Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1401: Hidden Change

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"The Sky Profound Sword Sect has spent eighty years cultivating a divine sword, and it has consumed endless treasures of heaven and earth. Just two months ago, the Thunder Tribulation was successfully descended, and the divine soldier was born and named the divine sword."

"With this divine sword, the Sky Profound Sword Sect swept across the Southern Territory, forcing all the sects to surrender, trying to dominate the Southern Territory. Although I am not a famous sect, I don't want to be sent under the fence, and I would rather die than follow."

"The Sky Profound Sword Sect has repeatedly provoked, and several elders of our sect have been injured. Elder Li Chundao almost got his arm cut off. The Sky Profound Sword Sect has a three-day deadline for me to surrender to the Qingshan Gate, or else I will be washed away by the Qingshan Gate ."

Zhao Qingyi gritted his teeth angrily and said, his expression was cold, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped wildly.

"Too hateful." Mengyao whispered, moving.

But Ye Tian had a calm and composed face, pinching his chin, as if thinking about something.

The Heavenly Profound Sword Sect is one of the three major sword repair sects in Kunxu, and the largest sect in the Southern Region. It has a long heritage of swordsmanship and unpredictable heritage.

According to rumors, the Sky Profound Sword Sect was inherited from the Sun Moon Sword Palace, and was founded by an elder of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

The Sun Moon Sword Palace was once the largest sect of the Outer Hidden Gate of Kunxu, in charge of Kunxu's bull ears, commanding the world, the heroes dare not follow.

Unfortunately, there is no immortal heritage in the world, as strong as the Sun Moon Sword Palace, which was also destroyed thousands of years ago. It is said to be related to the Inner Gate.

Ye Tian killed several elders of the Profound Sky Sword Sect, greatly hurting the vitality of the Profound Sky Sword Sect.

After the birth of the Profound Sky Divine Sword, one sword can be used as a million soldiers, killing the world. It not only made up for the damaged vitality, but also greatly increased the strength of the Profound Sky Sword Sect, fueled ambition, and began to kill the Quartet and force the southern regions. All major sects are attached.

There are a total of 18 sects in the southern part of the hidden gate, and half of the sects are already attached to the Sky Profound Sword Sect. Basically, they are all persecuted.

The remaining half of the sects are forming an alliance, and everyone joins forces to contend with the Sky Profound Sword Sect.

However, the selfishness of the various sects is too heavy, and the alliance formed is not stable.

Moreover, the Profound Sky Sword Sect was too strong, and when the Profound Sky Divine Sword came out, it swept the world invincibly, and almost no one could compete.

So far, it has only been two months since the birth of the Profound Sky Divine Sword, but it has drunk the blood of ten divine realms and dozens of masters successively, which is frightening.

"If you're scared, you can treat it as if I haven't been here." After speaking, Zhao Qingyi glanced at Ye Tian, ​​her clear eyes filled with indifference.

He really couldn't see what was extraordinary about Ye Tian, ​​his brows were bruised, his face was pale, it was more like a sick seed, nothing good.

"Is there two days left in the three-day time limit?" Ye Tian squeezed his chin and asked suddenly.

"Two days have passed. Today is the third day. I arrived the next day. It took another day to find here. If you have integrity and are not afraid of death, please follow me now. Sorry. Of course, if you are afraid and break your promise, I can understand it. I believe that Elder Li Chundao will not blame you. I think he is just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and he didn’t treat you very much. Great hope."

"You don't have to arouse me, I, someone who has made a promise, since I have made a promise, I will naturally do what I say." Ye Tian saw through Zhao Qingyi's careful thinking, and said nothing.

In other words, even if Zhao Qingyi didn't come to him, he still had to go to the hidden gate, and just recently, he came to find a chance and traveled across the land.

The major and minor issues in the secular world are basically handled, the only unstable factor, the eight blood ancestors of the blood clan, has also been temporarily sealed in a sea of ​​blood by him.

When he returns from the hidden gate, he has achieved innateness, which is the day of death of the eight blood ancestors of the blood race.

"I'm going to arrange some things and I'll be back soon." Ye Tian said as he got up and wanted to leave.

This time leaving may be a while, and Ye Tian naturally has to make some arrangements to be separate from his relatives.

"Meng Yao, turn on the TV to show Miss Zhao, lest she be bored." Ye Tian continued.

"No, I'm not interested in these worldly things." Zhao Qingyi felt guilty and stopped on the spot.

"Really? Why did I see you glance at the TV from time to time when I was talking? Could it be that I read it wrong?"

"You are wrong, you must be wrong. We in the Hidden Door, how can we be interested in these worldly things? If you open it, I won't look at it. I would rather go outside to see the scenery, in fact, you Dongshan Scenic Area The scenery is pretty good, it's worth seeing."

"Okay, if you want to see the scenery, go see the scenery."

Ye Tian thought this little Nizi was weird, but didn't think too much, turned around and left.

Mengyao had a lot of thoughts. When she left the villa and came to the Dongshan enchantment, she said what she thought in her heart, and wanted to go to the hidden gate and join Ye Tian.

Hidden door risks and opportunities coexist. It is a good place to experience and is very helpful to her growth.

If she stays on Penglai Fairy Island and keeps it in a greenhouse, it will be difficult for her to grow up.

"I don't know how Bai Ling'er is, I really want to see her." Mengyao continued.

Bai Ling'er is a young girl with physique of the lunar physique who was captured by Fengleigu with her. She is the daughter of a city lord in the northern region of the hidden gate. The two are getting along very well. See you later.

"You can go together if you want to go, or get some experience," Ye Tian said, and agreed to Mengyao's request.

When he arrived at the hidden gate, he would not bring Mengyao with him, UU reading instead would really let her experience it.

"What? Senior Sister Mengyao is going to the hidden gate to practice? I want to go, I also need to practice, and I can protect Senior Sister Mengyao. It is too dangerous to let her go to practice as a girl." Zhao Tianlong said loudly, with a face Righteous words.

"And me, the legendary hidden gate, I want to see it too. And I can be a mount for you for free." The black scale eagle also approached and shouted loudly.

"Lord Ye Island, can you take me there?" The fire cloud lion walked step by step. The elephant-like male body shakes the mountain every step of the way.

"What are you going to do?" Ye Tian asked.

"I want to find the descendants of Penglai ancient Taoism." Huoyunshi said.

"What are you looking for? Let them come back to seize the island? They are reluctant to think about it, don't blame us for abandoning them." Black Scale Eagle grinned.

The fire cloud lion was silent for a moment, and said, "I didn't mean it, I just want to know if the ancient Penglai Taoism is extinct."

Ye Tian couldn't refuse this request of Huoyun Lion, so he agreed to it and took it to the hidden gate. Even if he finds the ancient Penglai Taoism, he will not let Penglai Xiandao out.

"Take care, don't try your best, do what you can, I'll wait for you to come back." Qinghan bid farewell to Ye Tian, ​​feeling very unwilling to give up.

She has ice muscles and jade bones, her exquisite jade body is shrouded in a ball of sacred glory, shiny and dazzling.

If it was before, Ye Tian and Mengyao would travel together, she might be jealous.

Not anymore, because she is no less inferior to Mengyao in terms of her beauty and strength.

In addition, her state of mind has also become stronger, the love of her children is no longer all, there are also the world, all living beings, uncountable believers, as well as the pursuit of Tao and the longing for longevity.

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