Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1414: Sword domain

After Ye Tianyi pointed out that Geng Jin Shen Lei crushed the Ziwei Valley Master, a golden fist with the size of a grinding plate also blasted in front of the elder of Blazing Fire Sect.

As soon as I saw the fist passing by, the world was trembling, as if it could not bear the pressure of this fist.

The golden fist is brighter than the Shenyang, and the glow is radiant, like a golden sacred fire burning, permeating the fresh, immortal breath.

Wu Ji Shenquan!

Wu Ji Xianzong relies on the peerless martial arts that dominates the universe, and is the true Xianzong unique knowledge.

The ultimate martial arts, shatter everything, destroy everything, sweep everything.

Now Ye Tian punched the most, capable of hitting the mighty power of turning the river and the sea, comparable to a heavy missile, and its destructive power was absolutely amazing.

"Child, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Fight the flesh, I've never lost to anyone in the southern part of the hidden door."

The elders of the Agni Huo Sect trains the body for the Agni Huo Sect. Every trace of flesh and blood, every inch of bone, and every viscera has been tempered thousands of times by the Agni, and he is a famously powerful body in the southern part of the hidden gate.


Facing Ye Tian's golden fist, he also slammed out with a punch, strong enough to collapse the mountain, instantly broke through the sound barrier, then burst into flames and turned into a huge fire dragon.

Ripples of the air visible to the naked eye burst out from his fist, scattered in all directions, turning into shock waves that could tear steel, sweeping through Cyclonus, and there were bursts of train whistle-like whining noises, as if they were empty beings. Torn, it's appalling.

The sky is shining, like two rounds of sun shining, so dazzling that people can't look directly at it.

This will be the collision of the two most powerful training bodies, everyone's eyes widened and looked carefully.


In the next second, a catastrophic collision occurred, as if the two worlds were shattered, and countless light shone in all directions, breaking the big clouds in the sky, the mountains and the valleys trembling, and the violent wind In the middle, big trees are uprooted, and green hills are turned into barren land.

The sky and the earth are bright, there is a dazzling, infinite light, only a figure remains, standing proudly, as if it has become the only one in the world, dominating all the brilliance.

There was blood mud and broken bones scattered out of the light group, as if it had been cut by thousands of knives, and it was smashed completely. The red blood dyed half of the sky red, and the smell of blood was tangy.

"Who's winning?"

Everyone was shocked, and the same question popped up in their minds.

Because the light was too bright, only one figure was faintly visible, and it was not certain who it was.

"Sure enough. It's no wonder that I dare to be so arrogant. However, with this ability, it is not enough to be wild in my Southern Territory!" Xiao Tianshu's eyes were gloomy, and wisps of spirits jumped out from his pupils, with a whisper. Later, he suddenly swung the big sword in his hand.

His extraordinary eyesight has already seen who the people in the light group are.

"Could it be that the elder of the Blazing Fire Sect died? He was broken by a punch by the young man?"

The disciples of Qingshanmen talked for a while, both surprised and shocked.

"I, Kunxu, when did this peerless young Tianjiao come out? What kind of sect is it? Why do you want to shoot for Qingshanmen?"

Many people on the flying boat and warship all looked terrified, their hearts were chilling, and they were all afraid of their heads and tails. Apart from Xiao Tianshu, no one dared to take action.

"This young man has such a powerful physical body, so strong true essence, which is comparable to Peak Earth Immortal." Luo Feng's pupils shrank, and he said in a hoarse voice, ashamed of himself.

"Yes, only one level is missing, and the last step is the earth immortal. Today, I am killed by the castle, maybe he can really resolve it."

"Master, who is he?"

"I don't know, it's a little friend that Elder Li knew in the secular world."

"Secular world? How is it possible? Isn't the heaven and earth there exhausted? How can such a peerless Tianjiao be born?"


In the stunned eyes of everyone, Sect Master Xiao Tianshu of the Profound Sky Sword Sect finally made a move.

The Profound Sky Divine Sword in his hand was urged to the extreme by the surging mana, and golden lines emerged, full of the charm of Tao, dreamlike and mysterious, inexplicable.

It was a stigmata, not carved by man, but a trace of the Tao left by the will of heaven and earth.

This is a genuine holy soldier!

In the secular world, there are also some sage soldiers, but they are all left behind by the ancestors of the major religions. They have been tempered for a hundred years and thousands of years. As the treasure of the town, almost no new sage soldiers have been born in modern times.

The Sky Profound Sword Sect only spent eighty-one years in the world, and he was refined into a holy soldier, igniting the thunder robbery and imprinting the stigmata, which can be called a miracle.

Saint soldiers are heavenly treasures, favored and recognized by the world, and can continue to evolve to become **** soldiers and even fairy soldiers.

At this moment, the stigmata in this holy soldier was resurrected, as if the inner gods were awakening, filled with strands of amazing energy.

Xiao Tianshu's palm fingers shook slightly, and suddenly a cold sword light swept out of the sword's edge like a raging sea of ​​anger, and ran across the sky, rushing to an endless distance.

Xiao Tianshu stepped on this sword light, as if stepping on a avenue of Shenguang, and stepped out of the flying boat in one step.

At this moment, UU read, he was connected to the Profound Sky Divine Sword, and the whole body was shrouded in a cloud of sword light, and every pore seemed to be spraying thin sword air, his face was solemn, and there was no sadness or joy in his eyes.

The aura on his body continued to rise, and he had already surpassed the peak of the gods, and he was about to break through the immortal world only half a step away.


With a stern shout, he held swords in both hands and slashed down wildly.

Chi Chi!

Qianzhang Void, under this sword, was as fragile as tofu, and was cut open all at once.

The entire world was divided into two, and a pitch-black void crack spread across Ye Tian's feet at lightning speed.

"Earth Immortal One Sword!"

Everyone was shocked.

With the cultivation base of the peak **** realm, Xiao Tianshu held a saint soldier and could battle the immortal.

"Junior, no matter who you are or what your background is, you are not the one who can run wild in my Southern Territory." Xiao Tianshu said, shaking the sky and the earth.

At this moment, I saw a strange scene. With Qianzhang Jianmang cut down, there was a light curtain, like a skynet, covering the top of Ye Tian's head, with a radius of hundreds of meters.

"Sword Domain!" Elder Li Chundao said, his expression changed again.

The sword domain is the sword gang condensed to the extreme by the sword aura, and it is transformed into a strand of stigmata. It looks weak and like water, but in fact it is harder than steel and fine gold, and can not be broken by heavy artillery.

As soon as the sword realm emerges, there is no way to invade it, even if the pinnacle divine realm is trapped, it is difficult to escape, surrounded by the tsunami-like sword energy, the Taoism will be suppressed, weakened, and eventually will die from exhaustion.

The Sword Realm is the embryonic form of the Sword Realm. It has evolved to the extreme, creating the world and everything, and it has become the Sword Realm.

"Ye Xiaoyou, hide, this is the sword domain." Li Chundao shouted and reminded.

Ye Tian squinted his eyes, stomped his feet suddenly, and wanted to walk away. He gave Xiao Tianshu a fist close, only to find that this world was banned by Jianyu, and his flashing supernatural powers were not working well.

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