Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1394: Bright glazed body

"I don't know how Qinghan is doing now. It's been so long, why didn't he come out?"

Outside the cave, Qin Yongchang said anxiously, like an ant on a hot pot.

At this time, he stayed at the entrance of the cave every day, caring about the safety of his granddaughter.

In fact, Qinghan's parents didn't agree with Qinghan's path of cultivating immortals. They felt unreliable. It was Qin Yongchang's decision to reject all opinions. If Qinghan goes wrong, he won't be able to explain it.

Of course, he is not exhausting, and there are several great gods around him. If they are not used, wouldn't it be a waste?

He didn't want to condescend to ask Zhao Tianlong for advice, but there was no pressure to ask Miyamoto Taro and Xiao Qingtian for advice.

He has now practiced the "Chaos Refining Qi Jue" in a decent way, and he can breathe the aura that reaches the heavens and the earth.

At his age, the Dantian Qi Sea is as solid as a rock, and it is difficult to develop it if it is purely on his own.

It may be that he is Qinghan’s grandfather, and Qinghan is Ye Tian’s girlfriend. Taro Miyamoto and Xiao Qingtian cast the spell together, and it took a lot of effort to help him develop his dantian, although only peanuts The size of rice.

At this moment, he was full of vigor, his face was flushed, and his bones were several times stronger than before.

"It should be out soon." Xiao Qingtian first looked at the Tiannv Cave where the movement was getting smaller and smaller, then looked up at a spiritual vortex in the sky, and said solemnly.

This spiritual energy vortex began to condense three days ago, and now it is as big as a mountain, and it is so rich that it almost drips out of water, like a hurricane across the sky. As it rotates, the aura of the entire island is drawn.

Even the vitality of the heavens and the earth that connected outside the boundary was mobilized, and it condensed into another vitality vortex outside the boundary membrane, which was larger than that in the barrier.

This spiritual energy vortex was driven by Qinghan's aura and condensed together. When it spread out on the sky, it was time for Qinghan to leave the pass.


At this moment, in the cave, Qing Han suddenly opened his eyes, and his two eyes were like black gems, brighter than the stars in the sky, condensing the aura of the great avenue.


The pagoda was lifted, and Qinghan stood up on the base of the tower, showing his flawless jade body, smiling and said to Ye Tian: "I think I succeeded."

Her body is very crystal clear, it can be called ice muscle and jade bone, blooming gorgeous glow, like a magic lamp, flawless and almost translucent, especially the two long white and tender legs. White as ivory, dazzling beauty.

A drop of Divine Blood was completely melted into her body, recreating a whole body of flesh and blood. This time the reincarnation was more thorough than when she broke through the Divine Realm.


She stepped away, and the whole mountain shuddered for a while, and the newly born body shimmered and burst into a powerful aura, like a deep sea.

"Is this the innate body?" She looked at her flawless jade body and could hardly believe it.

She can clearly feel the tyranny of her body, which is many times tougher than the previous Divine Body.


Her two slender jade hands gently squeezed, the air in her palms was squeezed out, overflowing from the fingers, and there was a muffled sound, the whole fist was shining, and the power was surging, giving her a punch to hit The illusion of explosion.

"This is not an ordinary innate body, but an innate bright glazed body!" Ye Tianmulu was obsessed and said lightly.

The bright glazed body is the strongest physique of the Guangming race, one of the highest physiques in the universe, and is not much worse than the indestructible golden body.

This physique is close to various light elements, such as firelight, starlight, moonlight, sunlight, etc., which can be used for cultivation, and it is also known as the messenger of light.

Ye Tian fought against the Holy Church in the Vatican City. The several late ancient popes of the Holy Church were recreated with the power of the beliefs of sentient beings. They were able to shake with Ye Tian's golden body.

But after all, they have passed away, no doubt with the zombies, how can they be compared with Qinghan?

The bright glazed body of Qinghan's innate early stage at this moment has not been tempered, but it is far above many innate bodies.


At this moment, outside the cave, a flash of lightning suddenly fell from the sky, and it fell down, and a corner of the Tiannv cave suddenly collapsed.

"Strange, how could lightning strike it down?"

"No, run away, the spiritual energy vortex is about to erupt, and a lot of lightning appears."

"This is, the catastrophe is impossible?"


The person guarding the door exclaimed and hurriedly fled to the distance.

A vortex of spiritual energy in the sky suddenly gave birth to an abnormal change, spawning a series of lightning, which turned into a thundercloud storm, and kept falling down towards the Tiannv Cave.

Even Ye Tian was frightened, Qing Han actually aroused Lei Jie.

The earth immortals are divided into three grades, low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade. Only when the top-grade earth immortal breaks through can trigger the thunder calamity and be qualified to overcome the thunder calamity.

Like Taro Miyamoto and Xiao Qingtian, there is no thunder when they break through the earth immortal, and they are all middle and low-grade earth immortals. It's not that they are bad, and most of the earth immortals don't have to cross the thunder robbery.

"You are still one step away from real success. Go, go through this thunder tribulation, and you will really succeed. The body of bright glazed glass will be more perfect, and the innate realm will be more stable." Ye Tian said to Qinghan Said.


The thunder was shocking, and the lightning was like a wave.

The huge vitality vortex rioted, rolling up the thunder, and the electric snakes danced wildly, like countless flood dragons.

Qinghan couldn't help his scalp numb, and his face was a bit pale, obviously very frightened.

She broke through too fast, and her mood could not keep up after all.

"Go, let go of your mind and body to accept the baptism, don't worry, this is your opportunity, others can meet but not ask for. With me, you will surely be safe." Ye Tian whispered and helped Qinghan resolve fears and doubts.

Throughout the ages, few people have been able to provoke Thunder Tribulation by breaking through Earth Immortal.

Some disciples of the Great Teacher will even chase thunder and lightning every year during the thunderstorm days, attracting thunder and lightning to quench their bodies to make themselves stronger.

Of course, this approach is very dangerous, if there is no secret method, it is easy to not try.

The real thunder tribulation is different from the sky thunder that descends from the natural world, and it is also different from the sky thunder that the mighty monks use thunder method to attract. The will of heaven and earth contained in the thunder.

The thunder robbery was attracted, and it was impossible if you didn't cross it. There was no way to avoid it, unless you weakened Dao Xing, or used deceiving gods to hide your true strength.

Qinghan had no choice, bit his teeth, soaring up into the sky, facing a flash of lightning, into the dense black cloud.

She is wearing a Xia Yi formed by Shenghui, UU Reading is full of brilliance, as if she is lifting the Xia.

"Take this one."

Ye Tian threw the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and asked Qing Han to hold it in case of emergency.

Although the more you resist when crossing the thunder tribulation, the greater the blow you will suffer, but when you suffer a fatal blow, you still have to fight back, otherwise you will be killed alive.

"Is this girl...?" Qin Yongchang's eyes widened, not daring to recognize it.

"Your granddaughter, why, don't you recognize it?" Zhao Tianlong laughed.

"Some people believe that it is fairies," Liang Fei said, standing with a few people.

"Qinghan, be careful!" Qin Yongchang shouted.

"Don't worry, it's her blessing to be struck by lightning. Brother Miyamoto and I don't even have a chance to be struck by lightning." Xiao Qingtian smiled bitterly, with a look of envy.

"So powerful!" Su Mengyao also looked shocked.


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