Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1404: Girl 1 angry

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Outside the cave, under a towering tree, Ye Tian sat cross-legged, and the whole person quickly entered a state of fetal rest.

Zhao Qingyi won't be there for a while, and Ye Tian didn't want to waste this time and hurry up to practice.

Kunxu's immortals gathered and came out in large numbers, which was far more dangerous than the secular world. He had to make himself stronger as soon as possible.

Some time ago, helping Qinghan to fuse and transform the blood of God and promote Innate, which made him consume a lot, and he has not been able to fully recover until now.

Moreover, there is a Dao injury on his soul, although it is not serious, but a small Dao injury may be infinitely magnified in a battle with a real master, and in the end he will be careless and lose all the games.

"If Kun Xu doesn't have a golden core, I will break through the innate, and I should be able to sweep the invincible." Ye Tian thought in his heart.

It's not that he is arrogant, but that he has this capital, his physique, his cultivation techniques, his vision, ... are far beyond the Kunxu immortals can compare.

In the secular world, he can kill the earth immortals with the cultivation of the gods.

Although the Kunxu realm's earth immortal is stronger than the secular world, cross-border battles will be very difficult, but he does not think he will lose in the same realm, even if he faces a high-grade earth immortal.

If he wants to break through the innate, he can break through now.

As soon as he arrived in this world, he clearly felt that the chain of chaos inside his body had collapsed more tightly. It was the physical body that wanted to break free from the shackles, sense the secret, and lower the thunder.

However, the body is not perfect, he does not want to break through, so as not to leave irreparable defects.

Especially his divine soul injury will definitely become more serious in the thunder robbery, and it will be more stubborn and difficult to cure.

Therefore, if you want to cross the earth and the thunder and calamity, at least after repairing the soul of the soul.

Wounded by the divine soul, he thought of the Yuanshen projection coming from the endless time and space, and he couldn't help feeling a little afraid.

From this primordial spirit projection, he can be sure that God is still alive and has become stronger, and it is very likely that he has broken through the realm of refining the void above the god.

If God really descended on the earth at this time, or sent a clone to come, he really would have no place to bury him.

Refining the emptiness can destroy the stars with a quick finger, and a sneeze can make a galaxy tremble. It is a true supreme god.

"I must grow up as soon as possible, for the sake of my relatives and myself." Ye Tian felt a sense of urgency.

"My previous life was fifty years old to transform my spirits, seventy years old to reinforce emptiness, one hundred years old to join the Tao, this life should be faster."

"It's a pity that the earth's resources are too limited, so it's a matter of scouting Kunxu cleanly, whether it can break through the golden core or not."

"I heard that there is also an inner hidden gate in Kunxu, which is known as the immortal gate. The laws of heaven and earth there are more complete, and the golden core has been endless since ancient times. If you have the opportunity, you must visit it."


This luxuriant virgin mountain forest is full of vegetation, full of endless vegetation.

Sitting in the forest sea, Ye Tian felt the freshness of the aura of the plants and trees, running the "Chaos Refining Qi Jue" in his body to guide these auras into his body.

I saw that the tiny green awns flowed in his body following the rhythm of his breathing, filling his flesh, viscera, and bones with infinite vitality after being moisturized.


As time goes by, more and more grass and woods are coming from all directions, like a tide, surging and surging, and finally a cyclonic mist of several meters around his body is formed, and the spiritual energy inside is so dense that it can almost drip out of water. Come.

This prosperous virgin mountain forest is full of vegetation, almost inexhaustible.

Ye Tian's body was bathed in the ocean of plant essence, and every inch of flesh and blood was being nourished. He could clearly sense that small green rays of glow circulated happily in his body, washing his flesh and blood over and over again, making his body more vigorous and refreshing.

He seemed to be integrated into this world, merged with the lush mountains and forests, and seemed to be able to feel the pulse of the mountains and forests.

Before I knew it, two hours passed.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a graceful figure walked out of the cave and looked around.

The young girl is wearing Tsing Yi, holding a long sword, with her head full of long hair like a waterfall, draped over her shoulders. It is Zhao Qingyi.

Two hours, four hours, across the great eastern country, her speed is already extremely fast, approaching the speed of sound in the whole process.

You know, supersonic speed is easy for a while, but flying thousands of kilometers at supersonic speed is difficult. It is a great consumption of energy.

And she was just a little monk in the master realm.

On the way, she didn't miss the elixir to replenish her body's consumption, otherwise she wouldn't be able to stick to it.

She didn't think Ye Tian had arrived early, that was unreasonable.

However, when she walked out of the cave and looked around, suddenly a voice came:


She slammed a violent spirit, and made a big jump.

Within sight, a huge cyclone mist suddenly disappeared, and a figure of a man stood up and looked at her with a smile but a smile.

"You..., how is this possible?"

"Don't be surprised, I just arrived, a little earlier than you."

"How did you come?"

"Guess Zhao Qingyi's chest was ups and downs with anger. Although Ye Tian didn't provoke her, she gave her the feeling of facing an infinite enemy, wishing to choke someone to death.

"Let's go, a little later, I'm worried that the gate of your Qingshan Gate will be trampled on." Ye Tian said.

"Huh, my mouth is full of feces, my mouth is really smelly."

Zhao Qingyi was so angry that the roots of his teeth were itchy, but there was nothing to do.

"Do you have a flying sword?"

Suddenly, she asked Ye Tian. Two clear eyes flashed with a strange color, I don’t know what I was thinking.

"No." Ye Tian shook his head.

"Do you have a flying boat?" she asked again.


"Then how do you go?"

"I will work lightly and can fly over." Ye Tian said seriously, very seriously.

"Qinggong?" Zhao Qingyi almost smiled, and said, "It's hundreds of kilometers away from my Qingshan Gate. You can't fly with light effort until dark. Let's go, I'll take you."


Ye Tian knew that this little Nizi was not at ease, but he was bold and fearless.

Ever since, the two of them stepped on a flying sword, soaring into the sky, flying into the distance.

Although Zhao Qingyi's cultivation level is not high, Feijian's control skills are superb, up to supersonic speed, up to three times the speed of sound, and can make various maneuvers.

She thought Ye Tian would be scared, ah ah yelled to her for mercy, but Ye Tian was calm and calm, clamoring to make her fly faster.

This made her very mad, with an urge to vomit blood.

"Shut up! Tell me to throw you down, believe it or not?"


Feijian rushed down, and at more than twice the speed of sound, she wanted to throw Ye Tian down.

As a result, Feijian lost control and slammed into a mountain.

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