Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1445: Truncated

After turning over several mountains and mountains, everyone was truly in the pure land, like a piece of fairyland, which made people dazzling.

Looking around, the vegetation is prosperous, lush, with thousands of flowers blooming, colorful, aura into mist, transpiration, too thick to dissolve, moisturizing the air, just taking a sip, it makes people refreshing and intoxicated. a feeling of.

The mountains stand tall and the green peaks meet the clouds. They are terrifyingly tall, extremely majestic and majestic. Each of them can be called the king of the mountains, the emperor of the mountains, and people can't help but want to worship.

There is a valley in the middle of the mountains. The terrain is flat and open. Palaces stand up from the ground and dotted here. There are countless, continuous stretches. It has the scale of a city and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

Except for the collapse of a few palaces, most of them are still intact, but after thousands of years, they look very old. Many protective patterns have been obliterated. The tall walls are carved with traces of time. They are old and mottled. People feel extremely desolate.

Undoubtedly, this place should be the core of the old Sun Moon Sword Palace, and the real site of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

From these mottled ruins, one can vaguely imagine the strength of the Sun Moon Sword Palace thousands of years ago, standing proudly in the world, and in charge of the Kunxu.

"It's great that the old core site has not become a dead place, and the Sword Palace site is also very well preserved." Old man Jiu Jue muttered with burning eyes.

Lan Meng was shocked on the spot, her beautiful eyes widened, and her small cherry mouth was open, and she couldn't speak for a while.

Here seems to contain the spiritual beauty of the entire Kunxu, the weather is magnificent and amazing.

With a whistle, the old man Jiujue ignored Ye Tian and forgot his status as a servant, and rushed towards the Jian Palace ruins to hunt for treasure.

Ye Tian didn't stop him, let him go, anyway, he was the master, and he just confiscated any good things he found.

In fact, he doesn't think there is any treasure left here.

When the Inner Gate destroyed the Sun Moon Sword Palace, all the good things must have been searched.

Moreover, the inner hidden gate can pass through the outer hidden gate once every five hundred years, and the first one to reach is the Sun Moon Sword Palace, and there is no treasure left. Even some of the old medicines that have been in the past are probably all pulled out.

Ye Tian was not in a hurry to rush to the Jian Palace ruins, but stood still, watching the terrain here.

He suddenly discovered that the terrain here is amazing, full of mystery.

I saw that as he waited and watched, his expression became more and more dignified, and his pupils continued to shrink, as if he had made some amazing discoveries.

Suddenly, he moved his feet and climbed onto a floating mountain along a vine thicker than a bucket.

Condescendingly, he could see more clearly, and under the revolving golden pupils of the fire-eyed eyes, he almost had a panoramic view of the old sword palace, which was more than a hundred kilometers in radius.

Thousands of mountain peaks dot the land, seemingly distributed in disorder, but in fact they form nine mountains as a whole, like nine giant dragons lying prone on the earth, stretching to an endless distance.

In the old core site of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, these nine mountains surrounded a valley, forming an open area.

The row upon row of the Sun Moon Sword Palace is built in this valley.

Above the valley, there are nine tall floating mountains, which are connected to the nine mountain ranges underground, like nine dragon heads.

On each of the nine floating mountains, there is a sacred waterfall hanging down, like a hanging Tianhe, a vast expanse of white, misty water, haze transpiring, and it is spectacular.

Viewed from a distance, it was like nine dragon mouths spewing essence, immortal aura, chaos and misty, indescribable magic.

These nine divine waterfalls are not real water currents. There is no water source on the floating mountain, and it is impossible to flow so much water. For years and years, the origins of these waterfalls are endless. This Taoist waterfall is clearly spiritual fog, and there is the air of the earth, so strong. It is washed down like water.

It is not difficult for Ye Tian to find that under each mountain range is an earth vein. It was these nine veins that created the Kunxu.

The falling waterfalls on the nine floating mountains are impressively drawn from the earth veins.

Just now everyone walked all the way, and the place where they walked was one of the nine ground veins. The reason why you saw the extinction scene of the tree withering was because this ground vein was about to be drained.

And this vein winds all the way to the south, leading to the Southern Territory.

This is the essential reason why the great inspiration of the Southern Territory is inferior to the other regions.

If all the nine ground veins are drawn, Kunxu will also be over, and even the secular world can't compare with it, and it will become a land of extinction.

Of course, this process will be very long, thousands of years, because the huge Kunxu, the stock of earth veins is astronomical.

However, if the endless drawing continues, there will always be a day to run out.

Before the draw, Kunxu's aura will gradually dry up and become unsuitable for cultivation.

The terrain here, the mountains and rivers, must have been artificially altered, forming a large truncated earth formation that can evoke the ground, and thus create the current scene.

This is capturing the great opportunity of Kunxu, an act of extinction!

In the center of the Jiangong Old City site, there is a large open space. There is a bottomless pit in the open space. The diameter is about a hundred meters. Nine waterfalls that fall from the floating mountain are all gathered in this large pit.

The big pit seems to be a bottomless pit. The waterfall has been flowing for thousands of years. Masses of earth gas have gathered, but there is no sign of filling up.

There was chaos in the big pit, the sun was shining all over, and the Rui Cai was gushing, and nothing was seen.

Standing in the distance just now, the miraculous scene I saw came from this big pit. At that time, I thought there was something strange about to be born.

Easily, UU reading and Ye Tian connected the boundary passage to this big pit.

There must be a mystery below a big pit that is not filled up. It must not be a bottomless pit. It must be connected to a dense land with a vast space.

There is a chaotic void and turbulent flow in the boundary passage, which is perilous and not suitable for life bodies to pass through, but the heaven and earth vitality can flow unimpeded.

"It's really a masterpiece of genius to consume the outer hidden door and provide for the inner hidden door. It's interesting." Ye Tian smiled coldly. It is almost certain that this is a masterpiece of the inner hidden door. The outer hidden door does not have this ability at all, and would not do it like this. , Hurt yourself, and support others.

"Thousands of years ago, True Monarch Wanjian did not hesitate to offend the Inner Gate and slash the boundary passage in angrily. The reason may be that he did not want the Inner Gate to crawl on the Outer Gate to **** blood." Ye Tian guessed in his heart.

Intercepting the heavens and the earth, intercepting the energy of the earth veins, and intercepting the spirits of the great avenues, this is not a large array that Jin Dan can deploy, it needs the participation of Yuan Ying to complete it.

"Is there a Nascent Soul monk at the Inner Gate?"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's heart suddenly trembled.

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