Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1399: Yuanshen Projection

Penglai Fairy Island.

The void was filled with lightning, and God's humanoid lightning seemed to have feathered, turning into a puff of light, with traces of Taoism, the gods were intertwined, the infinite holy light bloomed, illuminating all directions, and every ray of vitality shocked the world.

Qinghan bathed in it and received the baptism of light and rain. His body was as clear as colored glaze, and every pore was flowing with holy glory.

"Finally succeeded." Mengyao said, ecstatic.

"It should be a success." Xiao Qingtian nodded and said.

"Are we going to call Empress Qinghan in the future?" Zhao Tianlong laughed, then looked at the old man Qin Yongchang beside him, and then said: "Then you are the empress's grandfather, and your worth has doubled."

Qin Yongchang glared at him, noncommittal, ignored him.

Everyone let go of their hearts, because the thunder tribulation subsided, and the scars of God’s path emerged, and the success was nailed, but Ye Tian’s nerves were tightening, and his spiritual thoughts were released, not only covering the entire Penglai fairy island, but even permeating the boundary membrane. In addition, a broader world.

There is an ominous premonition in his heart, it is very strong.

A powerhouse of his level, who can seduce the heavenly secrets in the dark, has a premonition that he will not aimlessly.


Suddenly, Ye Tian sensed a wispy wave of fluctuations in the road, and lightning rushed towards Penglai Xian Island.

Although the Great Dao Fluctuation was very weak, it contained an indestructible will, which instantly shattered his spiritual thoughts, causing his brows to sting.

"not good!"

Ye Tian was shocked, and he rose into the sky like lightning, rushing to Qinghan who was bathing in the rain.

At this time, the humanoid lightning almost all feathered, only the upper body and the head were still there, and both eyes were empty.

His speed is very fast, but the great road coming from afar in the void fluctuates faster, almost as soon as he perceives it. After a short while, he penetrates the boundary of the small world and descends on the **** humanoid lightning that is about to become feathered.


At the moment when the avenue fluctuates, the humanoid lightning of God that is about to emerge suddenly seems to be nourished, stops the emergence, and begins to become clearer and more real.

Especially that pair of eyes, originally empty, gave birth to the destruction of the galaxy, the scene of the vicissitudes of time, and the horror.

There was even a touch of radiance in the eyes, as if a pair of real eyes, someone peeping from behind.

On the ground, Zhao Tianlong and Miyamoto Taro didn't know what was going on. The terrifying Dao pressure came to their bodies, and their bodies became stiff for a while, and they couldn't even breathe, as if time had stopped on them.

A sacred, but terrifying breath swept across the world in an instant. The hearts of hundreds of millions of believers throbbed again. The phantom of the young woman who had originally appeared in the sea became dim, and the figure of a tall and stalwart man began to appear. Carry sixteen bright wings.

"Sure enough, it's still alive." Ye Tian felt furry in his heart.

The thing he worries most still happened. The deity of God is still alive, and across the endless time and space, a strand of Yuanshen is projected onto the earth.

"Ah!" Qing Han yelled, the body of bright glazed glass hit the ground like a piece of glass, and numerous cracks suddenly appeared, almost breaking apart.


Ye Tian's eyebrows rushed out of a Dao Sword, golden light, like a glaze god, made of gold, drawing out an immortal light trail, smashing three thousand realms across, and slashing toward God's humanoid lightning.

Never once has Ye Tian brought the power of the Yuanshen Dao Sword to its extreme.

At this moment, as soon as the Yuanshen Dao Sword was taken out, his body was almost hollowed out, as if all the power of his body was concentrated on the Yuanshen Dao Sword.


In the sound of the Tao's chirping, the eyebrows of God's humanoid lightning were chopped by the Yuanshen Dao sword, and a crack appeared, but it could not be cut in, let alone shatter the entire humanoid lightning.


God's humanoid lightning looked at Ye Tian, ​​two divine lights burst out of his eyes, breaking the void.

Ye Tian suddenly felt a sense of suffocation. From the two divine lights, beyond the endless distance of time and space, he seemed to see a bright giant standing on top of the earth. When the eighteen bright wings flapped, the void shattered and the stars shattered. .


The Yuanshen Taoist sword trembles and suddenly splits.

Ye Tian's eyebrows split open, and blood overflowed.

"Cut!" Ye Tian shouted, fearlessly.

This is just a projection of the soul, and after tens of millions of light years, the power can't even be left.


Breaking through the endless pressure, his body was glowing with immeasurable golden light, his blood was boiling, and the true essence of his dantian gushing out like the Yangtze River.


The Yuanshen Dao Sword cut in again, and the gap between God's eyebrows became even bigger.


Ye Tian vomited blood, although it was only a projection of the soul, but it also made him feel like a demon god, and he was stressed.


His eyebrows were dripping with blood, the scars were worse than God's human-shaped lightning, his body was about to split, and his soul was about to break.

This is the crush of the Tao, and the power of the flesh cannot make up.

Ye Tian ran the Suzaku Nirvana regeneration magic, and the golden flame of his body was burning.

A golden Dao lotus emerged, turning into a golden light and rushing towards the Yuan Shen Dao sword.


After receiving the blessing of the golden Daolian, the Yuanshen Dao Sword shined brightly, and the divine power surged, and it suddenly penetrated the eyebrows of God's human-shaped lightning.


God's humanoid lightning finally burst, and the horrible roads disappeared.

Ye Tian's eyebrows were bloody, his frontal bone almost shattered.

He was dizzy and dizzy, and one of his feet was unstable and fell to the ground.

Everything was happening between the electric light and flint. The battle was fierce, lasting only a few seconds, and Ye Tian was almost alive.

At this time, Taro Miyamoto and Xiao Qingtian had awakened like a dream, and they didn't have much memory of what happened just now, as if nothing had happened.

The same is true for hundreds of millions of believers, as if they had just awakened from a dream, only the figure of a hazy woman was left in their hearts, and the figure of the man who had just entered the chaos disappeared.

All the people looked in the direction of Penglai Fairy Island, bowed their heads together, and worshipped sincerely.

The holy light is coming from the east, rolling like a dragon for three thousand miles, still mighty, directly leading to the first holy city on the Mediterranean coast, standing a young girl, her body is shrouded in holy glory, she can’t see her true face, but she has an incomparable aura, seemingly capable Compress the heavens forever.

No one noticed that the figure of the young woman just now almost disappeared and was replaced by the figure of a tall man.

"this is……?"

Seeing this girl, countless people's hearts were beating wildly. Although they couldn't recognize it, they knew that this was a supreme being.

The satellites in the sky discovered the source of this 3,000-mile holy light, a sea area in the East China Sea of ​​the great eastern country. There was no one there, but the holy light emerged, which was inexplicable.

A few days ago, the world wailed, sentient beings cried, and the news of God’s Nirvana spread from the first holy city in the Mediterranean and quickly spread throughout the world.

Everyone yelled and couldn't believe it, that is the omnipotent God.

And now, with the auspiciousness coming from the sky and the light coming from the east, news of God's nirvana came out again from the first holy city.

This time, everyone believed, but many people shouted that they couldn't accept it. The God who returned from Nirvana became a woman and her gender changed.

Pope Francis uttered the words in the first holy city that Nirvana rebirth is equivalent to reincarnation. The gender change is normal. As long as the true spirit is not lost, he will still be the deity of God, the supreme **** of the universe.

Moreover, he also said that this time God's Nirvana rebirth is very unusual. He temporarily bid farewell to the position of God, reincarnated in the human world, reborn as a human, and experienced the suffering of the people's livelihood.

However, the true spirit of God is still there, protecting sentient beings all the time. You can pray with confidence. God will hear it and will give gifts.

It is very possible that the God after Nirvana rebirth will be in the great eastern country.

Because the source of the three thousand miles of light from the east lies in the great eastern country. Although it is the sea area, it is also the sea area of ​​the eastern power, and in short, it is inseparable from the eastern power.

As soon as Francis said this, the whole world boiled.

The great eastern country is the country most insulated from the Holy See in the world. Among the billions of people, there are only a handful of people who believe in God.

It stands to reason that God’s Nirvana reincarnation should be avoided in this country!

Not all believers believed Francis's words, and found it incredible.

The South High Li Kingdom jumped at that time, threatening to say that God's Nirvana was reborn in their country, because the sea is not far from their country.

And more than half of the people in their country believe in God, and their piety and fanaticism are absolutely among the best in the world.

They even found a few suspects. UU Reading compared with the vague figure of the goddess, they were very similar.

Then, Dongying Kingdom also came out to intervene, saying that God was reborn in their country.

For these disputes, Pope Francis ignored them, anyway, he was looking for the Eastern powers.

On the same day, his old man led a group of saints to our great eastern country, looking for the footprints of God.

With him leading by example, countless believers moved to the great eastern countries one after another after hearing the wind. It was hard to find air tickets for a time, and the price was high.

No one knows that there is Ye Tian's shadow behind all this, his will is being executed, Francis is now obedient to him.

Ye Tian painstakingly laid out all this.

Although Qinghan has replaced God and captured the power of belief, her image has not yet been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and is still shrouded in the shadow of the first God.

Only when the world recognizes her image and equates her image with God, can she truly be herself and get rid of the shadow of God.

God is still alive, Ye Tian stabbed a big basket, he did not dare to tell anyone, including Qinghan, worried about affecting her Dao Xin.

Now that the cause and effect has been established and cannot be resolved for the time being, soldiers will have to stop it, and the water will cover it.

Penglai Fairy Island, Jiuzhong Palace, Qinghan retreats here, and the power of belief is scattered like rain. The entire palace is full of brilliance, beautiful, and sacred and peaceful.

The Tiannv Cave was destroyed in the thunder tribulation, and Qinghan entered the nine palaces.

"God, Hallelujah!"

Outside the palace, before seeing Qinghan, Pope Francis bowed to him.

It was Taro Miyamoto who brought him here. Ye Tian was in retreat to recuperate, Shenhun's injury was very serious, and his frontal bone was almost broken.

It is not suitable for Qinghan's identity to be known to the world, only the Pope will know.

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