gaps, and he didn't ask for any advantage.

He couldn't help being frightened. He couldn't win the blood ancestor with the weakest energy and blood. If it were at the peak, he might have been shot to death.


At this moment, another huge **** vortex rushed out of the castle, not only larger than the Twelve Blood Ancestor, but also more powerful.

"Congratulations on the birth of the Eleventh Blood Ancestor."

Worship came from the castle.

And this didn't stop there, two more **** vortexes shot up into the sky immediately.

"Congratulations on the birth of the tenth blood ancestor."

"Congratulations on the birth of the fourth blood ancestor."

This time the blood clan made a big effort, summoning a total of four blood ancestors.

Taro Miyamoto's face turned black and his heart was chilling. He dared to neglect wherever he could. He turned around and ran away quickly.

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