Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1372: Vampire

Just as Ye Tian invited the Thunder to practice the Great Seal of Earthshaking in Dongshan, a shocking news came that the blood ancestors were born, several.

Although the blood ancestor is a character in myths and legends, everyone in the world is no stranger, because one was born, under the eyes of the world, he was beaten to death by Ye Tian alive.

There are thirteen blood ancestors, and it is rumored that they are all old-style earth immortals, and it is not ruled out that there are golden core immortals, all of which are amazingly powerful and are called ancient gods.

The blood ancestors killed by Ye Tian ranked thirteen, the weakest of the thirteen blood ancestors.

But the weakest Thirteenth also left a deep impression on the world, strong enough to be able to sling ordinary earth immortals. Ye Tian was able to win at that time, and it really took a lot of effort.

Now the blood clan gave birth to four blood ancestors, four ancient gods, and four old-fashioned earth immortals in one breath. It was almost annihilating the world. It was too scary.

This almost confirmed the legend that the blood clan had thirteen blood ancestors.

One died, four were born now, and eight are left. Each of them is a powerful earth immortal, a powerful ancient god. There is nothing more frightening than this.

A random earth immortal can beat the invincible hands of the world. If these ancient gods of the blood race were born collectively, the world will change to heaven and enter the age of vampires, and humans are their blood food.

While our country was frightened, the whole world was also terrified, because the blood race is a foreign race, and it is not our race, and their hearts must be different. No one knows what evil they will do.

In the eyes of vampires, human beings in the entire world are their blood, both the East and the West.

"No matter black cat or white cat, it is a good cat to catch mice. The purpose of our western world is to kill the young demon king, so we don't hesitate to bring wolves into the house. We would rather be ruled by vampires and become blood eaters than to be suppressed by the eastern world. "

"Well said, the inferior Eastern world, why is it superior to my advanced Western world?"

"The upstairs is wrong. This is not to lead the wolf into the room, but to lead the gods back to their place. The blood races have always belonged to the West and belong to the same big race, but they are gods, we are mortals. Since we are the gods of the West, we will definitely protect them. We are from the West, and we are together against the East."

"Well, I think so too. The blood race is our western **** race, not the demon race that some people think. The ancient gods return, the world is invincible. Eastern world, tremble. The young demon king, why don't you kneel and die?"


The western world is boiling, the alleys are empty, the cheers are shaking, as if seeing the dawn of victory, the young devil is shot to death by the blood ancestor, and the western world once again crushes the eastern world.

Even some people have lost their minds, and a big demon who is obviously a god, is indiscriminately indiscriminate, and recognizes the thief as his father.

Our great eastern country is like a big enemy, a million troops are mobilized, and various weapons of war are ready to go.

The Northwest Army formed multiple lines of defense in the Great Northwest. Because the four blood ancestors entered the country, they were likely to enter the Great Northwest.

Although we know that this is just trying to block the car and deceive ourselves, we still have to do it.

"Ye Tianren, the news just came that four blood ancestors of the blood family were born." Xiao Tianqi rushed into the thundercloud storm and reported to Ye Tian.

"Oh!" Ye Tian looked indifferent and nodded, saying that he knew it, and he didn't seem surprised at all.

At this time, he was still cultivating the Heaven-shaking Seal, moving his ten fingers with his hands, pinching out a series of tactics, golden runes filled the sky, and constantly carved and painted on the big seal.

The small sky-turning mark, as if it weighed billions of dollars, was brighter than the sun in the sky, hung in the air, baptized by thunder, surrounded by chaos, whirling.


The thunder was shocking, and the lightning was like a wave.

With the passage of time, the scale of thundercloud storms has grown larger and larger, exceeding the Dongshan Scenic Area, covering half of Tianhai City, and it is still spreading.

At first, the world thought he was crossing the catastrophe, but now the truth has been revealed. He is not crossing the catastrophe, but refining weapons.

"What kind of magic weapon was refined, so much movement?"

"Ten million tons of nuclear weapons is nothing more than that, right?"


Many people in the world thought of the Xuanhuangdao platform magical tools that Ye Tian used to use. At the border of the current great empire and the Maple Leaf Empire, he shot them one after another, swept the thousands of troops and horses of the current great empire, and the entire army was maimed.

There is no doubt that once this magic weapon is successfully refined, it will definitely be stronger than the Xuanhuangdaotai, and one blow may not be incapable of destroying the country.

"This is a magic weapon comparable to super nuclear weapons. It has the power to destroy the country and can kill the immortals. It must not be allowed to succeed in the practice."

"We can only pin our hopes on the blood ancestors. Are they going to the East now?"

"No, I'm still in Europe, I don't know what the situation is."


On the Internet, on TV, various media, and live streaming.

At first, everyone in the world was paying attention to Ye Tian's refining artifacts in Dongshan, but now they all turned their gazes to the west, the four newly born blood ancestors.

"Look, there is a blood ancestor flying towards us."

In the capital of a small neutral country, the whole people were joyous, because one of the four figures flew toward them. The other three figures flew in different directions and different cities.

The sun was shining in the good weather, because of the arrival of the blood ancestors, the blood was all over the sky, a cloud of gloom was bleak, and the breath of death was overwhelming.

"Why do I panic and have a bad feeling?"

"The blood ancestor wants...?"

"Impossible, we have provided a lot of blood."

"Ah, no!"


When the blood ancestor flew above the city, terrible things happened. The monstrous blood mist shrouded the city and turned into a huge **** vortex, sending out a strong suction power, and the silhouettes couldn't help flying towards the sky. go with.

Bang, bang, bang...

In midair, many figures exploded and turned into blood mists, finally converging into a blood river, flowing away from the blood ancestors in the center of the **** vortex.

The twelve blood ancestors drink freely and draw strength from the blood of human beings. The flesh and blood are metamorphosing, and the momentum is constantly rising. It is like the devil descending, the majestic atmosphere, the breath overwhelming the world, making sentient beings tremble, cannot help kneeling and worship.

One thousand, UU reading two thousand, eight thousand, ten thousand, twenty thousand,...

In just a moment, the capital of a small neutral country lost 100,000 people.

This is a real blood demon!

"Leave a sideline for work, and see you later. I'll go too."

The twelve blood ancestors drove away in the blood mist and rushed to the next city. One hundred thousand lives only allowed him to recover to 20% of the peak combat power.

At the same time, three other European cities were being robbed, and thousands of lives were looted.

The blood ancestor has been sealed for too long, the blood is exhausted, and the fastest way to return to the peak is to drink human blood.

The whole world was stunned, and the Western world was even more desperate. They couldn't help but scold their mothers. The cheers stopped. The crowds scattered on the streets, hiding in houses or underground shelters.

"Twelve blood ancestors, wait a minute, the great eastern country has a large population, so it is better to go to sack the great eastern country. Moreover, the young demon king is sacrificing a peerless magic weapon, but he is about to succeed in killing the immortal, and he must be stopped. "

A western **** realm rises to the sky, admonishing the twelve blood ancestors.

"An ant, I don't need you to teach me to do things." The Twelve Blood Ancestor glanced diagonally and grabbed it with a big claw.


The western gods screamed and tried their best to escape, but the twelve blood ancestors grabbed it with one claw and overwhelmed the world. He couldn't move a single step and broke directly into the void.

Powerful as a god, but also ants!

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