Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1452: Why didn't you die


The boundary channel is like a volcanic eruption, spewing out a huge amount of void turbulence, or called a void storm, straight into the sky, raging in all directions, and everything that it passed is swallowed and swept away.

Of course, Ye Tian was the first to suffer. He was the closest to the boundary passage, and he was nowhere to be seen. Even if he has supernatural powers, it is too late to display.

Then the spirit beasts who tried to attack Ye Tian rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​as if they couldn’t wait to die. They didn’t even have to escape. They all plunged into the oncoming void turbulence, as if The clay cow enters the sea as if it disappears without splashing a wave.

This is the real "destroyed void." Heaven and earth are angry, looking at sentient beings like ants, and taking all things as dogs, it is terrifying to the extreme.

Standing ten feet away, the old man Jiujue had eye problems and quick hands, or was affected by the turbulent flow of the void, half of his body was dripping with blood, but there was no risk of his life.

When he was running his skills, he discovered the consequences of the tragedy. The original cultivation base of the mid-innate period actually fell to the early innate period.

This is because he escaped in time, only a little bit affected by the turbulence of the void, otherwise, I dare not imagine that it is possible to lose all cultivation.

This reduction in cultivation level is not irreversible, but it takes a long time, which is equivalent to leaving a wound in the body, and it takes a lot of effort to heal, recuperate slowly, or take a panacea.

The Dao wounds on Ye Tian's soul have been healed up to now.

Because of fear, Lan Meng stopped when he was a hundred feet away from the boundary channel, and escaped a catastrophe without any serious problems.

There were also some spirit beasts that were far away, escaped in time, and also escaped a catastrophe.

The turbulent flow of the void comes fast and goes fast.

In just a few minutes, the turbulent turbulence of the sky-shaking waves disappeared.

The spirit beasts that tried to attack Ye Tian were almost all rolled back into the boundary passage, leaving only one violent bear on the shore.

I saw that the terrestrial bear was lying on the ground like a dead dog, with his **** facing the direction of the boundary passage, and the smaller half of his body fell into the boundary passage. Two tungsten steel-like claws were on the hard masonry. Two deep grooves were drawn on the ground.

The Grim Bear did not directly attack Ye Tian, ​​but instead used the storm's breath magic power to gain a chance of escape compared to other spirit beasts.

However, it was too close to the realm channel, and it failed to escape. When it was rolled back by the turbulent flow of the void, its hands were like iron hooks, grabbing the ground firmly, saving half of its life.

It was originally five feet away from the realm passage, but it was rolled upside down and ruined half of its body in the realm passage. It can be seen how powerful the void turbulence is.

There is no wind and three-foot waves in the boundary passage, and the void storm has subsided, and there are turbulent currents tumbling, scouring the violent bear from time to time.

Every time the Void Turbulent Current scoured, the scars on the body of the violent earth bear would be one more layer, bloody, and the skin spattered, shocking, and even thick bones were exposed on the two thick legs.

It was originally covered with thick black hair as shiny as silk and satin, with only a few remaining, almost completely washed away by the turbulence of the void, and the exposed skin crisscrossed with countless wounds.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

I saw that on its body, every piece of flesh, every bone, there was a thread of sword aura overflowing, with a clanging sound, trying to form a sword domain outside of the body to isolate the turbulence of the void. Scour.

However, every time the sword domain just formed a prototype, it was washed away by the turbulence of the void.

Fortunately, its body is powerful, an indestructible sword body. If it is an ordinary creature, its bones will become ashes, and nothing will be left.

There was despair in the eyes of the tyrannical bear, but there were also survivors. Two big claws clung to the ground, like a snail, crawling to the shore little by little.

It had the same cultivation base of the same mid-innate period, it almost fell clean, and now it became a mortal beast.

"Help me!" The Earth Bear cried for help.

However, no one dared to step forward to rescue, because it was too dangerous.

You know, with such a big movement, it is possible to draw out the centipede.


This is an extremely miserable scene, full of tragedy.

"That kid, dead?"

The old man Jiujue looked back at Lan Meng, his brows furrowed, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Lan Meng also looked at him, and was shocked and terrified in his heart for the same question.

For the old man Jiujue, if Ye Tian died, it would definitely be the best, he could occupy the mountain as the king.

For Lan Meng, she is about to become the old lady of Jiujue.

"Hahaha, God helped me. From now on, everything here is mine. When I prove the Golden Core, the entire Kunxu will be mine." The old man Jiujue laughed and finally accepted. This exciting reality said to Lan Meng again: "Little girl, if you really surrender to me, I might not be able to forgive you for your mistakes and give you a new name."

"You are too happy." Lan Meng said: "He signed a contract with us. If he dies, we will die too. But now, we are not dead."

"The **** divine soul contract, UU reading, do you believe it too? He fell into the realm channel. Now he has been torn apart by the turbulence of time and space, and he will never survive."

"Is it alive? How do you know if you don't go and see?"

"Go and see?" The old man Jiujue hesitated.

The surrounding area passage is very dangerous, he dare not dare.

At this moment, accompanied by a screaming scream, the violent earth bear finally did not hold on, and was swept back into the boundary passage by the void turbulence.

But in the next second, the violent earth bear returned to the shore, seeming to be thrown back by a strong force, a dozen feet away from the shore of the boundary passage.

This sudden change stunned everyone.

A group of onlookers ran away, thinking it was a millipede appeared.

However, after another, a young man appeared instead of a centipede.

With a large square seal on the young man's head, the chaotic energy hanging down all over his body, stepping on a large turbulent wave with his feet, stepped onto the shore.

"Why are you...?" Old man Jiujue's expression was so ugly that he almost carried him back without a breath. It turned out that the person he least wanted to see appeared.

"You don't think I'm dead, do you?"

"No, no, how could that be possible. You signed a spirit contract with us, we are not dead, how could you possibly die."

"The best idea you can have."

When being swept away by the Void Turbulence, Ye Tian happened to land on the teleportation formation.

With the chaotic energy protection, coupled with the strength of his own golden body, his physical body is harmless, with only a few obvious wounds, and his cultivation level has not been reduced.

In fact, even if there wasn't a huge burst of turbulence in the void, he wanted to jump in and see if the teleportation formation could be repaired.

The teleportation array is seriously damaged, and it is not easy to repair it.

However, if it is easy to fix it, I'm afraid the people in the hidden door would have fixed it long ago.

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