Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1373: Blood Rainbow Go East

The four blood ancestors were born, consuming human blood and drawing strength in the Western Continent to return to their peak. Many cities were robbed and millions of people died.

What a cruel and **** thing this is, it is almost annihilating the world, it has never happened before in history, and it shocked the world.

The whole world is shrouded in the shadow of terror and death. There is no light at all. The killing continues without stopping. People don't know how many creatures the four blood ancestors will have to swallow to be satisfied.

Those who had originally reported illusions about the blood ancestors and recognized the thief as the father, all face ashamed and regretful.

"Although the young demon king is cruel, he won't kill innocent people indiscriminately!" Someone cried bitterly.

"We wrongly blamed the young demon king. Compared with the blood ancestor, he is clearly a benevolent God."

"It's okay, there is no **** sacrifice, how can there be the dawn of victory? There is no unprofitable business in this world. Since we want to borrow a knife from the blood ancestor, we must pay some price and give the blood ancestor some benefits. Wait for the four blood ancestors to eat When you are full, you are when the Young Demon King dies. Let's just wait and cheer. The final victory must belong to us."

"If you go to Nima, you should die, don't take us. We would rather not take such a victory!"

"No, a blood ancestor flew to our romantic city."

"Launch nuclear weapons, fight with him."



In the distance, the yin wind roared and the blood eclipsed the sun. A blood-sucking creature with two huge bat wings on his back came from across the sky, with blue-faced fangs, densely covered with a layer of scales, like a body made of steel, with a height of three feet and a wingspan. It is ten feet tall, standing in the sky above the romantic city, that kind of breath is earth-shaking, almost crushing the void.

"It's the fourth blood ancestor."

The whole world was horrified, and all squeezed a cold sweat for the romantic city.

Because of the four blood ancestors, the fourth blood ancestor is the most ferocious, and the fighting power seems to be the most powerful, and the need for blood is even greater than the other three blood ancestors.

The Romance City has a population of millions and is one of the largest cities in the world, but at this moment all the streets are empty and all people are hiding.

"Thinking I can't do anything with you when I hide?" A cold and gloomy voice sounded in the sky, and it made the scalp numb.

A blood-colored vortex fell down, pressing against the romantic city, like a huge millstone, heavy as a mountain, with the power to crush the world, uncountable houses collapsed and shattered, and a number of figures were exposed, flying towards the sky. Go, burst into a cloud of blood.

"God, hurry up and show your spirits, save us!"

All beings screamed and knelt to pray.

"God is dead, it's useless to ask him."

"No, it's not death. God is just Nirvana, and he will definitely return."

"When he returns from Nirvana, the cucumber vegetables will be cold."


Many people are shocked that the fall of God has really fulfilled an ancient legend. After the millennium, the blood will reappear in the world and return strongly.

Hearing the crying and talking of all beings, the fourth blood ancestor suddenly burst into laughter.

"God is dead, hahaha, the old man is finally dead. Feng Shui turns around and will come to my house next year. From now on, my blood will be the co-master of the world, and all living beings will belong."

When the fourth blood ancestor left the romantic city, the population here dropped by more than 200,000.

In the end, the fourth blood ancestor drank more than one million blood, and his blood finally returned to its peak.

His three-zhang demon body turned into a human form, a tall and slender figure, blond and blue eyes, and a handsome man with features like a knife.

But there was a strong blood in his body, like walking out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, slaughtering all living beings, and beheading the gods, even if the earth fairy saw him, he would be afraid.

The other three blood ancestors are also in the same state. After consuming enough human blood, they turned into human figures. They were all blond and blue-eyed handsome Western men. If they were not exuding a terrifying aura, they would make people mistaken for ordinary people. Take the initiative to get close.

"Let's go, there are demons in the Eastern world, let's go to slaughter demons!" said the Twelve Blood Ancestor, with blazing blood enveloping his body, like a great demon god, with extremely evil charm.

He only swallowed half a million people, the least among the four blood ancestors, indicating that his combat power was the weakest.

"A question for the dead Thirteenth." said the Eleven Blood Race, swallowing 700,000 blood, his complexion was ruddy, and the aura that diffused was stronger than that of the Twelve Blood Ancestor.

"Blood debts must be paid with blood." The tenth blood ancestor clenched his teeth, and the ray of blood in his pupils violently jumped, eerie and terrifying.

He swallowed the blood of 900,000 people, and his appetite was better than that of the eleven blood ancestors.

From this it can be seen that the thirteen blood ancestors of the blood clan, the higher the ranking, the stronger. The most powerful is the first blood ancestor, still sleeping and not waking up.

"Go!" The Fourth Blood Ancestor's face sank like water, and there were not many ruthless words.


In the horror of countless people, and the gazes of countless people's expectation, the four blood ancestors soared into the sky and turned into four blood-colored rainbows that penetrated the sky and the earth, breaking through several times the speed of sound in an instant, and shooting away in the direction of the great eastern country.

"Finally left."

The western world can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why can't I laugh? Even if the young demon king is beheaded, even if the eastern power is destroyed."

"Maybe we were wrong and shouldn't let them out. Injured the enemy a thousand, hurt ourselves 800, lifted a rock and hit myself in the foot."

"Yeah, it's easy to ask God to give it away. This mess will not end well."

"Perhaps the world is really going to change. From now on, mankind will enter the Dark Middle Ages. Yesterday, the **** fog filled the sky and the ghosts were crying, which may be a sign."

"I can only pin my hopes on the young demon king to turn the tide."


A war between East and West, between humanity and magic, is about to begin.

At this moment, the eyes of the world gathered.

Seeing the **** methods of the four blood ancestors, some people who originally had a good impression of them gradually changed their attitudes, cursing them to die, UU read and had great expectations for the young demon king.


The speed of the four blood ancestors was so fast, soaring several times the speed of sound, and they soon approached the northwest border of our great eastern country.

The mountains here are uninterrupted, with mountains and mountains, natural barriers, and there is no strong mountaineering skills.

However, under the feet of the four great blood ancestors, this continuous mountain range was like flat ground, and it was stepped on with one foot.

A mighty division lies at the foot of the mountain range, countless war-killing weapons are pointed diagonally, and the muzzle of the black hole can spew out fire snakes at any time.

"Where is the young devil, let him get out and die!"

The four blood ancestors settled on the mountain, overlooking the mighty heroes at the foot of the mountain.

"Warning, you have invaded the territory of China, please return quickly, otherwise it will be regarded as aggression and will be retaliated."

A fighter plane took off, loaded with weapons, and shouted at the four blood ancestors.

"Die me!"

The Twelve Blood Ancestor shouted angrily, kicked a huge stone weighing several tons, and blasted away like a meteor.


The fighter plane fired a missile to accurately lock the boulder and blast it into dust

"I go……"

The twelve blood ancestors stared with anger, and his violent temper came up all at once. With a wave of his big sleeves, the wind roared, hundreds of rubbles were swept away, and the sky was blasted against the fighters.

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