Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1375: 1 punch to defeat

"Fire!" a general yelled, his eyes red.

Then, one hundred thousand soldiers broke out at the foot of the mountain.

A 100-meter mountain blasted like a meteor, and it was a matter of life and death for everyone. Everyone had their peak combat power as soon as they shot. Ten thousand cannons blasted, and almost all the firepower was fired at the same time.

It must be exploded in the void before the hilltop hits the ground, otherwise there will be deaths and injuries, and many, many people, even 100,000 soldiers, may be killed in one go.


Heavy artillery shells and invincible missiles came out all over the sky, rushing up into the sky, pulling out lines of death, like a sword that smashed through the sky, and blasted down the top of a hundred meters mountain. .

At this moment, the bravery of our soldiers, the advanced equipment and weapons, and the cruelty of modern wars are vividly manifested.

Numerous lines of death fire spurted out, swallowing the top of the Hundred Meters Mountain in an instant, without blind spots, and carpet bombing.


Accompanied by a huge earth-shaking explosion, clusters of amazing sparks burst from the top of the 100-meter mountain, brightening people's eyes, and then countless sparks gathered into a sea of ​​fire.

The top of the 100-meter mountain was no longer visible in an instant, and was completely engulfed by the sea of ​​fire.

The sky was gorgeous and hot, as if two suns appeared.

These thousands of artillery shells, missiles, and their combined power are absolutely comparable to a medium-sized nuclear weapon, capable of blasting a 10,000-ton steel battleship into dust.

The sturdiness of a 100-meter mountain is obviously impossible to compare with that of a 10,000-ton steel battleship.

However, a terrifying scene happened. In the next second, the 100-meter mountain top rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, and it was still intact, with only a few more pits, the momentum was still like a dragon, and it continued to face the ten below. Ten thousand soldiers came with a crit.

But I don't know that the top of the mountain has been penetrated by the blood of the tenth blood ancestor, and turned into a copper wall and iron wall.


At this moment, the face of one hundred thousand soldiers was ashes.


The artillery was still firing, but morale plummeted, and everyone's faces were filled with despair.

That one hundred-meter mountain is like a copper pea that is not flattened by a hammer or fried, and no amount of firepower is used.


The top of the mountain had not yet arrived, but the terrifying coercion arrived first. Many soldiers could not bear it and fell to the ground.

"It's ridiculous to shake a big tree!" Some Westerners sneered.

"The sorrow of China begins at this moment. You can get back from it, how did you rejuvenate, how did you return it to me, this world does not allow you to exist in such a powerful country."

"Young Demon King, have you ever thought that your China has today?"

"Blood Ancestor is mighty!"


Public opinion in the West is boiling, lacking sympathy, and laughing every step of the way.

At the moment when the top of the 100-meter mountain was about to hit the ground, Miyamoto Taro came forward again, and the human sword merged into one, turning into a stunned rainbow, instantly traversing a hundred meters, and slashing against the mountain.

The battle knife in his hand was the Xuantian Soul Slashing Knife, not a physical battle knife, but a condensed sword energy. As long as he is full of sword energy and full, this kind of sword can condense countless.

"Xuantian is smashed!"

Accompanied by a roar, the sword slammed down.


A vast expanse of knives blasted into the sky, slashing down, tens of meters long, shattering the void, dominating sharply, and instantly smashed into the top of a hundred-meter mountain.

Just saw that after a slash, his hands were empty and nothing was left.

Surprisingly, all the swords turned into sword energy.

Then, in the shocking gazes of countless people, the one-hundred-meter mountain top, which was strong as a copper wall and iron wall, had been baptized by heavy artillery missiles, and it was cut in half under the knife of Miyamoto Taro.

Boom! Boom!

The top of the mountain was divided into two, like two big rollers, accompanied by a rumbling sound of shaking the mountain, rushing out from both sides of one hundred thousand soldiers, leaving two deep ruts, like two excavated Dahe is shocking.

The 100,000 soldiers were frightened. If there was no sword of Taro Miyamoto, all of them would have to finish the game and turn into mud, and there would be no stubble left.

"Interesting. I can throw countless hills like this. I don't know how many can you block?" The Tenth Blood Ancestor narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly.

He seemed to be playing around, not in a hurry to kill, but to play Taro Miyamoto alive.

Boom, boom!

This time, he put his hands together, two hills rose from the ground, shooting out like meteors.

Qiang Qiang!

Taro Miyamoto cut twice in succession, the first one succeeded in cutting a mountain in half, but the second mountain was unable to be cut to the end.


Then he clenched his fist and blasted it out with a punch, and the endless sword energy filled the sky, like a sharp sword, stabbing people to open their eyes.


A huge explosion sounded, the mountain top burst into pieces, and his whole body flew out, vomiting blood, bones and muscles broken, and a whole fist was bloody.

"Come again!"

After a while, he endured the pain and returned to the court, blocking the 100,000 soldiers behind him.

"It's really a stubborn ant. Is it worth it to stand up for the young devil?" The tenth blood ancestor joked.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him, the young demon king is our goal, and the great eastern country will be the first country we conquer." The fourth blood ancestor, who had not spoken, said astonishingly. Conquer the eastern powers.

At this moment, our great eastern country, with a population of more than 100,000, is panicking.

And the whole world was not peaceful, and was enveloped by a breath of despair.

Think about it with the **** and know that the ultimate goal of the blood ancestor is to conquer this star, dominate the world, and feed all mankind as blood food.

"Who can save this world?"

Countless pairs of eyes looked at the Dongshan Scenic Area in Tianhai City, Huaguo. Although the fuzzy figure in the thundercloud storm felt hopeless, it still placed great hope.

"about there."

In the thundercloud storm, a voice suddenly came out.

Then, the thundercloud storm that covered most of Tianhai City began to shrink sharply, and was swallowed by the Heaven-shaking Seal like a long whale drinking water.

However, when the thundercloud storm disappeared, there was no one inside, and the sky-shaking mark disappeared.

"Where is the Young Demon King?"

Countless people have a forehead question.


On the battlefield of the northwest border, the tenth blood ancestor once again found the chain of gods, this time he pulled up a mountain that was a hundred feet high, which was three times larger than the previous one, shocking the world.

In despair, one hundred thousand soldiers of our army persuaded Taro Miyamoto to leave, but Taro Miyamoto was unmoved.

"Ant, you don't deserve to live in this world, go to die!"

The sky riots, rumbling, and a mountain of hundreds of meters flies up from the sky, like a big cloud blocking the scorching sun, casting down large shadows, and the terror pressure like the eruption of a mountain torrent.

"I want the blood of this earth immortal!" Eleven Blood Ancestor said, and a **** air column burst out of his head, turning into a **** whirlpool, and rushed towards Miyamoto Taro.

"Then the blood of a group of ants behind him is mine!" said the Twelve Blood Ancestor, also blasting a **** whirlpool and rushing towards one hundred thousand soldiers.


Taro Miyamoto tried his best, slashed with one blade, but only cut a gap on the top of the mountain.

"I tried my best." Taro Miyamoto panted heavily, feeling weak, and then dashed back.

My hundred thousand soldiers are desperate, and the firepower is pouring out, but I am unable to return to the sky.

At this moment, suddenly, in the rear of the 100,000 soldiers, a void suddenly split open, and the fluorescent light flickered, like a gate of time and space opened, and a tall figure came out from it.

This is the figure of a young man, full of golden light, like a golden god, descending from the sky, traveling the world.

There is a big seal on the top of his head, the chaos is raging, and countless thunder lights are violently jumping, like a great heaven and earth furnace, eternal and glorious.


The big seal flew out, the sky skyrocketed, the inflation became larger, and its power was earth-shattering, throwing chaotic air all the way, like a large net, covering a hundred thousand soldiers, guarding it, and blasting towards the Baizhang mountain that the tenth blood ancestor shot.


Amidst the boundless loud noise, the heaven and the earth seemed to be overturned, the two mountains collided, and the domineering aura swept the heaven and the earth, and the gravel was dense like a rain of arrows, rushing in all directions.

Without any suspense, the Baizhang mountain top shot by the tenth blood ancestor was smashed into pieces, and the sky-shaking seal was not damaged at all, the chaos was like a tide, the divine light was still blazing, and the scorching sun in the sky was overshadowed.

With the chaotic energy of the great seal hanging down from the sky, my 100,000 soldiers are naturally fine.

The blood cloud vortex sacrificed by the eleven blood ancestors and the twelve blood ancestors was also broken up by the sky-shaking seal, and was swallowed completely.

"Golden God of War!"

"It's the Young Demon King, how could he be so fast? I saw him in Dongshan just now."

"Does he have the ability to shuttle between time and time?"


A golden figure became the only one between heaven and earth, and also the only focus of the whole world, stepping up to the sky, facing the four blood ancestors.

"Young Demon King, it must be you. If you dare to come, aren't you afraid of death?" said the Fourth Blood Ancestor, his eyes gloomy and terrifying.

"Go back to your nest now, proclaim yourself for a thousand years, and promise to never invade the human race again, I don't need to kill you." Ye Tian said, his back was as strong as a gun, and his eyes exuded fierce murderous aura. , Without stage fright.

When he said this, not only the four blood ancestors were astonished, but people all over the world were shocked.



"I don't know it when I die, I'll take your head."

The Twelve Blood Ancestor was furious, stepped out, and rushed out first. And the other three blood ancestors were not moving like a mountain, and they didn't make a shot together, but they had a rising momentum and took precautions.

In their opinion, the twelve blood ancestors who returned to their peak state were enough to kill the young demon king.

The Twelve Blood Ancestor was indeed very strong. Suddenly a monstrous blood exploded, his clothes were broken, and two huge bat wings spread out from behind.


The bat wings vibrated, like two clouds hanging down from the sky, violently fanning, rolling up a monstrous storm of blood and light, blowing sand and rocks away.

The figure of the Twelve Blood Ancestor instantly disappeared from the top of the mountain, turning into a **** lightning rushing towards Ye Tian. The two bat wings shone divinely, like two heavenly swords, and the lightning speed was enough to cut off the mountain.

"Be careful!"

Countless spectators were shocked and shouted.


Facing the blow of the twelve blood ancestors slashing the world, Ye Tian just clenched his fist and blasted a punch far away.


Ye Tian's fist seemed to have penetrated the nine heavens, various runes lingered on the fist fingers, the sound of Taoism roared, and the immeasurable golden light shone. The aftermath of the fist force alone destroyed the mountains and the earth and tore the void.

Seeing the twelve blood ancestor's figure suddenly stunned, as if being hit by a hammer of the sky shaking god.


A bat wing broke in the air, splashing a bunch of blood flowers, dyeing the sky red.

The twelve blood ancestors lost their stature and fell to the ground with a plop, exploding a huge death pit.

Defeated the Twelve Blood Progenitors with one punch!

The whole world is dead!

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