Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1381: Scroll of Thunder Prison

"This little trick, do you think you can kill me?" Ye Tian stood up in the sky, smiling coldly.

"At least it hurts you, doesn't it?" The fourth blood ancestor's eyes condensed, calmed down, and began to face this young opponent squarely.

He has not returned to the original state of gods and demons. He is still a normal human appearance. He has blond hair and blue eyes, and his facial features are like a knife. He is very handsome. He is covered by blood and surrounded by gods. He can be called a rich **** like jade. Any young woman sees it. It will be heart-warming.

Ye Tian's clothes were shattered, half of his body was bloody, and a striking scar spread from the top of his head to his lower body, almost smashing him.

Just now, even he didn't dare to take it hard, Ye Tian took it. Although it was hurt, it was not fatal, indicating that Ye Tian was not inferior to him, at least in the flesh.

He suddenly thought of the Immortal Golden Body, a legendary strongest physique, very similar to Ye Tian's vision. Only this kind of physique can compete with the gods and demons of their blood.

But he said that even if Ye Tian is an immortal golden body, he is not afraid, because he is a great earth immortal, surpassing Ye Tian on a large level, and his body is branded with the ancient laws of heaven and earth. Comparable.

Even if they are both Dacheng Earth Immortals, he can fight several of them one at a time. This is the ability of ancient gods and ancient immortals.

"What's this little injury?"

As he spoke, the golden divine glory on Ye Tian burst into flames, and the golden flames rose up, revealing a Suzaku, casting the Suzaku's Nirvana Regeneration Spell, and his injuries healed instantly.

The fourth blood ancestor’s eyes were still dark, seemingly calm, but breathing quickly, and asked Ye Tian: "Who are you? I have seen the Tao and Dharma of the Middle-earth. The magical power of Taoism makes me very strange."

As soon as he said this, countless spectators all moved in their hearts, held their breath, opened their eyes wide, and listened carefully.

The answer to this question is what the world wants to know.

The young man has risen too quickly. There is no one before and no one after. Although his life experience has been raised by others, it is suspicious, and I think there must be hidden secrets in it.

An ordinary young man, self-taught, has made great progress all the way, and has grown to the height of the one-star master in just one or two years. Is it possible?

If there is no secret, even a fool would not believe it.

"It's not ashamed. My Middle-earth cultivation civilization has a long history. There are thousands of sects and endless ways. How many can you observe?" Ye Tian coldly ignored and shot a sloppy eye.

"Since you refuse to say, then I'll search for your soul." The Fourth Blood Ancestor's eyes were sharp as a knife, and a murderous aura suddenly spread, making the whole world cold.

call out!

With a wave of his sleeve cannon, an ancient scroll flew out like a curtain of sky, spreading rapidly across the sky, thousands of radiances were shining, and dense scars were constantly intertwined, surging out of blood, scarlet as blood, as thick as scary, like Thousands of waves of blood swept across the sky and slapped the sky.

Boom, boom!

In the monstrous blood wave, infinite lightning suddenly breeds, thunder is like a tide, blazing, shattering people's souls, shattering the void, and pouring down like the nine heavens of thunder.

Suddenly, countless spectators were horrified, and their scalp numb.

Just now, the Fourth Blood Ancestor slashed Scarlet Thunder with a single knife, but it was not the protagonist. It was just an incidental to the thousand-zhang sword light. At this moment, the ancient scroll unfolded, seeming to really open the Thunder Purgatory, covering the sky and the sun, terrifying hundreds of times.

Even with the protection of the Great Seal, the 100,000 soldiers still had heart palpitations, shocked by the strong fluctuations.

"This is the ancient forbidden device of the blood race. A small world of thunder prison is sealed inside. Once released, it is comparable to the tribulation of the world. Not to mention the earth immortal, even the immortal dare not stun the front." Shout.

Boom! Boom!

There are many traces of ancient scrolls, and each of them contains monstrous divine power, which is carved from the ancient power of the blood race. Lightning is like a tide, and the light of blood covers the sun. Ye Tian and one hundred thousand soldiers are covered underneath, seeming to be swallowed. In general, countless thick lightning strikes, indiscriminate attacks, almost destroying the world.

The void was blown up in an instant, completely ruined, and dazzling blood and lightning filled every inch of space.

"Ye Tianren, take the Great Seal, leave us alone." One hundred thousand soldiers screamed, not wanting Ye Tian to fall because of them, so that they would also be doomed, and the entire eastern country would also face destruction.

The Heaven-shaking Seal is very powerful, and the falling chaotic energy resembles an immortal golden bell. The thick blood-colored lightning strikes, but it can't tear it apart. A hundred thousand soldiers are all fine for a while.

But Ye Tian, ​​in the vast Thunder Purgatory, was also calm and calm, and his expression was surprisingly calm.

In his body, the brilliant golden brilliance blooms, the golden blood is surging, and the golden body is opened to the extreme, and every pore is swallowing glow, like a **** of gold glaze.

"It's too weak, far can't compare with the real Heavenly Thunder Great Suddenly, he opened his mouth and said softly to himself.

His physical body did not know how many times he had been baptized by Thunder, his muscles, bones, skin and flesh were transformed again and again, and he had long been resistant to ordinary Thunder.

This Scarlet Thunder Purgatory looked terrifying, but it was much weaker than his Five Elements Chaos God Thunder.

Seeing this scene, countless people's jaws were shocked.

Thunder can break ten thousand tactics, no matter how powerful a master is facing Thunder, there is one who is not afraid of thunder, which is incredible.

Even the Fourth Blood Ancestor frowned, holding fire in his chest.


He stepped out abruptly, stepped through the void, and the butcher knife in his hand slashed out. The thunder and purgatory of the sky was attracted, turned into a shocking sword light, vast and soup, split the sky, and slashed towards Ye Tian.

"Let's use your lightning."

In the loud voice, Ye Tian raised his right hand, his five fingers spread out, in an upright manner.

Thousands of lightning bolts fell into Ye Tian's palm, instantly condensing into a scarlet lightning spear.

"go with!"

With a sharp scream, Ye Tian twisted his waist and waved his arms, bending his waist like a full bow, like throwing a javelin, and threw the blood-electric spear, blasting towards his butcher knife.


In a negligible amount of time, the blood-electric spear and the butcher knife were all clashing with each other in an instant, and they all died together. A **** mushroom cloud rose on the spot, and the shock wave roared like a hurricane.


Ye Tian's figure rushed out like lightning, straight into the thunder purgatory above his head.

The raging flames burned on his body, and his body suddenly changed and turned into a huge firebird, with ten feet of wings like two heavenly swords, fanning the sky of fire, and blazing chaotic thunder fire from his mouth. Only the Divine Phoenix is ​​in Nirvana, like a dream and fantasy.


The ancient scroll was torn in a sudden, and it was burnt to pieces by the chaotic thunder fire.

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