Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1393: Near death


Ye Tian shot in time, and a chaotic divine thunder penetrated into the depths of Qinghan's dantian, blasting half a drop of the blood of the gods.

Suddenly, the hall in Qinghan's dream shook violently, and a thick thunder and lightning could be seen falling from the sky, smashing it fiercely. The holy light that rushed out of the main hall also shattered suddenly, and Qing Han fell down.

The auspiciousness she saw in her eyes suddenly changed. The little angels who were originally well-behaved and sang with a musical instrument beside her suddenly began to rot and turned into skeletons. The sound from the musical instrument also changed. No longer graceful, but mournful, like beings crying, and ghosts wailing.

The holy light also began to fade, and there was a cloud of mist between the heavens and the earth, with gusts of gloomy wind, as if the end had come, and a bleak cloud of gloom.

Qinghan felt that he had gone from heaven to **** in an instant, his body was cold and his soul was terrified.

There seemed to be countless demons and ghosts surrounding her, she could feel the overwhelming murderous intent, but could not see the surrounding scenery, weak and helpless.

"This is the heart demon, don't be led away." Ye Tian said, reminding loudly.


The sound of righteous thunder sounded in her ears, scouring her soul to protect her heart.

This is the remnant of the traces of the gods who are doing worship, to put Qinghan into a situation where he will never recover.

Although Ye Tian killed the wisp of remnant thought in the blood of transforming gods, the way of transforming gods had already been imprinted in this world. It was everywhere and it was difficult to completely erase them. Qinghan wants to replace him. His Dao is rebelling, and it is even possible to oppose the object-oriented spirit, and after obliterating Qinghan's spirit, he will occupy her body.

"Calm down, keep your original mind. What you see is a demons, you must fight and win." Ye Tian said again.

Leiyin went to Qinghan's body, washing her body and soul, and helping her to clear everything.


Suddenly, Qinghan's lonely body shone with glow, and the surface of his skin, as white as ivory, shone brightly. She was struck by lightning, and her spirit returned to her place. She suddenly woke up and turned around, no longer groggy and confused.

She gave Lingling a chill, vaguely knowing that she was only one step away from death, and everything she saw and heard was illusory. There is a force in the world that wants to kill her.

The girl was motionless, as if she merged with the exquisite pagoda, her body was crystal clear like glass, flawless and unsullied, exuding precious glory. Her heartbeat is very strong, and every time she beats the pagoda, it will vibrate and rumbling, as if the sound of Dao Ren is resounding.

The power of belief and thought of sentient beings is always being attracted, falling like a waterfall on Qinghan in the pagoda, infiltrating into the body, and finally rushing to the half drop of the blood of the dantian.

The blood, which is rich as amalgam, is constantly being melted away, flowing throughout Qinghan's body. The original blood gas in her body was constantly being expelled, and it was about to change again.

One day, two days, three days,...

As time passed day by day, the blood of the gods was constantly being melted away, becoming smaller and smaller, tempering Qinghan's body, so that every trace of Qinghan's flesh and blood was crystal clear like glass, as tough as **** gold, and more and more immortal.

The belief power of sentient beings is no longer simply converging to Dantian, but is attracted by every trace of her flesh and blood, because the melted blood of God is everywhere in her body, almost completely replacing the original blood.

On the seventh day, Qing Han suddenly shook his body, and Dantian Qi sea set off a huge wave, intertwined with thunder and lightning, and the blood seemed to be violent, and he started to release blood qi in a frenzy, dozens of times more fierce than before.

It seemed that the blood of the gods could not bear the constant squeeze, and it broke out completely, and it was about to break with Qinghanyu.

Or the blood of the gods will be completely exhausted, and the last stubbornness and resistance erupted.

Boom boom boom!

Only a small amount of blood from the big fingernails was left. First, the blood was blazing, and suddenly burst into flames.

The horrible blood is flooded like the Yellow River, and it can't be controlled at once.

Qinghan's body was full of red clouds, as if shrouded in a cloud of blood, all the pores were spraying blood, and the whole person was almost burning, suffering unimaginable pain.

"What to do? I can't do it anymore."

Qinghan's expression changed wildly, and he opened his eyes suddenly, two divine lights burst out like electricity, and hit the tower wall, resounding like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

"Don't worry, I am here." Ye Tian comforted, and suddenly shouted, "Town!"

He made preparations in advance, shrunk the Heaven-shaking Seal to the extreme, and placed it in Qinghan's Dantian, directly above the blood of God.


The Heaven-Shaking Seal was urged to release chaotic energy to suppress the blood of God.

The blood of the gods was first suppressed, the burning flame was almost extinguished, and suddenly a more powerful blood burst out, back pressure on the world-shaking seal.

"Town! Town! Town!"

Ye Tian shouted, his eyebrows glowed, and the power of the divine consciousness surged out to better control the Heaven-turning Seal. At the same time, he made a seal with both hands, punching out mana and blessing it to the Heaven-turning Seal.


But it was useless, the blood of the gods was as bright as blood jade, burning raging, suddenly burst into countless flames, and suddenly overturned the world-shaking seal.

Countless fires broke through the dantian and swept across Qinghan's body in an instant.

Then, a terrifying scene happened.

Like a spark of fire, it instantly started a prairie fire, and Qinghan's whole body burned with flames, and his flesh and blood was covered with light and rain.

However, her soul was retained, wrapped in the power of belief, hanging in the air, watching her body burn without a trace of pain.

"This is Nirvana, it should be about to succeed." Ye Tian said, making a judgment.

In a short while, all of Qinghan's flesh and blood was gone, leaving only a white skeleton, smooth as the best white jade, giving out a breath of immortality. UU reading www.

As Ye Tian guessed, Qinghan was in Nirvana, and his flesh and blood would regenerate soon.

The power of belief and thought is raging like a tide, like a silkworm cocoon, covering her whole body, layer after layer.

Lines of blood ooze out from the white jade-like bones, thick as a slurry of mercury, dripping with bright red, the rhyme of the Taoism, the glow of light flowing, containing the surging breath of life, quickly building meridians, blood vessels, internal organs, etc. in the void.

And the power of belief and thought of sentient beings turned into flesh and blood, filling her body.

First, the internal organs, then the meridians, blood vessels, muscles and tendons, and finally the skin and hair.

At the speed visible to the naked eye, a brand-new Qinghan is being shaped, with wisps of Dao marks intertwined on his body, as if he is the womb bred by the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

In the end, Qinghan became a body of icy muscles and bones, and thick hair grew on his head, like silk and satin, the roots were crystal clear.

The power of belief in sentient beings floated down like a rain of light, spilled over her body, disappeared like a clay cow into the sea, and was absorbed by her body.

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