Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1442: Taboo spell

Aoki Spirit Devouring Technique!

A magical power that was originally used to swallow the aura of the wood element can also be used to swallow the vitality in the flesh and blood creatures. It can **** a flesh and blood into a corpse, which is almost a magic skill, and it is extremely overbearing.

It is because this magical power is too overbearing, like magic power. Eight hundred years ago, a sect called Qingmuzong was destroyed, and all Kunxu was discussed.

The old man Jiujue was lucky enough to obtain the remains of the Green Wood Sect, and then embarked on the road of cultivation.

He himself is a green wood spirit body, extremely talented in cultivation, and is naturally suitable for cultivating wood magical powers, so as a casual cultivator, he can achieve today's achievements.

As a casual cultivator, he had no resources for cultivation, so he had to grab it, so he became a Jiang Yang thief.

As soon as the Green Wood Spirit Devouring technique came out, all vitality was wiped out. This is the origin of his nickname Jiujue Old Man.


Ye Tian urged his mana, he was full of golden light, wanted to break free from the shackles of the green wood branches, but suddenly he couldn't break free.

This green wood branch smelted the law and Tao of Jiujue old man, which was too tough.

Even Ye Tian felt that the vitality in his body was being drained and being drawn.

"Junior, it's useless. What I am using is the Greenwood Spirit Devouring Art, which has the ability to exterminate the world and all things, and devour all vitality. It is the Earth Immortal. Once I am sealed by this magical art, I will not have the power to fight back. In the end, he will be sucked into a corpse alive. Eight hundred years ago, Qingmu Sect used this heaven-shaking magic to stand proudly in Kunxu, ranking among the top ten sects.” The old man Jiujue said loudly, taking Ye Tian.

"the host."

Lan Meng's eyes widened and screamed, his eyes full of horror.

Ye Tian's physical body is so powerful that he can't break free from the shackles. This shows the tyrannical power of this magical technique, no wonder it claims to be able to suppress the fief.

Lan Meng finally knew why the old man Jiujue was able to run wild in Kunxu, and the major sects could not catch him.

Once Ye Tian is under control, she will be the next to suffer. The ghost knew how old Jiujue would ravage her.

Bang bang bang!

I don't know where the courage came from, Lan Meng rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​and Pian Ruo was shocked, holding a crescent-shaped soldier in his hand, going to cut off the green wood branches on Ye Tian.

This is the Moon Wheel, a unique combat weapon of the Water Moon Gate.

Lan Meng's body was shrouded in a layer of moonlight, with ice muscles and jade bones, and his slender figure looked like the most perfect masterpiece of heaven. This moment was very powerful.


The old man Jiujue only flicked his fingers, and a burst of green gold fingers burst out. Lan Meng was bounced out, bleeding from his mouth, and his ribs were broken, and he fell to the ground immediately. .

"You like to call him the master so much, so just go and die with him." The old man Jiujue was furious, and the overwhelming branches of green wood flew over to Lan Meng, and the whole person was tied into rice dumplings.

"It's so bad that Si. Junior, what else do you want to say before you die?" The old man Jiujue said with compassion, but his expression was cold.

How could he not see that Ye Tian was not in his control at all, it was a scourge to keep it, and it was really murderous.

Although Ye Tian has a secret magic technique, the physiques of the two are different and it is not easy to practice.

"It's you who should leave the last word!"


Suddenly, Ye Tian burst into flames.

The chaotic golden flames burn all the sky and burn all things in the world.

Coupled with the fire-born Kemu, the old man Jiujue's green wood spirit devouring technique was destroyed at once, and the green wood branches turned into ashes in the transpiring flames.

The green wood spirit devouring technique was broken, and even the green wood branches on Lan Meng's body were automatically scattered, turning into strands of blue smoke.

"It's impossible. The flames of my Greenwood Spirit Devouring Art are not resistant at all, but water and fire are not invaded. What kind of flame is on your body?" The black line on the head of the old man Jiujue is very difficult to understand.

"You'll know when you feel it."

Ye Tian flicked his finger lightly, and a golden flame flew at the old man Jiujue like a falling star.

The old man Jiujue knew that this kind of flame was extraordinary, so he didn't dare to hold it on, so he dodged and avoided it.


Behind him, on the dry and hard lake, a bottomless hole suddenly appeared in the place hit by the flame.

Around the pit, all the soil within three feet of it turned into red magma, poured into the pit, and then quickly cooled down and turned into glass-like crystals.

Jiujue's face twitched, and the corner of his eyes twitched slightly.

"Child, you are very strong, but you must die today!"

The old man Jiujue was in full bloom, and the branches of the **** of green wood behind him stretched wildly into the void, and the aura of Yimu within a radius of a hundred li was aroused, billowing like a sea, and howled.

The old man Jiujue stroked his hands, and the mass of Yimu aura condensed in his palm, continuously condensing.

In the end, he condensed a cyan seal in his palm, only the size of a palm, but with the weight of a mountain, and the surrounding void was suppressed and twisted.

"Young man, see how you can break my green wood seal?"

In the voice, the old man Jiu Jue suddenly threw the seal in his hand to Ye Tian.

Boom boom boom!

The void was trembling, and at first it was only a palm-sized seal. Once removed from the hand, the air inflated generally. When it flew over Ye Tian's head, it became a hundred meters high and weighed tens of millions of tons, just like a tower. The true Mount Tai is pressing on top.

Lan Meng saw that the void in his sight was suddenly flooded by a blue mountain, and nothing else was visible, almost to death.

This kind of battle between heaven and man is not something she can mix in a small transformation, and destroy the world at every turn.


The Great Seal has not landed yet, but the terrifying pressure has already fallen, sealing the void and causing the ground under Ye Tian's feet to sink.

At this time, the flame on Ye Tian disappeared, and the breath of the mountain and sea was also restrained.

He gently raised his head, looking up at the big blue seal that was suppressed by Mount Tai, without a trace of panic, no sadness or joy in his expression.

"It's over." He said lightly.

"Yes, UU reading should be over, let me die!" The old man Jiujue shouted, and victory was in sight.

At this moment, Ye Tian moved his ten fingers together, pinching a magic trick like lightning.

This magic formula was 10%, a complicated and unusual talisman seal was branded in the void, and it flew out in a flash. The old man Jiujue didn't even understand what was going on, and this complicated talisman was integrated into his body.

Suddenly, something incredible happened.

The old man Jiujue's figure was stiff at first, and then he was full of fierce and tyrannical ground immortal cultivation base, suddenly like a big river bursting its bank, slumping thousands of miles.

In the blink of an eye, his cultivation base changed from Dixian to Divine Realm.

This is a taboo spell, which can prohibit a person's cultivation. When Ye Tian healed the old man Jiujue, he planted it without knowing it, in order to prevent the old man Jiujue from turning back.

Because Ye Tian's abilities are limited, and the old man Jiujue has a higher cultivation base than Ye Tian, ​​he can only drop his cultivation base by one level.

If Ye Tian had also become an earth immortal, with this taboo spell, he could even cut the old man Jiujue into a mortal.

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