Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1419: Beat the dog

"Ye Xiaoyou, chase them quickly, you can't let them escape, otherwise there will be endless troubles." Elder Li Chundao shouted, extremely anxious.

If the Sun Moon Divine Sword is known to the outside world, not only will Ye Tian fall into a passive place, but also don't think about life at Qingshan Gate, because their relationship is very close and they are suspected of being an accomplice.


As soon as the words fell, Elder Li Chundao rushed out first, slashing with the sword, and slashing at the powerful crossbow arrows that came from the rain.

He is a small realm master, with limited abilities, he can only help Ye Tian clear some obstacles.

call out!

Ye Tian's figure was disillusioned, one step was a hundred feet away, and his magical powers flashed. With the floating light and shadow steps, he quickly overtook the fleeing flying boat. He is like a demon **** wandering through the heavens and worlds, erratic, with the mighty power of the broken void between his hands and feet.


The young man raised his sword and struck down.

The sword glow is shining, like a galaxy, traversing the sun and the moon.

At this moment, everyone on the flying boat and warship shivered, and their body was cold, as if facing a supreme true god, they didn't even dare to resist, they could only grab with their hands and kill with their necks.

Although the nine-layered protective array of the flying boat is very powerful, Ye Tian's sword is too scary, as if it is destroying the world. With a sword, the sun, moon and stars move, and all the sky trembles.

The sword light hadn't been cut down yet, and a strong touch of shocking murder had already broken through the nine major formations, pressing on everyone's hearts, making everyone cold.

Strands of stigmata emerged from the sword body, densely packed and intertwined with the sword light, as if opening up the world, building a brand new order and forming a brand new world.

Surprisingly, Ye Tian's sword also cut out of the sword domain.

However, it was just a rudimentary form, and even Xiao Tianshu's sword domain was not as perfect as it.

Ye Tian once inherited the sword world Dao Guo of True Lord Wan Jian, and then he exploded. Now break and then stand, to evolve their true sword world Tao fruit.

"I surrendered, don't kill me."

An old man wearing a gossip robe couldn't bear the pressure, suddenly knelt down, and bowed his head in the direction of Ye Tian.

"Elder Li, are you so insecure about the flying boat warship I taught?" Xiao Tianshu's eyes were slanted, holding a broken sword in his hand, hesitating coldly.

"Sun Moon Divine Sword, this is Sun Moon Divine Sword!"

"What about the Sun and Moon Divine Sword? I taught that the protective formation of the flying boat warship came from the hands of Ten Thousand Fazong, which consumed endless genius and earth treasures. Every major formation has the power of earth celestial protection. And, The vitality between the big formation and the big formation is connected, and there is no end. Unless he can cut through the nine major formations with a single sword, the big formation will instantly recover and continue to live. If you want to destroy the nine major formations, unless he is the pinnacle. Immortal." Xiao Tianshu said loudly, very confident in the protective array of flying boats.

However, as soon as his voice fell, bang bang bang, three thunder-like blasts came from above his head.

When everyone looked up, they saw that the outermost triple protective light shield had shattered, and it was only caused by the pressure of sword energy, not being cut.


Everyone on the flying boat was stunned.

In the next second, the star-like glow of the sword finally fell down.


The fourth protection array was opened, fragile like tofu, vulnerable.

Of course, it wasn't that the big formation was really fragile, but that the sword that Ye Tian wielded was too strong.

Although he is a god, the golden body is comparable to the body of the golden core. Striving for a sword is so terrifying.

Bang bang bang!

The fifth major formation, the sixth major formation,...

In the end, Mo said that the Nine Major Array, the entire flying boat warship, was split in half by a sword.

"What? How is this possible?" Xiao Tianshu was shocked, and finally he was afraid, only then did he know what a wicked existence he provokes.

The people on the flying boat were almost dead. Only Xiao Tianshu and the old man in Bagua Robe were still alive, but they were all seriously injured.

"Sect Master Xiao, I'm going one step ahead, so you can do it yourself." The old man of Bagua Cannon turned his hands and took out two khaki talisman seals and patted his legs.

"Mythical Rune?"

Xiao Tianshu's eyes sank, and he suddenly cleaved a cold sword.


A blood flower bloomed, and a human head rolled to the ground.

Xiao Tianshu snatched the magic rune of the old man in the gossip robe, slammed it on both legs, and then turned into a flash of lightning and rushed away.

The magical talisman can mobilize the earth to move the original force, let people unite with the heaven and the earth, and run at the same speed as the wind.

"Old thing, want to go, did you ask me to agree?" Ye Tian yelled, and turned into a flash of lightning, chasing him.

He flashed several times next, and suddenly narrowed the distance with Xiao Tianshu.

Xiao Tianshu was almost desperate. His magical talisman could help him run out of the world at extreme speed, but Ye Tian could shatter the void, shrink his ground to an inch, and easily compared him.


Xiao Tianshu had to stop, looking back with a sword, swept out a sharp sword light.

Although the Profound Sky Divine Sword was broken, it was still terrifying. The sword light that was swept out was extremely thick and could cut a small mountain in the middle.

"It's useless."

Ye Tian's eyes were cold, and he slashed out with a sword, with a magical sword aura, easily breaking through all Xiao Tianshu's attacks.


The Sky Profound Divine Sword broke again and let it out.

And Xiao Tianshu couldn't hold it either, and his figure retreated, like an iron plow plowing the ground, smashing a long ditch on the ground.

At this time, Ye Tian wanted to use flashing supernatural powers to catch up with Xiao Tianshu, but found that flashing supernatural powers were over, and could not break the void.


Xiao Tianshu suddenly broke through the ground, and continued to flee like lightning, facing the direction of Xuanzong Gate, under the increase of the magic talisman.

His body seemed to be burning, his blood was blasting into the sky, his speed was rising, he was burning his essence and blood, and fleeing desperately.

Bang bang bang!

There was thunder at his feet, and even the mountains collapsed wherever he passed.

"Even if you can't flash, I may not be able to catch up with you." Ye Tian smiled coldly, his body was golden light, suddenly burst into flames, opened the Suzaku Dharma body, turned into a Suzaku firebird, and chased him up.

Whoosh whoosh!

Sect Master Zhang Qingxu of Qingshanmen and several elders saw the same light in the two body images, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, almost inconceivable, unable to capture the track at all.

Elder Li Chundao wanted to follow up and have a look, but he was thrown off eighteen roads, so he had to give up.

"Made, why did you become a birdman?" Xiao Tianshu couldn't help cursing. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Ye Tian turned into a Suzaku Firebird, and used Suzaku's extreme speed, even faster than him.


Suzaku opened his mouth and spit out, and it was a pillar of fire that rushed down like a torrent. Xiao Tianshu almost got a dog's blood spray several times.

His original essence and blood continued to burn, and his whole person was like a stove, and half of the sky was set against red, and his speed climbed again and again, before being caught up by Ye Tian.

Burning the original essence and blood is equivalent to burning longevity, which is an act of death.

Xiao Tianshu increased his speed, but his breath continued to weaken. His black hair turned gray and white again at a speed visible to the naked eye, and wrinkles appeared on his smooth skin.

In the end, when he rushed back to the Sky Profound Sword Sect, the whole person became a dead old man with white hair.

"Who, trespassing into my Tianxuan Mountain Gate? Can't you be tired of living?"

A disciple with a broad waist and a round waist flew with a horizontal sword and stood in front of the mountain gate and yelled at Xiao Tianshu.

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