Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1402: See who is faster

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"I said, do you think this is a vacation? To so many people?" Zhao Qingyi was speechless, because Ye Tian not only went by himself, but also brought a lion and a beauty.

This is clearly the style of the rich and the poor, with beautiful women and pets with them.

She glanced at the Fire Cloud Lion a few more times, and was shocked. This is a spirit beast that can only be found in the hidden door, and it is a rare spirit beast. It is rare in number and difficult to tame. It is also a great expense to raise.

She didn't understand why there was such a spirit beast beside Ye Tian. Not only was it tame and obedient, but it was also white and fat.

"Say it first, I can only take one person with my Feijian. And the hidden gate is not accessible to anyone who wants to enter." Zhao Qingyi said with a cold expression.

"Feijian? You came here with this sword?" Ye Tian stared at the sword on Zhao Qingyi's waist, his face was incredible.

The Kunlun Death Valley is thousands of kilometers away from the Tianhai Sea, and it straddles the east and west of the great eastern country. It is a miracle that Zhao Qingyi's sword was not bombed down all the way.

"How about it? Can I still fly over with light effort?"

"Using the ancient traditional way of traveling with the imperial sword, it's no wonder that I have been looking for a day. I thought you have some magic weapon for flying boat and shuttle. It seems that I still look up at you Qingshanmen." Ye Tian sighed.

Zhao Qingyi turned black immediately and was very angry.

Mengyao pursed her lips and smirked, and said, "Sister Zhao, we don't need your flying sword, we have a way."

"Yes, there is a kind of transportation in the secular world called airplanes, I am afraid that Miss Zhao still doesn't know. If you are not in a hurry, I can take you for a ride. Let you see the diversity of science and technology in our secular world. "Ye Tian teased.

"What **** plane, I am not interested. I don't have time to talk to you, even if you reach the Kunlun Death Valley, it will be useless, my hidden gate pass token only allows me to take one person through."

The Hidden Gate Pass Token is an array disk that can be used to open the enchantment portal.

There are several such arrays and they are almost impossible to copy.

The last time Ye Tian saw that Li Chundao used the formation plate, many cracks had appeared, and it would not be used a few times.

"You don't need to worry about Miss Zhao, you don't need your formation, the mountain people have their own clever plans." Ye Tian said, the person is set.

"Ming is stubborn, I want to see how you enter the hidden door. I will take a step first and will wait for you in Kunlun Death Valley. I will only wait for you for an hour, it will not be out of date." Zhao Qingyi puffed up with anger. Ups and downs, pulled out the flying sword, ready to take a step.

"You don't need to wait for me, because I will arrive before you. Let's meet in the hidden gate."

"Okay, let me see how you came before me."


A sword light ran across the sky, straight into the clouds, Zhao Qingyi flashed away.

Not in a hurry, Ye Tian took out the Xuanguangtai and began to depict the formation pattern, the coordinates of Kunlun Death Valley.

Because the coordinates of Kunlun Death Valley can be queried in the real world, precise positioning can be achieved with only one conversion.

Therefore, Ye Tian's formation pattern was described very quickly, and it was completed in a few minutes.

"Is it really possible to teleport to Kunlun all at once? There are thousands of kilometers in between!" Mengyao was both excited, but also a little nervous.

"I'm such a big head, sure there will be no problem?" Huo Yunshi's heart was also beating.

One of its big claws is bigger than the Xuanguangtai, so I really don't know how to transmit it.

"Don't say you are a lion, even a prehistoric giant dinosaur can teleport. However, the pressure and energy consumption of the Xuanguangtai will be much greater. After this transmission, the Xuanguangtai will probably not be used many times."


Ye Tian opened the Xuanguangtai, and bursts of light came out, the world was white and the space was distorted, and a space passage of black holes appeared, and waves of majestic absorption spread out.

Mengyao disappeared first, followed by the Fire Cloud Lion, and finally Ye Tian, ​​entering the space channel in turn.

In the passage of space, time seems to have stopped flowing, and everyone doesn't know how long time has passed, as if waking up from a big dream, and when you open your eyes, you are in a strange place.


The wind was howling, the snowflakes were flying, the mountains were majestic, and the sky was vast. There was no human figure, but there were many animal bones on the ground.

This is the Kunlun Death Valley, and it is in the narrow valley. The wind is very strong, and snowflakes blow on people's faces like knives.

Ye Tian looked at the surrounding scenes and confirmed that it was Death Valley, so he let go of his heart.

Then he picked up the Xuanguang Platform and found a few inconspicuous cracks. As he expected, it won't be used a few times.

The weight of the fire cloud lion is too big, a lion can bear more than a dozen people, which puts a lot of pressure on Xuan Guangtai.

It seems that this kind of transmission of Xuanguangtai is a one-time transmission in the real world of immortality. It transmits hundreds of thousands of kilometers, even millions of kilometers, and then throws it away.

"Let's go." Ye Tian put away the Xuanguangtai and led the way.

The area of ​​Death Valley is very large, and the Kunxu enchantment portal is at the deepest point, a very secret place.

Mengyao opened her mouth into an o-shape, still in shock.

She wore an exquisite watch on her pure white wrist and noticed the time. The entire transmission process took less than a minute. The speed was so fast that it could be called the ultimate speed in the world under the speed of light.

At this time, Zhao Qingyi was driving the Flying Sword, I am afraid he had not yet flown out of the boundaries of Jianghai Province.

The Fire Cloud Lion was also dizzy for a while, UU Read shook his head vigorously to keep himself awake.

Death Valley is an extremely dangerous place, as can be seen from the bones that can be seen everywhere on the ground.

Along the way, there are many rare birds and beasts, golden eagles, giant hyenas, plateau wolves,...

However, seeing the combination of two people and one lion, all the rare birds and beasts retreated.

The fire cloud lion roared, and the sound spread all over Death Valley, almost not scaring many animals.

Ye Tian was familiar with the road, and soon came to the deepest part of Death Valley, and stopped in front of a hill covered with fog all the year round.

The hill is very inconspicuous, only tens of meters high, full of weeds, and a few old trees.

Ye Tian found a small dark hole on a rock with a small altar inside, then took out a palm-sized array and placed it on it, and suddenly a spiritual light manifested.

This array was found by Ye Tian from Fenglei Valley. That's why he dared to boast about going to Haikou in front of Zhao Qingyi, and he could enter the hidden gate without her help.

This array is still brand new, and it should be no problem to use it dozens of times, as long as you don't transfer objects with too much weight.


The top of the hill shook, a crack suddenly appeared in the body of the hill, and the two sides separated, revealing a cave.

There is a larger altar in the cave with dense runes and very mysterious. This is the real transmission array.

There are four similar teleportation formations, Taikun Xu, located in different locations.

The transmission capacity of the teleportation array is limited, and can only teleport five people at a time. It was as big as a fire cloud lion, with a lion supporting a dozen people, and it was impossible to send it.

Ye Tian had to temporarily collect the Fire Cloud Lion from the Universe Ring before sending it.

Although the space in the Universe Ring cannot sustain life, such powerful life forms as the Fire Cloud Lion will not die for a while.

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