Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1380: Block 1 knife

"Damn you!"

The fourth blood ancestor shouted angrily, and his voice pierced the golden cracked stone, shaking the sky, causing the ear drums of one hundred thousand soldiers to sting, and the soul was torn apart. Many people fell to the ground, bleeding from Qiqiao.

Seeing that the tenth blood ancestor was also beheaded by Ye Tian, ​​the fourth blood ancestor was really angry to the extreme. At this moment, he could not wait to cramp Ye Tian, ​​destroy the entire eastern kingdom, and bury his three younger brothers.

At this moment, the fourth blood ancestor became extremely terrifying, and his devilish energy rushed into the sky, surging like a big wave, and the strong murderous aura permeated the fields, and the pressure of forcing people shocked Jiu Xiao.

"Die all to me!"

A scarlet sword beam was thousands of feet long, dividing the sky and the earth into two halves, lying above the heads of one hundred thousand soldiers, killing everyone with one blow.

This knife seemed to open Thunder Purgatory. Thousands of blood-colored thunders fell with the sword's glow, and a sea of ​​corpse mountains and blood emerged. Uncountable grievances and ghosts howled, causing ten miles of mountains and rivers to move and roar.

According to legend, there are five million dead souls sealed in the butcher knife. This situation can be seen and the rumors are not false.

This is a real evil soldier, but it is also a genuine saint soldier, because it has the stigmata imprinted on it, and the Dao Fruit is obtained by the killing certificate, and it is recognized by the world.

It is because of the resurrection of the stigmata that there is such an amazing vision.

The Saint Soldiers are divided into nine ranks, which are determined by the number of stigmata, the first rank Saint Soldier has nine stigmas, the second rank Saint Soldier has 18 stigmas, and the rest can be deduced by analogy. The 9th rank Saint Soldiers have 81 stigmas.

Shenbing and Xianbing are also to be concluded in turn, looking at the number of Shenhen and Xianhen.

There are as many as 27 stigmata in the butcher knife. It is a third-rank sage soldier, and one step can be promoted to the fourth-rank sage soldier.

The third rank holy soldiers broke out completely, and they could briefly display the power of the heavenly immortal rank, and a ray of sword light that fell at will can easily kill the gods.

In the distance, a golden figure imprinted in the void, opening a large gap in the space, and disappeared, and the positive pole rushed forward.

"Young Devil!"

At this moment, the great eastern country, with hundreds of millions of citizens, was nervous, calling the same name in their hearts.

Whether a hundred thousand soldiers can survive or not depends on his performance.

There is despair ahead, which puts him at risk of falling, but he must break in and open a way out in despair.

This is a fearless and selfless spirit that moisturizes the corners of many people's eyes.

The distance is too far, Ye Tian can only flash a hundred meters at a time. He flashed three times in a row before rushing to the front of a hundred thousand soldiers.

In front of him, there is a big scarlet rift valley, which is bottomless, as if the door of **** is open, spreading from the feet of the fourth blood ancestor to here, and it will spread into one hundred thousand soldiers.

Ye Tian took roots at his feet, standing here, one man was in charge, and Wan Fu was not open, ignoring the big rift that was spreading under his feet.

"go with!"

The earth-shaking seal in his hand flew out, and it suddenly became larger, hanging above one hundred thousand soldiers, falling chaotic energy, gathering murderous intent, forming a guardian that isolates the world.

But Ye Tian raised a punch and blasted out at the sky.

Qianzhang Daomang was close at hand, and he had no time to take out other weapons, so he could only shake it hard with his flesh.


Numerous golden divine lights spread out from him, gathered on his fist, and condensed a huge golden warhammer. Various runes lingered on the fist fingers, and the avenue roared across the sky.


As he blasted out with a punch, the void exploded, the sun and the moon hung upside down, and the chaos boiled, and the world seemed to be shattered under this punch.

A nuclear explosion-like strong light shock wave erupted on the tip of his fist, swept Cyclonus, swallowed everything, and shred everything.

"Wuji Shenquan, break it for me!" Ye Tian roared with thunder.

Wu Ji Shenquan, this peerless fist in the world of cultivating immortals, reproduces Middle Saturn.


The thousand-zhang blade light that was cleaved by the butcher knife suddenly shattered and turned into a **** sword aura that swept across the sky like a hurricane, splitting and destroying the mountains, leaving the ground riddled with holes.

Fortunately, there is a Heaven-shaking Seal guarding the top of the heads of 100,000 soldiers. Otherwise, even if Ye Tian broke the fourth blood ancestor's shocking knife, 100,000 soldiers would suffer heavy casualties.

"A strong punch!" countless people exclaimed.

But in the next second, Ye Tian disappeared, the ground under his feet collapsed, and the whole person fell into the bottomless rift valley.

A string of golden blood sprinkled in the void, as bright as gold, blazing and dazzling, and full of the breath of the first to the sun.

Surprisingly, Ye Tian was also injured.


The fourth blood ancestor was bathed in blood, like an immortal **** of war reborn in blood, majestic and stalwart, stomping, and stomping, the sky trembled, and the terrifying aura was like a flood, the ground was cut out by him. The rift suddenly closed.


He slashed out with a sharp knife, and with the blazing light of the knife shining, a hundred-foot-high mountain was cut off by the root, and then flew out with the knife.


"What is he going to do?"

"Isn't it...?"


In the horrified eyes of countless people, UU Reading Baizhang Mountain fell from the sky and fell on the place where Ye Tian had just fallen into the earth.


The sword light came again, and another mountain flew over.

Too ruthless, he wanted to crush Ye Tianhuo to death in the ground.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of people from the Great Eastern Powers were all eager to split, and they wanted to rush to the forefront and fight with the fourth blood ancestor.

"Master Ye!"

A black figure rushed, holding an indeterminate sharp sword in his hand, slashing towards the falling mountain.

It was Taro Miyamoto, who was still alive, but he was scarred.

At this level of confrontation, he seemed very small, although he was also an immortal.

The earth immortal is divided into three grades, low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade. He is just a low-grade earth immortal, and he is still in the early stage.


The fourth blood ancestor didn't even look at him, brushed his big sleeve, rushed out of a blood-colored pike, and flew him away. Thousands of feet away, he burst a mountain and was smashed by half an angle.

"We fought him to save Ye Tianren!"

At this moment, the 100,000 soldiers were also angry, all angrily, their eyes red.


Ten thousand cannons blasted out like rain again, but they looked very small and weak, not as powerful as the fourth blood ancestor.

"Are you in such a hurry to die? Okay, fulfill you!" The Fourth Blood Ancestor was furious, and wanted to attack one hundred thousand soldiers.


At this time, suddenly a voice came from the ground.


A meteor-like fist rushed out of the surface, and the hills burst into pieces.

The fist strength was condensed to the extreme, after blasting the top of the mountain, it rushed to the sky, and the big clouds collapsed.

On the ground, the blood-colored cracks reappeared, and a golden rainbow burst out, so flaming, so dazzling, as if it had absorbed all the brilliance of the world.

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