Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1446: Brutal den

Even before the ages, when the earth avenue was the most energetic period, the top monks born were no more than Yuan Ying, and they were so few.

Therefore, the inner hidden door was overhauled by Yuan Ying, and it must have been a long time ago. Today, the possibility of Yuanying is very low.

You know, not any golden pill can prove Dao Yuan Ying.

Only the middle and upper third-rank golden pills have the possibility of proving Dao Yuanying, and the lower third-ranks have no possibility.

This truncated ground formation was probably established when Kunxu was opened up, and Yuan Ying overhauled it.

At that time, great enemies from outside the territory invaded and the secular world was in ruin. The monks of Middle-earth opened up Kunxu to settle down.

Intercepting the great inspiration of the outer hidden door and providing for the inner hidden door, under this operation, a piece of fairyland is created, and powerful monks, golden cores, and even Nascent Souls can still be born on the earth.

From the perspective of the overall situation, this can be called a genius idea.

The above are just some guesses made by Ye Tian, ​​and they are not very favorable.

He was just a passer-by, and happened to find these interesting things.

Just as Ye Tian was standing on the floating mountain thinking, the old man Jiujue had already approached the palace ruins of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

However, he wanted to enter the palace ruins, but it was not so easy, because many strange beasts found him and cast malicious glances.


The roar of beasts shook the sky, and the sound of birds rang through the sky.

The originally peaceful place suddenly boiled because of the appearance of three human beings.

Not only on the ground, but also on the floating mountain, the cry of a strange beast was heard, like thunder, shaking the earth, making the mountains and the valleys tremble.

An aura of great horror swept away in an instant, making people creepy.

The original pure land and treasure land suddenly seemed to have become a wild world, with alien beasts rampant and wild aura overwhelming the sky.

In other words, standing on the vent, even pigs can fly.

This is a pure land in a piece of pure land, gathering the spirit and beauty of the entire Kunxu, the avenue is full of vitality, and the creatures that grow up here are not bad.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if a pig is here, it can become refined with more aura.

Just now the three of them encountered a giant crocodile in the dry lake. They were only in pediatrics, and the truly capable creatures were all here.

A huge silver-patterned lynx, with bright fur, one foot long, bigger than a ox, four stout hooves, standing high on the city wall, with big bronze bells locked on the old man Jiujue, eagerly rushing.

A pangolin that is more than three feet long, completely black, as if draped in a layer of black steel armor, is emerging from a cave.

A violent bear, with a height of ten feet, was rushing out of the forest like a small mountain. The ground shook the mountain and the dense forest fell in patches.

A one-foot-high ape, full of flames, with two fangs at the corners of its mouth, and a brutal, bloodthirsty breath filled its torch-like eyes.

A big silver bird with a wingspan of ten feet, full of lightning...


Boom boom boom!

More strange beasts appeared, gathering in all directions, and the earth rumbling, as if a tide of beasts had occurred.

If it were ordinary people, they would have been scared and fled.

However, the old man Jiujue relied on being an immortal and was bold and fearless.

"A group of beasts who don't open their eyes, your grandfather is here, why don't you let it go?" The old man Jiu Jue shouted, and the strong air machine in his body suddenly burst out like a mountain whistling a tsunami. This moment was unprecedentedly strong.

However, a group of strange beasts were not frightened, their eyes were full of wild nature, but they flashed with wisdom-like light.

If spirit beasts become wild, they are not comparable to ordinary beasts, they are all bloodthirsty mad demons.


A cat cry sounded, much louder than a normal cat cry, more like the roar of a beast, very penetrating.

The silver lynx, which was more than ten feet long, was the first to kill the old man Jiujue. The two big bronze bell eyes were like two small suns, shining brightly.

Its speed is extremely fast. When it flies, its streamlined body turns into a silver lightning. In a negligible amount of time, it passes tens of meters in the sky, rushes to the front of the old man Jiujue, and lifts the big sea bowl. The paws slammed down against the old man Jiujue's heart. At the same time, he opened the blood mouth, stretched out his fangs, and bit at the old man Jiujue's neck.

This was an extremely cruel blow, which reflected the brutal bloodthirsty of carnivores and made Linlin nervous.

"Xiao Nie Hu, I am impatient of living, dare to do something to your grandfather. Then I will use you to kill the chicken and the monkey!" The old man Jiu Jue suddenly moved to murder.

He stood still, hunted in his long clothes, braked with silence, and simply and roughly threw out a punch. His fist was as strong as a dragon and his fist was as bright as a star. He swept across the sky with one blow to kill the silver-striped lynx.

Mo said it was a bobcat or an elephant, and his punch might be bloody.

However, he underestimated the lynx.

This is a spirit beast with spiritual roots and talented supernatural powers. With a mouth open, a crescent-shaped air soldier flew out, and instantly split the fist of Jiujue old man. In the next second, a bloodstain was cut on the tip of his fist.

Puff puff!

The silver lynx opened its mouth and spit out, like a lotus tongue, and crescent-shaped air soldiers roared out, each with the power of cutting gold and iron, and beheaded the Jiujue old man overwhelmingly.

For a time, the old man Jiujue seemed to have a storm in front of him, his air blade whizzed and clanged.

The old man Jiujue had to step back and retreat violently to avoid the blow.


The ten-foot-high violent bear went wild, picked up a huge boulder weighing tens of tons, and slammed the old man Jiujue.

The lightning bird smashed the sky, and when it flew by, a bucket-thick thunder pillar burst out of its mouth, making the sky pale.


If it was a strange beast, Jiujue Old Man would not be afraid. With so many strange beasts attacking together and using group fighting tactics, he was too weak and kept backing away.

At this time, Ye Tian and Lan Meng were also stared at by the spirit beast.

A saber-toothed tiger with a body length of more than ten meters suddenly appeared on the floating mountain. The two fangs at the corner of the mouth were stronger than the arms of an adult, and they approached Ye Tian step by step, which was extremely terrifying.

However, it seemed to be aware of Ye Tian's strength and dared not launch an attack hastily.

When Ye Tian moved, he shuddered even more, then turned around and ran.

"Clever!" Ye Tian smiled softly, and then went down the mountain.

"Don't come over, it's best to stand still, or lie down on the ground and pretend to be dead. There is a Scorpio here, which is very scary."

Lan Meng stood motionless, speaking to Ye Tianshen, his face pale, and big beads of sweat leaked from his forehead.

A big scorpion crawled beside her, and two big light bulb eyes were looking at her.

I saw that this scorpion was extremely huge, with a body length of two meters, like a big crocodile, its whole body like blood jade, crystal clear luster, and it seemed to wear a layer of red steel armor, giving people a sense of indestructibility.

This is Scorpio, UU reading www. is born with spiritual roots, and it can grow nine tails to the extreme.

This Scorpio has grown three tails and has been cultivating for at least 500 years. Although it hasn't transformed into a human being, it has the strength of a god-level celestial being.

Behind each tail is a long barb thorn, like a curved war spear, with scarlet blood, which is very sharp and poisonous.

Once an earth fairy was buried under the tail thorn of a Scorpio, it can be seen how toxic it is.


Just after Lan Meng Shen Nian's voice transmission ended, Ye Tian returned to the ground from Floating Mountain and stepped on the three-tailed Scorpio.


The indestructible body of the three-tailed Scorpio was trampled and exploded. It's like trampling on a bug, effortlessly.

"What did you just say?" Ye Tian turned his head and looked at each other.

"No, nothing."


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