Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1379: Cut the 10th Blood Progenitor


At that moment, countless spectators took a breath, their scalp numb, shocked by the power of the young demon king.

Many people have repeatedly overestimated Ye Tian's combat power, but they did not expect to be so strong that four blood ancestors could be crushed by one person, instead of being beaten.

The four blood ancestors are not the five great immortals in the northeast. There is a land of immortality without the power of immortals. They are ancient gods and can be called ancient gods. Each of them has the ability to dominate this star.

"Is this guy the reincarnation of the ancient true god? Or, like the blood ancestors, he has been sealed in the secret realm and suddenly awakened?" A veteran **** realm who watched the battle muttered to himself.

The eleventh blood ancestor blood splashed into the sky, and his blood stained a large area of ​​the world, and the blood rain was pouring, like a **** magic cloud covering the sky.

He had swallowed 700,000 blood just now, and he was full of blood, surging like a big river.

Even his soul was smashed by force, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint. The Fourth Blood Ancestor couldn't help it, and it was too late.

Ye Tian's flashing magical powers were too domineering, ignoring space and time, anyone who fought against him would despair.

Moreover, the fourth blood ancestor is now saving the tenth blood ancestor.

His sword cut into the Great Seal, which was several feet deep, but was far from split in half, because the big seal swelled to a hundred feet tall.

But this was scary enough, because his battle sword slashed Ye Tian's Chaos God Realm first, and then slashed onto the Great Seal. Otherwise, it can cut deeper in the Heaven-shaking Seal, and there is the power of the Great Seal of Destruction, worthy of the name of the butcher knife.

The radiance of the Great Seal in the sky turned dark, as if a creature had been injured, and the aura that had been in the sky began to fall.

The tenth blood ancestor suddenly withdrew from the Great Seal, fled away. At this time, all of his other four scarlet chains were broken. If it hadn't been for the knife cut by the Fourth Blood Ancestor, he would have been violent.


Ye Tian's torch-like eyes locked on the tenth blood ancestor, and he stepped out suddenly, shaking the mountain.

An invisible wave spread from under his feet, shattering the void, revealing a big gap in space.

His figure entered this big gap in space and disappeared in a flash.

In an almost negligible amount of time, his figure reappeared, spanning a hundred meters, just behind the tenth blood ancestor who fled in embarrassment.

"So fast!"

Countless people were dumbfounded.

There was a flash of magical powers, and disappeared in a flash, like a ghost, almost insoluble, unless it also had the ability to break the void.

The tenth blood ancestor suddenly felt cold on his back, with a feeling of thorns on his back, and he glanced back suddenly, just facing Ye Tian's eyes, shivering with fright.

"You...?" His eyes widened, dizzy, and weak.

In his eyes, he saw Ye Tian shrouded in a cloud of golden divine glory, like a golden divine sun across the sky, and like a golden king of heaven coming to the world, standing under the sky, looking down on the world, sweeping all monsters.


Ye Tian spoke, a simple word, loud and powerful, as if to arouse the force of a certain rule between the heaven and the earth, the heaven and the earth screamed, a cloud of gloom and bleak, exuding a strong breath of death, and sentenced the tenth blood ancestor to death.

"Does it follow the law?" The tenth blood ancestor groaned.

At this moment, Ye Tian's right arm suddenly lifted up above his head, his five fingers spread out, and he whispered, "Come here!"

call out!

Not far away, the Baizhang-tall Great Seal instantly disappeared from the place, turned into a stream of light, came lasing, and fell into his palm, apparently turning into the size of a brick.

Ye Tian held the big slab-brick big seal, infused with the boiling chaotic essence, and then slammed his head against the head of the tenth blood ancestor.


Seeing this scene, all the spectators were speechless and felt a little funny.

However, the power exploded from the big brick-shaped sky-shaking seal was shocking. The chaotic air was raging like a tide, shattering the sky and the earth, and the mountains in a radius of ten miles shivered and roared.

When Ye Tianyiyin took the photo, it seemed as if the sky was turned upside down. He wanted to turn the entire sky over, and sprinkle pieces of chaos, like a knife, splitting the sky, faintly suppressing the sky.

There are several sacred marks in the big seal, such as blood vessels and veins, which are revived with Ye Tian's urging, blending with the great power of heaven and earth, and borrowing the supreme mighty power.

"Little evil animal, stop!" The fourth blood ancestor rushed like lightning, slashing with his sword, but the distant water couldn't quench his thirst, and Ye Tian ignored him at all.

However, Ye Tian had flashing magical powers and was extremely overbearing. Even if he slashed it, he might not be able to slash it.

The fourth blood ancestor seemed to have thought of this suddenly, and the sword suddenly changed in mid-air. After drawing a mysterious trajectory, it attacked the 100,000 soldiers of our army, and he was trying to encircle Wei and save Zhao.


The sword beam is thousands of feet long, with the blood of anime sky, and thousands of **** thunder beams, the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood emerge, and the ghosts are crying and wailing, as if the sword has caused **** and smashed it with hell.

Thunder Hell Killing Soul!

At that moment, our army's 100,000 soldiers, as well as hundreds of thousands of children from the Chinese nation, were all ashamed.

There is no doubt that if the fourth blood ancestor is hit by this knife, 100,000 soldiers will be wiped out in an instant, and it will be difficult to leave a living mouth.

A pair of eyes looked at Ye Tian to see how he made a decision.

"Hurry up and save your compatriots." The 10th Blood Ancestor even smiled.

Ye Tian really wanted to turn around and save one hundred thousand soldiers, but the Tenth Blood Ancestor didn't let him go, and a chain was stuck out from each palm, entangled him.

At the same time, his eyebrows split open, revealing a vertical eye, scarlet blood dripping down, shooting a crimson light.

call out!

This light is domineering and sharp, like a high-power laser. As soon as it appeared, it penetrated the void and hit Ye Tian's head directly.

"The eye of hell, the light of death, UU reading The young devil is going to die." Some Western Power exclaimed, recognizing this divine light, this supernatural power of seconds.

This is the light of death turned into by spiritual power, specifically destroying human spirits.

Ordinary people, if they are rubbed a little by this divine light, their souls will be collapsed, and there is absolutely no possibility of survival.


Ye Tian stood still, allowing the so-called light of death to invade his mind.

At almost the same time, two scarlet chains were also wrapped around Ye Tian's body.

"Too bad, the young devil should not be distracted. One side of the scale is 100,000 soldiers, and the other side is a population of hundreds of millions. Which one is more important, should you still consider it?" Someone beat his chest and thought that Ye Tian didn't. You should be distracted to save one hundred thousand soldiers, but you should kill the Tenth Blood Ancestor in one go.

"What nonsense, don't talk about a hundred thousand soldiers, even one soldier, you can't be less." Someone retorted.

Just when some people thought that Ye Tian was dead, the situation suddenly reversed. A golden villain rushed out of Ye Tian's eyebrows, holding a golden sword, and tracing the flow along the light of death.

The light of death shattered every inch, and when the Tenth Blood Ancestor reacted, the golden villain holding the sword had already pierced his eyebrows.

"You..." The tenth blood ancestor suddenly stiffened.

If he didn't use his mental power, he wouldn't be killed so quickly.

After the tempering of the blood of God, whether it is the golden villain or the golden Taoist sword, gratifying transformation has taken place, and it is unbelievably powerful.

It is not an exaggeration, it is difficult for this star to find someone who can compare with Ye Tian's mental power, even if the true ancient **** is resurrected.

"What are you?"


Ye Tian broke the two scarlet chains, and smashed his body with a slap to prevent him from regenerating with any secret method, and then used flashing magical powers and rushed in the direction of one hundred thousand soldiers.

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