Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1441: Aoki body

It's time to come!

The old man Jiujue recovered his strength and was about to attack Ye Tian.

In the Golden Core Killing Array, he was severely traumatized, and his spirits and spirits were extremely depleted, but he knocked on a Nine-turned All-Spirit Great Pill and almost completely recovered, and even the broken arm grew again. .

The Nine-turn Wanling Great Pill, Shenzong, can be produced every twenty years. The so-called failure is because it has not reached the level of the holy product, not a real waste pill.

The nine-revolution panacea in the hands of the old man Jiujue had reached the level of the best pill. It had powerful medicinal effects and was one step away from the holy product.

Of course, this step is a natural moat.

Every twenty years, when the Nine Revolving Magic Pill of Medicine God Sect is released, it will cause a sensation in Kunxu, and the major sects will rush to buy it.

However, it is said that the pinnacle Divine Realm has successfully condensed the Yuan Dan with the help of the Nine Ranked All-Spirit Great Pill, but there are many examples of the pinnacle God Realm successfully breaking through the Great Pill.

From this, it can be seen how precious the Nine Revolving Pill is.

It is not easy to rush to buy a Nine-Range All-Spirit Great Pill, because a pot of Great Pills can be as small as ten, and if there is more, it will not exceed 20, which is pitiful.

Among them, the Medicine Shenzong will keep a small part of it, and the other small part will be distributed to the sects that provide assistance to the refining of the great pill, such as contributing rare spiritual medicinal materials, providing fire, providing pill furnace, etc. other.

You must know that the refining of the Nine Turns Wanling Great Pill requires tens of thousands of medicinal materials. Relying on the God of Medicine Sect itself, it is not collected at all. It is necessary to gather the power of all the sects of Kunxu, especially the powerful famous sect.

Therefore, it will take twenty years for the Nine-turn Wan Ling Great Pill to be produced, and most of the time is spent searching for medicinal materials.

The last few big pill will be sold in the form of auction, often at a sky-high price, hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, and even millions of spiritual stones.

Of course, the old man of Jiujue was not only eating a Nine-Rank Wan Ling Great Pill, but also refining many spirit stones, and Ye Tian also helped him heal his injuries and poured his true essence into him.

Ye Tian had already returned the treasure of his body and placed it in another spatial magic weapon.

When he was on the boat upstairs, he did not really make a move, and underestimated Ye Tian, ​​letting Ye Tian gain the upper hand.

In the Golden Core Killing Array, he was suppressed in his own way, allowing Ye Tian to gain the upper hand by virtue of his physical tyranny.

But now, he has almost recovered all of his combat power, and his true essence is like the Yangtze River. When it flows, there is a thunderous sound, **** and thunderous.

How can Jin Lin be a thing in the middle of a gallop?

At this moment, the old man Jiujue turned into a big dragon again, fighting for hegemony in all directions.

Ye Tian's expression remained unchanged, with his hands on his back, calmly, but Lan Meng was shocked.

She would rather serve as a maid for Ye Tian than for the old man Jiujue, or the wife of the village.

In the Golden Core Killing Array, she made a very vague suggestion to Ye Tian to kill Jiujue old man to avoid future troubles, but the people were light-hearted and Ye Tian didn't take it.

"Junior, I admit that you are very strong. As I have only seen in my entire life, the most talented and brilliant person is stronger than the **** goddess and saints on the Tianjiao list, and much stronger. Unfortunately, you shouldn't let me live out of the killing array. !"

"I have always liked to support younger generations, especially talented younger generations. In this way, you kneel under my feet and call me Master. From now on, we will be regarded as masters and apprentices. Let me kill you, it is really unbearable."

"You and me, the master and apprentice, work together. I'm definitely not bragging. From now on, this huge Kunxu will be ours. Even the **** and hidden fairy gate may not be able to break through in the future."

The murderous intent in the old man Jiujue's eyes, and the brilliance in his eyes, seemed to really want to accept the apprentice Ye Tian and dominate Kunxu in the future.

You know, he is a casual cultivator, and he has no [Chen Xi Novel Network] heritage.

Moreover, Ye Tian has a lot of things in his body, all kinds of magical techniques that he wants.

"I think you have the power to break the formation, I wanted to let you have a way of life. I didn't expect you to have a long life, and you came to your own death." Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and said with regret: "You believe it or not, since I let If you leave the Golden Core Killing Array alive, you will have the ability to trample you under your feet."

"Tread me under my feet and speak up. I didn't try my best on the boat upstairs. In the Golden Core Killing Array, you took the advantage of the tyrannical body. Now I am almost all restored to the ground. What are you doing with me? Fighting? You have the weapon of the gods, the sword of the sun and the moon, and you can't make up the gap between the gods and the earth immortals. If I try my best, I will kill you within ten strokes. Now I ask you for the last time, would you like to kneel? Lie at my feet and call me Master?" The old man Jiujue said sharply, his eyes cold.

"Then I will ask you for the last time, would you like to kneel under my feet and call me Master, so you can spare your life."

When Ye Tian said this, the old man Jiu Jue was furious on the spot.

"Toast and not eat fine wine, then you can't blame me. Now I will let you see my true strength."


A terrifying breath suddenly erupted from the old man Jiujue, like a flood, sweeping away in all directions, blowing sand and rocks on the dry lake.

Accompanied by this terrifying and monstrous aura, a series of blue-gold gods bloomed from his body, blazing and dazzling, the silver hair has turned into blue-gold luster, the skin is also flowing blue, and the whole person seems to be burning. Generally, it looks extraordinary.

What's more terrifying is that a towering tree emerged behind him, imprinted in the void, with luxuriant branches and ten meters high energy, every leaf and every branch, glowing and blooming.

As soon as this towering tree appeared, the Yimu vitality between the heavens and the earth roared, and the whole world seemed to boil.

"Is this...?" Lan Meng's eyes widened, panting heavily, with a panic of surprise.

"Qingmu spirit body." Ye Tian said.

", you have some eyesight, even the Aoki spirit body. But I don't know how much you know about the sacred chaos tree behind me?"

The old man Jiujue stroked his hands, and the ten-zhang green wood tree behind him suddenly stretched out countless verdant branches, like vines, covering the sky, entwining Ye Tian.

"Jiujue old way, I underestimated you. Being able to cultivate the divine form of the chaos sacred tree means that your aoki spirit body has been small. On this depleted planet, it is commendable to have such an achievement, and it would be a cultivation wizard. If you If you are younger, I might not be able to accept you as an apprentice, and train me well. In the future, the Jin Dan Yuan Ying can be expected."

"Accept me as an apprentice? I admire you, so how can I be confident?"


In the next second, the sky full of green branches fell down, instantly locking Ye Tian's limbs and limbs, and wrapping his whole person into a big dumpling.

Each branch is formed by the condensing of the aura of Yimu, of course, smelting the law and the way of Jiujue old man, which is stronger than the toughest wire rope in the world.

After locking Ye Tian's body, the branches began to infiltrate Ye Tian's body frantically, trying to absorb his vitality.

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