
After breaking through the sword domain, the galaxy sword light of the Sun and Moon Divine Sword and the sky-reaching sword light of the Profound Sky Sword collided.

At that moment, the heavens and the earth faded, as if a super nuclear weapon with the equivalent of tens of millions of tons had exploded, and the heavens and the earth were shining brightly, filled with brilliant glare and splendor, which made people unable to open their eyes.

The shock waves visible to the naked eye swept away in all directions, devastating and decayed, each with the power of destroying mountains and rivers, almost lifting the green mountain gate to the sky, the mountains collapsed, and thousands of trees withered.

The barrier of the mountain behind the Qingshan Gate was almost destroyed. The barrier was torn violently like a canvas, making a deafening clatter.

Fortunately, the barrier finally persisted, not broken, and the people inside survived. Otherwise, the Qingshan Gate will really be destroyed, and no piece of armor will remain.

A huge energy pierced through the sky and the ground, like a pillar supporting the gods, exploded a huge crater on the ground, and disintegrated the big clouds on the sky.


As the huge clouds swept across dozens of miles of sky, the dust settled, and the world finally became clear.

A passage was opened at the back mountain barrier of the Qingshan Gate. Sect Master Zhang Qingxu and several elders walked out one after another, raised their heads slightly, and looked at the battlefield, and saw an extremely shocking scene.

There was only a young man in the void, holding a big sword around the sun, moon and stars, standing proudly.

The whole body of the young man was radiant, and the golden blood was steaming, like an ancient **** of war, which made people tremble.

The flying boat went back a thousand feet and hit a mountain. The monks inside were all staggered, very embarrassed.

Xiao Tianshu was even more miserable, and Ye Tian smashed his sword into the ground, smashing into a bottomless pit.

It was the same under Ye Tian's turning over the sky just now, and history was amazingly reproduced.

"Why is this sword familiar? Could it be...?" Sect Master Zhang Qingxu stared at the sword in Ye Tian's hand, his eyes condensed suddenly.

"Yes, it is the long-lost Sun and Moon Divine Sword." Elder Li Chundao said.

"Sun Moon Divine Sword, who is...?" Sect Master Zhang Qingxu was shocked.

"I only heard him say that he found the remains of True Monarch Wanjian in the secular world and obtained this sword." Elder Li Chundao said truthfully.

"Oh." Zhang Qingxu nodded gently.


At this moment, the earth shook violently, and a sky-shaking divine rainbow suddenly rushed out of the ground, and then rushed towards the distance.

It was Xiao Tianshu, anxious like a dog of the bereavement, already afraid to fight anymore and wanted to run away.


Ye Tian stood still, just gently shaking the Sun Moon Divine Sword in his hand.


A sound like a dragon crowing came from the sword body, and a wave visible to the naked eye, accompanied by a shocking murderous intent, instantly swept across the sky.

Xiao Tianshu was directly shocked and flew out, a silver light that was indeterminate. It was his sword qi's protective body, which was made into steel, but it was hard to resist heavy artillery and even missiles, but it was almost scattered all at once.

"The Sun and Moon Divine Sword, the legendary Kunxu No. 1 Divine Weapon, really deserves its reputation. It's really terrifying."

The Sect Master of the Qingshan Gate and the elders all took a breath.

With a light shock of the sword body, it knocked an earth fairy into the air, which is almost as capable as an heavenly fairy!

"The young man is also terrifying. He discovered the remains of True Monarch Wanjian, and he must have gotten more than this sword. In this way, everything can make sense." Sect Master Zhang Qingxu said, thinking that Ye Tian's cultivation is also compatible with Wan Wan. Sword Zhenjun is related.

"Maybe." Elder Li Chundao nodded gently.

Only this possibility, inheriting the mantle of True Monarch Ten Thousand Swords, could a young man become so powerful at a young age.

Sun Moon Sword Palace is a taboo in Kunxu, and you must be cautious even when talking about it.

According to legend, this sect dared to resist the authority of the immortal gate, so it was destroyed.

Now that the Sun Moon Divine Sword reappears in the world, there is also a young man who may have inherited the mantle of True Monarch Ten Thousand Swords. If the rumors go out and become known to the outside world, it will definitely cause an uproar and even bloodshed.

Sovereign Zhang Qingxu and several Qingshanmen elders all faintly noticed something wrong, a huge storm may be coming.

"Damn it!" Xiao Tianshu was furious, he was really bullied and he couldn't bear it.

As soon as the Sun and Moon Divine Sword came out, his Profound Sky Divine Sword was suppressed, and this one was impossible to fight.

"Why is the Sun Moon Divine Sword in your hands? Who are you? What does it have to do with Sun Moon Sword Palace?" He asked loudly.

Ye Tian only responded with a sword.


The Sun Moon Divine Sword trembled, and with a light split, a stunning sword light shone out, sharp and boundless, breaking through the void and slashing towards Xiao Tianshu.

"Do you really think I am a soft persimmon?"

Xiao Tianshu roared, holding the Profound Sky Divine Sword and slashing, splitting out a series of shocking sword lights.

Bang bang bang!

After several collisions, the Profound Sky Divine Sword wailed. It couldn't bear it, and it was about to break.

The Profound Sky Divine Sword has only been sacrificed for 81 years, while the Sun Moon Divine Sword has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, which is completely incomparable.

"Old stuff, what I said just now is still valid. Be a slave to me and I can spare you not to die." Ye Tian said with indifferent eyes, jokingly.

"Children Huangkou, you actually got the Sun Moon Divine Sword, and you must have a close relationship with Sun Moon Sword Palace. From now on, you are the enemy of the entire Kunxu. When I spread the news, you will wait to be hunted down. Right. Hahahaha!"

"Preach it out, do you think you have a chance?"

Ye Tian once again slashed with a sword, his sword aura turned into a galaxy, slashing the sky and the earth.


The Profound Sky Divine Sword finally failed and broke.

At this moment, Xiao Tianshu galloped and came to the vicinity of the flying boat.

He slashed again and boarded the warship.


Boom boom boom!

The flying boat and warship broke through the air, looking huge, but it was extremely flexible and extremely fast, breaking the speed of sound in an instant. UU reading www.

At the same time, another major formation on the flying boat was activated, all of them opened to the extreme.

"Nine Pole Galaxy Sword Formation!"

"Ten Thousand Magic Array!"

"King Kong Array."


In the end, a total of nine major formations were set up, each of which was different, and turned into a nine-fold magnificent rune light curtain, accompanied by thunder-like roars, wrapping the flying boats and warships, and guarding them like iron buckets.

These big formations are from the top-level formation sect in Kunxu, the hands of Ten Thousand Fazong. Every major formation has the power of protection at the earth fairy level. The nine major formations are united, and the pinnacle of the immortal is here, don't even think about breaking it easily.

Wanfazong is not only the top-level formation sect, but also one of the most powerful sects in Kunxu, with more than 20 earth immortals, ranking third in Kunxu.

Qiang Qiang!

All the crossbow arrows are also in operation, and the arrows burst out like rain, destroying the sky to prevent Ye Tian from pursuing them.

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