Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1398: Create God Success

Among the sparks and flints, Ye Tian displayed the Suzaku Dharma Body, and used the speed of the Suzaku to avoid the palm of God's human-shaped lightning.


The Suzaku and the divine bird opened its mouth and spit out, the fire gleamed like a dragon, reaching the sky and the earth, engulfing the humanoid lightning toward God.

Zheng, Zheng, Zheng!

The Suzaku's divine wings shook violently, and thousands of killers shot out, like thousands of Suzaku feathers flying all over the sky, a vast expanse, and the sound of swords shook the sky.

At this time, Qing Han finally blasted the remaining three archangel humanoid lightnings, successfully escaped, and rushed over, offering the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and blasted the **** humanoid lightning.

The girl was covered with blood stains, her hair was messy, but her fighting spirit was high, like an invincible **** of war, **** and mad.

She had fantasized about fighting side by side with Ye Tian countless times, and now she is finally qualified, capable, and given the opportunity.

"It's just a trail of scars. The deity has passed away for thousands of years. There is nothing to be afraid of." Ye Tian said to Qinghan, let her not be afraid.

However, she said that tens of thousands of years have passed since the deity of God, but she was playing drums in her heart.

A **** of transformation can easily live for 100,000 years, but it can squeeze a star field, but it is not so easy to die.

Moreover, God came to the earth in the realm of transforming the gods. After so many years, he may even have broken through, refining emptiness, and even harmony, and his life is even longer. If so, the possibility of expecting him to die is even slimmer.

"Okay, let's blow him up together." Qing Han's apricot eyes were cold, exploding with his best combat power.

At this time, God's humanoid lightning also exploded with power like the sky and the earth, like an ancient fairy king born, terrifying to the sky.


The palace of heaven behind him suddenly moved, pressing down on Ye Tian and Qinghan, as if the sky was falling, thousands of strands of lightning, boundless, and despairing.

All of Ye Tian's attacks were swallowed by the Paradise Hall, like a mud cow entering the sea, without splashing any waves.

Suddenly, a majestic power came, and Qing Han and Ye Tian suddenly disappeared in place, and they were sucked into the palace of heaven.

There is a small world that is almost real in the heaven hall, which is exactly what the legendary heaven looks like. There are peaceful lights everywhere, chants sing, angels flying,..., people linger and fascinate.

However, this paradise hall is not real, but formed by the condensed thunder and lightning of Dao Mark, it is a real thunder purgatory, terrifying, it is necessary to refine Qinghan and Ye Tian.


Ye Tian exhibited his own vision, the Chaos God Realm, forming a crystal wall boundary membrane, which will guard Qinghan.

In the Chaos God Realm, there is also a small world being opened up, and the four spirits and gods are all appearing.

"It's over!"

Ye Tian shouted in a low voice, and two dragon-shaped rays of light shot out from his eyes, which were the power of his soul. After being entangled, they were blessed on the Great Seal.

He casts the soul with invincible will, and wants to break all laws with one weapon and explode everything.

At the same time, his eyebrows glowed, and the Yuanshen Dao sword flew out, like a **** of gold, brilliant.


A sound of sound rang through the world, Ye Tian's body shone with golden light, four spirits, chaotic gods, chaotic furnace, and a chaotic golden lotus, all kinds of visions came out, smelted into one, as if it can cross three thousand realms. .

The Heaven-shaking Seal broke the ten thousand magic, and the heaven was broken open all at once, and the Yuanshen Dao Sword followed and rushed out together.

The eyes of God's humanoid lightning were wide open, and two buckets of divine light came out of the pupils, causing the void to burst. The eighteen wings behind him shook slightly, the sea of ​​thunder was tumbling, the mountains and all things were shaking, thousands of thunder mans blasted towards Ye Tian.


Infinite murderous intent is raging, Thunder Sea is violent, and a big bust is coming.

Ye Tian didn't dodge and evasive, playing his peak combat power, to solve the battle with this blow, break all obstacles, and directly attacked the **** humanoid lightning.

God finally moved, spurring the entire Lei Hai to blast towards Ye Tian.

"No, run away!"

On the ground, all the people were horrified, and they all felt the breath of great terror, as if the end of the world was coming.

Taro Miyamoto and Xiao Qingtian waved their long sleeves, swept everyone away and rushed into the distance.


When the needle tip faced the Maimang, two terrifying powers collided together, bursting out a dazzling spirit.

The splendid brilliance is shining, like fireworks blooming, bright and blind, so you can't look directly at it.

The thunder rushed to the ground like a waterfall, and several mountains were razed to the ground on the spot. The sky and the earth were all white and full of thunder.

"Who's winning?"

A group of people stood on a mountain in the distance, looking into the direction of the battlefield.

In their eyes, the thunderclouds and storms in the sky were gradually dissipating, and the heavenly hall formed by lightning showed its true appearance, and there was a human-shaped lightning standing in front of the heavenly hall door, carrying eighteen bright wings standing proudly, like a **** in the world, The whole body is bright and powerful.

But Qing Han and Ye Tian had disappeared from the sky.

Everyone looked down and saw that Qing Han and Ye Tian were lying on the rubble after the mountain was razed, and both seemed to be injured. UU reading www.


All people are frightened, their hearts are beating, and they dare not accept this reality.


Suddenly, a scene of astonishment occurred. The palace of heaven formed by lightning first became dim, and then shattered every inch, as if blown away by the wind.

God's human-shaped lightning is also disintegrating, turning into wisps of road marks, and the roads of gods, like rain of light, are engulfed and will melt in the world.

On the ground, Ye Tian pushed Qinghan out abruptly, bathed in the rain, smelting as much Dao into his body as possible.

There was a little lustre behind her, and the holy light condensed eighteen bright wings, without any sense of violation, as if it belonged to her.

At this moment, a sacred and majestic breath emanated from her body, and instantly penetrated the boundary membrane of the small world, spreading to all directions, far away.

In a short while, the whole earth was enveloped by this sacred atmosphere.

The billions of believers were all shocked, their minds and bodies empty, and the sound of heaven sounded in their minds, which was not noisy and fascinating. A vague figure appeared, with eighteen wings on her back, and she couldn't see her face clearly, but from the undulating figure, she was a woman.

Everyone feels like they have returned to the mother body, surrounded by love and full of security.

Many uncountable churches are also shrouded in visions, the sky is falling with brilliant colors, the sky is full of gods, angels are flying, the hymn is loud,...

In the first holy city by the Mediterranean Sea, a sacred light that stretches for three thousand miles appeared, coming from the east, sweeping across the sky and making soup.

In the holy light, a graceful figure of a woman emerged, still invisible, full of mystery, but also respected from the heart, not dare to look directly, it is blasphemy.

"God has returned from Nirvana."

In front of an ancient church, Pope Francis led a group of saints to bow down and pray devoutly.

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