Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1415: 1 imprint

Xiao Tianshu held swords in both hands and slashed with one sword.


At that moment, the mountains and rivers paled, and the sun and the moon were dull.

A thousand-zhang sword light became the only one between the sky and the earth, piercing the sky and the earth, dividing a piece of void into two, stirring up chaos in the sky.

A sword field with a radius of one hundred feet, like a large net covering the sky, fell along with the sky-reaching sword light, and immediately enveloped Ye Tian.

In the sword field, the terrifying sword aura suddenly erupted like a tsunami in the sky, isolating all vitality and harvesting all life.

Every ray of sword aura, every ray of sword light, can easily kill a grandmaster, causing the power of the gods to be harmed.

Xiao Tianshu knew the terrifying power of Ye Tian's broken void, so he shot a lore as soon as he shot it, and sealed the void with the sword domain, allowing the young man to escape and hide. Then he cut the mess with a quick knife and took the opportunity to kill him.

Otherwise, once Ye Tian escaped, he would break into the void, and it would be difficult to kill him.

Da da!

All the people in the audience changed color, their teeth trembled, their souls throbbed, and their spine swished coldly.

On the flying boat warship, a series of triple protection arrays were launched in an emergency, forming three light curtains, only to isolate the pressure of the Profound Sky Sword, so as to prevent the people inside from being hurt.

Above the ground, many disciples of Qingshanmen had bleeding in their mouths and noses, stinging in the corners of their eyes, and were even shocked. Even some elders could not bear such pressure.

"No, run away and enter the barrier."

The disciples of the Qingshan Gate generally receded from the flood, rushing back to the Houshan barrier.

The hills that were originally verdant and verdant looked like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, the trees withered and the fallen leaves fluttered.

This is just the overflowing coercion, it is so terrifying, the pain that Ye Tian suffered in the center of the sword region is hard to imagine.

If it were a normal god, it would turn into blood mud in an instant.

"Is this the power of the peerless sage soldier? It's terrifying!" Zhao Qingyi's eyes widened, astonishment in her eyes like water.

She stood with Elder Li Chundao, not only being guarded by the qi that she released, but also guarded by the qi of elder Li Chundao.

But it was so, her body was cold, like thorns on her back.

She didn't know until now that a holy soldier had completely awakened, how strong and so big it was that the Divine Sword Sect monster could sweep the southern region.

"This guy won't die, will he?"

Looking at Ye Tian who was shrouded by the sword domain in the void, Zhao Qingyi looked worried.

"No." Li Chundao said solemnly, with a very determined look, and then shouted at Ye Tian: "Ye Xiaoyou, can't you make a sword yet?"

"Sword? What sword?" Zhao Qingyi asked.

In her opinion, no matter what sword Ye Tian produces, it is impossible to compare with the Profound Sky Divine Sword.

"A self-righteous idiot, is not worthy of letting me out of the sword." Ye Tian's indifferent voice came from the sword domain, not loud, but it shocked everyone.

Xiao Tianshu is the lord of a sect, and he is the strongest person in the Southern Territory. He has been described as a stupid person. He has seen arrogant people, and has never seen such arrogant people.

"This guy is too arrogant, right?" Zhao Qingyi shook his head.

"It's not arrogance, but self-confidence. He has this strength." Li Chundao trusted Ye Tian unconditionally.

Ye Tian had a sword and didn't use it, indicating that everything was still under his control.

"Child, you are too arrogant, you don't respect your teachers, your elders, and you have no respect for the world. Even if I don't kill you today, it's hard for you to grow up." Xiao Tianshu yelled.


With a press of his hands, the sword light of Qianzhang was cut to the top of Ye Tian's head.

"Old man, you are old and disrespectful, bullying and shameless, what qualifications do you have to be respected by others?" Ye Tian rebuked loudly.


Strands of chaotic energy, accompanied by blazing golden divine lights, overflowed from his body, turning into chaotic divine realm to expand outward, emitting the sound of great roads and singing.

In the Chaos God Realm, earth, fire, wind and water rotate, and a small world is opening up at an extremely fast speed.

The sword domain cleaved by the Profound Sky Divine Sword was immediately suppressed in the opposite direction, and was washed away a little bit.

At the same time, a large golden seal suddenly appeared in Ye Tian's palm.

He held the seal with one hand and shook lightly. The ground shook the mountain and smashed Qianzhang's sword light to pieces, making him a mess.


Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was shocked again.

"Domain, he actually repaired the domain!"

"The magic weapon in his hand is very good. Isn't it the magic weapon of the broken void?"


Just as everyone was talking, Ye Tian rushed out of the broken sword domain with the vision of the domain, holding the earthshaking seal in his hand, and patted Xiao Tianshu from a distance.

"Damn it!" Xiao Tianshu's expression changed drastically. He didn't expect his sword domain to be broken so easily.

Qiang Qiang!

He swung the long sword in his hand and pulled out countless swords in an instant.

Sword lights roared out one after another, tearing apart the void, cutting open the sky, and smashing the space with a radius of several thousand meters, the earth cracking and the mountains and rivers broken.


Ye Tian was not afraid, and he came back, not even using flashing magical powers, but shaking hard with his flesh.

The steps under his feet are very strange, like moving clouds and flowing water, giving people a natural feeling of Taoism, full of mystery, like antelope hanging horns, without a trace.

He was shrouded in blazing golden light, his body was like a **** of golden glass, like a golden war god.

Bang bang bang!

Holding the Heaven-shaking Seal, he smashed the sword light to pieces, sparks shooting in all directions, clamoring.

Xiao Tianshu retreated violently, not wanting Ye Tian to be present, because his Profound Sky Divine Sword would not be able to be used in close combat. UU Reading

His speed is very fast, like a meteor, leaving behind afterimages.

However, Ye Tian's speed was faster than him, and he followed him like a shadow, and soon caught up.

I saw that the young man was invincible like a demon. Ren Xiao Tianshu waved his sword light across the sky, but he couldn't stop it either.

"Child, do you think I'm afraid of you when I'm close?" Xiao Tianshu was really angry.

There was a splendid radiance flowing in his eyes, and two bursts of killer suddenly burst out, sharper than a sharp sword, with the might of penetrating gold and cracking stones, and directly penetrated into Ye Tian's head.

This is the Jian Gang that he warms up in his body, it is a secret technique for killing lives, unexpectedly used, ghosts and gods are hard to prevent.

However, Ye Tian's expression was dull, and he looked upon it as nothing, pupu, spring thunder in his tongue, and two chaotic thunder gangs spewed out.

Bang bang!

As soon as there were two loud noises, the two sword gangs shot in Xiao Tianshu's eyes were like crystals, and they suddenly shattered and shattered in the void.


The void was trembling, and Ye Tian's big golden hand slammed the sky-shaking seal, as if holding a big mountain in his hand, causing the mountains and the valleys to tremble, and everyone was suffocated.

"Old man, take a bite and a child, do you really think you are great? See me and shoot you to death." Ye Tian yelled.

Xiao Tianshu's expression was so ugly that he had never been so passive.

Between the electric light and flint, the Profound Sky Sword in his hand flicked in the air, and a light curtain of sword aura formed in front of him as the sword aura whistled, as if a river of heaven traversed, separating him and Ye Tian.

At the same time, he held the Profound Sky Divine Sword in front of him to form a second protection.

However, Ye Tian's Heaven-shaking Seal was so overbearing and powerful, like a mountain smashed down.


In the next second, the light curtain of sword aura shattered in an instant, and Xiao Tianshu took the sword with him, and it fell to the ground like a falling meteor, smashing a bottomless pit.

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