Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1403: Experience

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Ye Tian inserted the array disk into a small groove on the altar, and suddenly there was aura blooming on the altar, countless runes flowed out, a splendid, space quickly distorted, a space door opened, and a space-time tunnel appeared behind it.

Ye Tian and Qinghan disappeared in a flash, and when they appeared again, they appeared on another altar, still surrounded by a stone chamber.

The stone room is very similar, and the altar is also very similar, as if it has not moved a step, but outside the stone room is a completely different world from Kunlun Death Valley.

The tall and majestic mountains are endless, extending to the endless distance, like a series of powerful dragons lying on the ground. The snow on many hills does not melt all year round, and the snow is white, straight up to the sky.

Every big mountain is covered with towering ancient trees, with roots as high as 100 meters or even hundreds of meters, with luxuriant branches and leaves, like mountains, extremely strong.

Ho Ho Ho!

A roar of a beast came from a distance, shaking the earth and shaking the whole mountain trembling, the trees shook, and the boundless leaves fell down.

This is a savage land in the southern part of Kunxu, full of primitive aura, full of ancient wood wolf forests, many fierce birds and beasts, ordinary people dare not step into it.

However, the aura here is very abundant, and even on Penglai Fairy Island, for monks in the secular world, any place is a rare cultivation treasure.

"Is this Kunxu Small World?"

The fire cloud lion stepped out of the cave, staring at the scene in front of him, shocked, a little unbelievable.

Although Penglai Xiandao also has high mountains and dangerous gully, it is completely incomparable with Kunxu. Any large mountain here is much larger than the mountain on Penglai Xiandao.

In terms of area, Penglai Fairy Island is only a hundred kilometers in radius, while Kunxu is the size of a continent in the secular world, with a radius of thousands of kilometers. It may be the largest secret realm on earth, and it can be called a small world.

Penglai Fairy Island is a land of immortality, a pure land outside the world, while Kunxu is a wild land in the ancient times described in the "Shan Hai Jing". They are two completely different places, incomparable.

Although Mengyao had been to Kunxu once, her heart still couldn't help ups and downs, and she felt awe.

In addition, she couldn't help but give birth to a desire for strength in her heart, becoming stronger, stronger, and stronger, until one day she can step on this world.

"Earth Immortal is still very far away for me. In this experience, I will try my best to cultivate the gods to perfection and consolidate the foundation. Su Mengyao is by no means weaker than anyone." Mengyao secretly vowed in her heart with a solemn expression. A small fist was clenched tightly.

Although she is very reluctant to admit that Qinghan's step into the innate, it does stimulate her a little and makes her competitive.

"Let's take this! Lest you lose contact with me and return to the secular world." Ye Tian gave Mengyao the only formation.

Kun Xu is really too big, and unlike the secular world, you can contact by phone. If you lose contact, you will really lose contact.

With the formation, Mengyao can return to the secular world at any time, and is not afraid of losing contact.

"What about you?" Mengyao asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about me, I have a way." Ye Tian chuckled.

He wants to transfer the array, so he can borrow from the popes.

And even if he couldn't borrow the formation disk, he could not crack the altar teleportation formation, thus opening it.

Before the start of the experience, Mengyao had to visit her good friend, Bai Ling'er, the daughter of Baishan City Lord.

Baishan City is in the northern region of Kunxu, thousands of kilometers away from the southern region. Fire Cloud Lion proposed to send Mengyao a ride, just to get acquainted with this small world. It wants to find the ancient Penglai Taoism, but I don’t know where to start. If you are with a human, it will definitely be much better, at least it sounds convenient.

"It's so good." Ye Tian nodded and agreed.

The rivers and lakes are sinister, Kun Xu is a world respected by martial arts, there is no law, Mengyao is alone, he is still a little worried.

Normally, when the children go out to practice, they will be surrounded by three or two great abilities, secretly protecting them.

Ye Tian even hoped that the Fire Cloud Lion and Qinghan would stay together and rely on each other without delaying experience.

For Huoyun Lion, this trip to Kunxu, apart from searching for the ancient Penglai Taoism, will also be a good exercise.

It was born at the top of the food chain in Penglai Xiandao, without natural enemies. As time passed, the primitive wildness in the bloodline gradually lost, became docile, and became bad at killing.

Coming to Kunxu, there are more species that are naturally stronger than it, and may be able to awaken the primitive wildness, killing and bloodthirsty in its blood.

"Kun Xu is no better than Penglai Immortal Island, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, Divine Realm and Earth Immortals have been overhauled everywhere, and there may even be Golden Core Immortals. Don't cause trouble, pay attention to safety." Ye Tian reminded repeatedly.

"Don't worry, with me here, Mengyao will be safely sent to the destination of the Northern Territory." Huoyunshi said heartily.

For its own strength, it is still extremely confident, even if it is not at the top of Kunxu's food chain, it is still above the middle.

Boom, boom!

The fire cloud lion carried Qinghan, and walked away, with flames under his feet and red clouds, and his coat was golden and shiny, like an ancient chariot, rumbling across the sky, so powerful that it made people palpitation.


I don’t know if it’s to show off. When the four-hooves stepped into the air, the fire cloud lion opened his blood basin and let out a rough roar. The sound spread for dozens of miles, shaking the mountains and sweeping the mountains with supreme majesty. Heaven and earth.

Since ancient times, the Fire Cloud Lion has been a powerful race, which grows in a greenhouse. As long as the original blood is present, the majesty is there.

I saw the countless birds flying in the mountains and forests, and many large animals and small animals scurrying around, as if they had seen a god, they were scared.


Suddenly, a roar came from the flustered mountains and forest, and it suddenly suppressed the lion roar of the fire cloud lion.

Immediately afterwards, a huge boulder flew up like a cannon and hit the fire cloud lion.

"Be careful!" Mengyao was shocked.


The fire cloud lion stepped on it with one hoof, and a huge boulder weighing hundreds of kilograms was crushed into dust.

However, the huge body of the Fire Cloud Lion also shook violently.

At this moment, the ground below trembled and the ancient trees fell in pieces. A great ape with a height of more than ten meters and densely covered with black hair appeared. It has wide-mouthed fangs and a fierce face. The fire cloud lion stared.

It carried a big tree thick with a bucket in one hand, stroked the palms of two dustpans to clean the branches of the tree, then threw it as a javelin, and shot it at the fire cloud lion several times the speed of sound.

This is an ancient violent ape, born with supernatural power and violent nature, very powerful.

The fire cloud lion usually avoided lightning but a bunch of hair fell off, leaving a bloodstain on his body.


The big soles of the violent ape’s dustpan slammed on the ground, and the ground was trampled out of two huge deep pits. With the force of the counter shock, its huge body rocketed up into the air, opening its mouth wide and revealing a mouth. The snow-white fangs bit against the fire cloud lion.

"Looking for death!" The Fire Cloud Lion was furious, growing up so big, he has never been provoked so much by a creature.


It opened its mouth and spit out, and a flame was like a dragon, rushing out, sweeping towards the violent ape.


The violent ape glowed all over, burst out a monstrous black mist, turned into a tornado, and suddenly scattered the fire dragon.

"What?" The Fire Cloud Lion was shocked.

The violent ape flew to a height of 100 meters in an instant, and came to the side of the Fire Cloud Lion. His eyes were fierce, he opened his mouth wide, and roared again and again. At the same time, he protruded out a palm as big as a dustpan and patted the Fire Cloud Lion like five thunders.

Between the electric light and flint, a sharp knife light slashed out and slashed on the giant palm of the storm ape.


A thick thunder and lightning blasted from the back of the fire cloud lion, directly hitting the giant palm blasted by the violent ape.

"Aw..." The ape roared in pain.

This is the Taiyin Divine Thunder that Mengyao blasted, almost exploding the giant palm of the storm ape, scorched and blood dripping.

The fire cloud lion was so powerful that he hurriedly stepped down with a hoof, and the huge body of the violent ape fell straight down, smashing a bottomless pit on the ground.

"As soon as I came to Kunxu, give me a prestige." The fire cloud lion made a false alarm.

"If you think this is Penglai Fairy Island, you don't know how to die. Let's go! Our journey of experience begins now." Mengyao eagerly said.

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