Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1374: Global horror

Boom boom boom!

The void burst, Tianyu trembled!

Thousands of broken stones whizzed out, and instantly entered a supersonic state, erupting like a series of rolling thunder, densely packed, overwhelming, and extremely powerful.

A piece of gravel weighs ten kilograms to say nothing. It accelerates to several times the speed of sound, and the power that bursts out is comparable to that of a heavy artillery. Even tanks can be blasted all over, not to mention that there are almost no fighters with protective capabilities.

And this is just the power of the Twelve Blood Ancestor, without using any martial arts.

The horror of the veteran Dixian is evident!

The speed of the fighter was very fast, but after a few snaps, it was still chased. It was covered in all directions without dead angles. It became a turtle in the urn. There was no escape. The pilot did not even have to jump.


At this moment, the mighty heroes at the foot of the mountain, nearly one hundred thousand soldiers, all had their eyes widened, and veins on their foreheads jumped wildly.

Many soldiers couldn't help but fire, fighting for a bit of life for the fighter pilots, even if it was very slim.

"You can't fire without receiving an order. The overall situation must be considered."

An officer said, no one dared to go against it.

In fact, at this moment, don't say that this fighter, even their 100,000 soldiers, is at stake, and life and death are in the mind of the blood ancestor.

It can even be said that the entire eastern country is facing the danger of destruction at this moment.

The blood ancestor's method, people all over the world have just seen it, **** and brutal, almost invincible.


Just in this electric flint, a bright knife slashed down, like a lightning that pierced the sky and the earth, peerlessly sharp, and the hob gas was surging. It was thrown all the way, forming a sword gas training directly behind the fighter plane, and it seemed A **** waterfall fell.

Bang bang bang!

The densely packed gravel flew, hitting the knife and gas training, as if it had hit a stone crusher, bursting into pieces like a cannon.

Thousands of supersonic rocks were eventually stopped by this peerless knife.

"Who is doing it? Young Demon King?"

In front of the live camera, countless spectators were stunned.

"It's not the Young Demon King, he is still in Dongshan Refining Crafts."

Someone clicked on two live footages at the same time. One was the Dongshan Scenic Area of ​​Tianhai City, Huaguo, where a thundercloud storm ran across the sky, with a young figure standing proudly in it, and the other was the northwest border of Huaguo University with four blood. The ancestors invaded and faced the mighty hero.

"It's burning eyebrows, he still has the mood for refining, is his head showy?" Many people were puzzled.

"It may be at a critical moment. It must be done in one go, otherwise all previous efforts will be lost." Others speculated.

At this moment, a black figure suddenly appeared on the top of a mountain on the northwest border, holding a sharp sword, standing proudly. He cut out that peerless sharp knife just now.

"Who is this……?"

"Is there another earth fairy in China?"

"Somewhat familiar!"

"I see. It's not a Chinese. This person's name is Taro Miyamoto, who is from Dongying."

"Dongying people are fighting for the Chinese, what is the situation?"


There was a lot of discussion on the whole network, and it felt very strange, especially the people in the eastern big country and the eastern country, my heart was ups and downs, and it was difficult to calm down.

"Actually, it's nothing. Taro Miyamoto fell under the command of the young demon king, and he was fighting for the young demon not so much as fighting for the great eastern country." Someone explained.

Hearing what this person said, the mood of my Chinese people immediately became more relaxed.

But the people of Dongying country are still panicked.

The dignified earth immortals of the Eastern Kingdom worshipped the Chinese people, what is this? How is it different from a running dog?

"I admire your courage so much that you dare to face me." The Twelve Blood Ancestor narrowed his eyes slightly, his mouth seemed to be smiling.

As he spoke, he flicked his fingers, and a **** light flew out. Thousands of meters away, the fighter plane that had just escaped to the sky was instantly exploded by the volley.

"No one can escape the person I want to kill." The Twelve Blood Ancestor said coldly.


Then he flicked his finger again, and another **** light flew out and rushed towards Miyamoto Taro.

Taro Miyamoto's pupils shrank, and the cross sword was in front of him.


With a loud noise, Xue Liang's sword broke in two, and his whole person was also knocked out from the top of the mountain.


At this moment, people all over the world were horrified.

Taro Miyamoto is an immortal, and he can't even handle a single finger of the Twelve Blood Ancestor. This is incredible and unreasonable.

"Are the ancient gods so powerful?"

"It's over, it's over, mankind is going to be finished. This one can't fight at all!"

"Yeah, no matter how strong the young demon king is, it would be nice to be able to fight one. Now it is four out of one breath. Four hits one. Unless the young demon king has the ability of the gods and is suppressed by a great realm, it is possible to win."

"But the young demon king is just a divine realm, only half of his foot stepped into the earth immortal, and it was still a thousand miles away from the heavenly immortal."


Amidst the voices of discussion, there was a feeling of despair, not one person or two people, but the whole people, people all over the world.

"Give you two choices, kneel down, surrender, or die!"

At this time, the Eleven Blood Ancestor said to the hundred thousand soldiers at the foot of the mountain, gloomy and cold.

The murder is nothing but a head nod. He is humiliating, for the Chinese people, and for the whole world.

One hundred thousand soldiers, one by one, are eager to split, UU reading all have their backs straight, where they are willing to kneel and surrender.

"The bones are hard, then go to death!" said the tenth blood ancestor, very impatient.

After speaking, I saw him put out a big hand and shook it against a mountain not far away.

The top of this mountain is a hundred meters high, majestic and majestic, terribly large, and weighs tens of millions of tons.

"he wants……?"

"I do not believe!"


At this moment, countless people were stunned again, all of them staring wide.

Whoosh whoosh!

The blood of his palm was surging, and **** sacred lights shot out, instantly turning into chains that penetrated the sky and the earth, thick as buckets, like **** dragons, wrapped around a hundred-meter-high mountain.


In the horrified eyes of countless people, the tenth blood ancestor suddenly pulled the chain, and the top of the mountain was broken from the ground and rose from the ground.

Then, an even more horrific scene happened. With one hand in his hand, he shook the top of the 100-meter hill, violently.


He suddenly released his hand, and the top of the 100-meter mountain flew out like a meteor hammer, and the 100,000 soldiers blasted to the ground were at least four or five times the speed of sound, which was almost unbelievable.

At the foot of the mountain, one hundred thousand soldiers were splayed out in a straight line, and the top of the 100-meter mountain was blasted towards one end. It was unexpectedly to be crushed from the head to the tail, and hit the whole end.

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