Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1444: 2 servants and 1 master

"Friends, don't kill me, I surrendered. I will help you break the formation, there is no credit and hard work!"

The old man Jiu Jue wailed in pain, and finally bowed his head and subdued.

"I gave you a chance, but you are not sure!" Ye Tian shook his head with a look of regret.

He had already made up his mind in his heart to use the old man Jiujue to refine alchemy.

"Master, I can't let him go this time. Once he gains power, he will definitely kill us. The old man Jiujue is notoriously insidious and cunning in my Kunxu." Lan Meng came over, biting her teeth and facing Ye Tian Persuade.

It was the best ending for her now, and she didn't want any changes to happen again.

"Little girl, shut up. Is there any place for you to speak here?" The old man Jiu Jue roared, bleeding from his eyes, very scary.


Ye Tian clenched his iron fist, and there was a sound of bone fracture in the old man Jiu Jue, and the whole person was almost crushed into a sausage. He screamed like a pig, and almost passed out in pain.

It also made the old man Jiujue hard for his life. If it were ordinary people, he would have died hundreds of times.

"He is my maid, I said she can talk, she can talk, when is your turn to instruct?"

"Ahhhhh, fellow Taoist, be gentle, I was wrong, I shouldn't talk too much. As long as you don't kill me, I might be your servant. I will serve you, it's definitely better than that little girl."

The old man Jiujue begged for mercy, blood was dripping in his heart, and his anger was accumulating like a volcano.

Being a slave to Ye Tian is just a stopgap measure, how can he really be subdued?

"Master, don't listen to him. This man is always cunning and can't believe it." Lan Meng persuaded again.


The old man Jiujue glared fiercely, but did not dare to swear.

At this moment, when he heard that, Ye Tian whispered to Lan Meng: "How to deal with him, I have an idea in my heart, and it is not your turn to be a maid to make a decision for me."

Lan Meng was shocked and cold again. He lowered his head quickly, and said timidly, "Yes, I blame me for talking too much."

Then she stood aside honestly and stopped talking.

The generation of saints of the dignified Shuiyuemen, down to the present situation, there is only endless sadness in her heart.

"Master, it is your loss to kill me. As long as you and I join forces to sweep the Kunxu market, it is just around the corner. In the future, you will be the master of the Kunxu market, and I will be your slave, loyal and loyal." Shrewd rays of light shone in his eyes.

"Without your help, I can also become the master of Kunxu." Ye Tian said, with full confidence in his flat voice.

The old man Jiujue laughed in his heart, saying that he had seen bragging, but he had never seen such bragging.

"Yes, yes, the master is a world-famous Tianjiao, with extraordinary heroism. With his own power, he can also dominate Kunxu and become the master of Kunxu. However, with the help of the old slave, this day will come early. You say, don't you? "

Ye Tian held his chin in his hand, thought for a moment, and said, "It's okay to accept you as an old slave. However, you have to accept my divine and soul prohibition and sign a divine and soul contract."

There is no pill furnace in his hand, nor has he collected enough elixir. The old man Jiujue is better to keep this big medicine by his side, because a big living person is much more effective than a dead person.

After some thought, Ye Tian accepted the old slave first.

The old man Jiujue knew the horror of the Soul Contract, not as simple as the taboo curse reducing the cultivation base, but giving the soul to one person. From then on, he would kill or seize it, and use the hands of people.

However, he had no choice. After considering it for a while, he finally accepted the ban from the soul.

This prohibition is difficult to solve, but it is not without a solution.

Jiujue old man can only hope that the ban will be lifted in the future and he will be free again.

However, killing Ye Tian wouldn't work, so he would die with him.

This is the horror of the divine and soul restraint, one's own life and the speller's life are linked together, one death all death.

By the way, Ye Tian also imposed a spiritual restriction on Lan Meng to prevent her from turning back or running away, which would bring unpredictable consequences to herself.

After an episode, the three continued on their way.

Ye Tian walked in front, and the two servants followed him from left to right.

Lan Meng's eyes were hollow, but the old man Jiu Jue was full of shrewd eyes, carefully watching everything around him.

Walking out of the dried-up lake, the surrounding area is still dilapidated, the trees are withered and bare, and their vitality is wiped out, giving people a sense of incomparable desolation, as if they have come to the end of the world.

"How could this happen? What happened?" The old man Jiu Jue was shocked inexplicably.

He originally thought that this place was a pure world with countless opportunities, so it took him fifty years to break the formation and come in to find opportunities, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

However, although this place is very desolate, but the aura is very strong, better than the outside world, indicating that there must be a mystery here.

After crossing several high mountains and passing through a large area of ​​dead wood, there was the sound of running water in front of him.

It was a small stream winding through, and the earth began to have a trace of life, and three or two green plants could be seen.

On the distant mountains, the halls and pavilions are faintly visible, like heavenly palaces, but most of them collapsed and were in ruins.

A large area of ​​magnificent buildings, but now there are only remnants, telling the glory of the Sun Moon Sword Palace in the past, making people feel embarrassed.

This is still the periphery of the old sword palace, far from the central area.

Everyone continues to move forward, the earth is becoming more and more vigorous, there are more and more green plants, and the mountains are beginning to have greenery.

After traveling for dozens of kilometers, the three of them stood on a high mountain and looked down. What they saw finally looked like a pure land, with green plants all over the place, lush and extraordinarily lush.

Rivers meander and flow into a large sapphire lake.

The lake is crystal clear shimmering, you can see the fish and shrimps at the bottom of the lake.

On the shore of the lake, there are towering trees overgrown with luxuriant foliage covering the sky and the sun. They are lush and lush, and look like hills from a distance.

The thick vines are like dragons, climbing everywhere, connecting the mountains together.

The ground is full of flowers, colorful, fragrant and intoxicating.

The most shocking thing is that the floating mountains in the sky are exactly what you see in the Chishui River, towering into the sky, floating in the air, full of green plants, looming in the clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

Many floating mountains can even see tall palaces, intact, standing above the clouds.

Ye Tian's earth movement talent for running the chaotic golden body can sense the vigorous earth veins under his feet.

If there are no gaps, he can even sense the flow of the earth's air and gather towards the front.

Ye Tian moved his eyesight, and from the far distance of his eyes, he saw a region of glowing rays of light, with thin and radiant colors, as if there was a fairy pond, or a strange treasure was about to be born.

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