Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1453: 1 ancient sword

When the violent earth bear used the storm breath magic power to attack Ye Tian, ​​it happened that the turbulence of the void exploded.

Therefore, Ye Tian didn't know that the wild bear was going to kill him, so he saved his life.

Although the old man Jiujue and Lan Meng knew the tricks behind them, to a certain extent, they were in the same group as the bears, and they were both "victims" and would not say anything.

However, the Grim Bear's cultivation base was cut clean and turned into a mortal beast with blood and flesh, which is a good punishment.

But Ye Tian's strength, the turbulent flow into the void without hindrance, once again vividly manifested, shocking everyone.

The old man Jiujue was convinced, and his only little thought hurriedly closed, An Anxin was a good servant.

Ten minutes later, everyone left the boundary passage and arrived at the back mountain of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

There is a forest of swords here, which is the true foundation of Sun Moon Sword Palace.

When I came here, everyone was stunned.

Everyone can see that the rocky mountains rise to the sky like pillars supporting the gods. The diameter is about ten meters, and the height is hundreds of meters.

And if you look closely, you will find that every stone pillar is like a peerless divine sword, standing proudly under the sky, exhaling endless sword evil air.

It was as if these were all mountains originally, but they were chopped horizontally and vertically and cut into the shape of a sword. It was filled with an earth-shattering aura, as if to pierce the clouds, which was too incredible.

"One, two, three..." Lan Meng actually counted the number of Jian Lin with his fingers.

"No need to count, there are a total of one hundred and nine." said the Ground Bear.

"One hundred and nine? I'm afraid you have counted the wrong one. It should be one hundred and eight?" The old man Jiu Jue corrected him, twisting his beard with a shocked expression on his face.

One hundred and eight is the number of days in the great avenue, which contains the profound meaning of the great cosmos, but one hundred and nine is not much meaning, just an ordinary number.

"I said one hundred and nine is one hundred and nine. If you don't believe it, you can count it yourself." The Earth Bear insisted. .

It is treasured to everything here, because its indestructible sword body was repaired here.

This is where the true heritage of the Sun Moon Sword Palace lies, which is equivalent to the sword raising pond of the Sky Profound Sword Sect.

Of course, the sword-raising pond of the Profound Sky Sword Sect was completely incomparable.

If Ye Tian didn't expect it to be bad, then the sword raising pond of the Profound Sky Sword Sect was built after the sword forest of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

The one hundred and nine pillars that support the sky are placed according to a certain rule, connected to each other with aura, forming a strange large array, which can draw the force of the stars and lower the energy of the ground pulse.

In the sword forest, there are countless swords stuck on the ground, looking around, like a tomb of swords.

Ye Tian even doubted that when the Inner Gate destroyed the Sun and Moon Sword Palace, he had inserted all the swords he had seized here. There were too many swords. It is conservatively estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of handles, many of which are rotten.

The aura here is too fierce, the stone forest is like a sword, and a terrifying killing intent is always permeated. Ten thousand swords are humming together, and the clanging sound is endless, making the body smash, like being shot by ten thousand swords.

Not only the spirit beasts dare not set foot here, even the birds can't fly, and they will be torn to pieces with murderous aura instantly.

However, this place is the blessed ground of the cultivation of the violent bear, and here he has cultivated the immortal sword body, which is a miracle.

At this moment, it came here with a handicapped body, and walked directly towards the sword forest.

"I won't be with you, I'm going to retreat here for a while. You guys can do it for yourself!" The earth blizzard said weakly, like a frosted eggplant, wilted.

Its cultivation base has almost dropped a clean, the meridians are completely broken, and the true essence is dried up. If it were not for this treasure of cultivation, the possibility of restoration of the cultivation base is almost zero. But now with this treasure of cultivation, there is a high probability that he will be able to recover, just spend time and slowly refine it.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

A sharp sword light slashed on the body of the terrestrial violent bear, bursting out a burst of sparks, piercing ears, like a hammer, it made people scared to look at it, but its body was harmless.

On the contrary, its body is absorbing the sword aura here, and with the help of sword aura cultivation, it recovers the wounds on its body, just like a normal monk swallows and breathes spiritual aura, like a fish in sword aura.

Everyone is not surprised at all, because the violent earth bear is an indestructible sword body, and is naturally close to sword energy.

"Strange, it is really one hundred and nine." Lan Meng shook his head and said, unable to believe it.

"Thirty-six Tiangang, seventy-two Earth evil, a total of one hundred and eight, how could it be one hundred and nine?" The old man Jiujue didn't believe it, so he had to count.

At this moment, Ye Tian said, "One is fake."

"Which one?" Lan Meng was surprised.

"In other words, only this one is true."

Ye Tian's eyes flickered, and he looked at the center of the sword forest, where there was a shorter sword pillar.

This sword pillar is very different. The other sword pillars are pointed upwards on the point of the sword, except that it is inserted on the ground with the hilt facing upward.

"You said this is a real sword? How is it possible? It's too big, like a mountain." Lan Meng couldn't believe it.

A sword as huge as a mountain is too unreal. Who can move it?

However, if it is really a mountain-like sword, it must be a rare magic weapon that can change its size as you like.

"What you see is sword intent, a kind of illusion, the real body is not so big." Ye Tian said.

What he saw in his eyes, the sword pillar in the middle was indeed a sword, and the aura that attracted the entire sword forest, like the eyes of the entire sword forest formation, filled with peerless murderous intent.

Although the real sword body is not one hundred feet high, it is also five feet high. The height of several floors makes it a huge sword.

And this is only the exposed part, if you add the part inserted into the ground, it should be ten feet high.

In the deserted sword forest, there is a huge sword ten feet high, which is very unreasonable.

Who owns this sword?

Who is here again?

Is it Sun Moon Sword Palace? Or hidden door?

In fact, it is not difficult for Ye Tian to see that this is raising soldiers, with the help of the entire sword forest formation.

If the Sun Moon Sword Palace was raising soldiers, it would be impossible not to be found by the hidden gate and robbed.

Therefore, the only possibility is the hidden door.

The entire sword forest array is still in operation after thousands of years, and the hidden gate must be maintained.

Needless to think about it or know that a sword raised by Neiyin Sect must have a great background, it can't be an ordinary sword.

At this moment, Old Man Jiu Jue squinted his eyes slightly, and after looking for a while, he seemed to have noticed this too. Suddenly his pupils contracted sharply.

"What a magic weapon!" The old man Jiu Jue said in shock.

Then, with a step forward, he rushed towards the sword forest, desperately trying to **** this sword.

However, when he rushed into the sword forest less than ten feet away, he couldn't move. The pressure was as strong as a mountain, and it was difficult for him to breathe. There were also sharp sword lights that cut across him. Scars.

Then, he took out a few magic weapons of body protection, and spent a lot of effort, but he only entered the sword forest 20 meters away, dragged his handicapped body back, and shed a cold sweat, eyes China is unwilling.

"Hehe, did you see it?" The Earth Bear turned his head, he sneered, and said, "Don't even think about it. I tried to get this sword countless times, but I couldn't do it."

At this time, the Grim Bear had already stepped into the sword forest fifty feet away, his entire body was wrapped in heavy epee energy, his injuries healed quickly, and he was still on the move, approaching the sword forest core.

The diameter of the entire sword forest is about four hundred feet, and the extreme blizzard of the earth can only reach a hundred feet away, and there is still a hundred feet away from the core, and it is impossible to get a giant sword. If you go inside, its body can't bear it, and it will be cut apart by sword energy.

Its current indestructible sword body is only small, and if you want to enter the core of the sword forest, I am afraid that the indestructible sword body will be great.

"Really? I'll try it."

In the voice, Ye Tian walked into the sword forest.

As soon as I saw him, he penetrated fifty feet deep in one breath, as if walking on the ground, his body was harmless.

At fifty feet, the murderous aura was already very strong, almost turned into a tangible quality, a burst of swords and swords, like 10,000 sharp swords, slashing across Ye Tian's body.

Lan Meng and the old man Jiu Jue watched nervously, lest Ye Tian died, and they would lose their lives.

"Go back, this is not where you can come. You can go deeper than fifty feet, which is already very remarkable." The Earth Bear turned his head and persuaded.

It came to seventy meters, its body was like iron, sparks were flying everywhere, and it was being chopped by countless sword lights. It was shocking, and its feet were heavy as if it had fallen into a lead.

It can reach a hundred feet deep into the sword forest to the limit, but usually meditates and cultivates at eighty or ninety feet, leaving itself a safe place.

Ye Tian didn't listen to its persuasion at all, and continued to move forward step by step, sixty zhang, seventy zhang,...

At the age of eighty zhang, Ye Tian caught up with the tyrannical bear, causing the tyrannical bear to drop his jaw.

At this time, the Grim Bear already felt a lot of pressure and was struggling to move, but Ye Tian seemed to be walking, he didn't use any magic weapon, only the qi protection.

I saw that one after another golden light overflowed from Ye Tian's body, permeating within three feet of his body, as if wearing a piece of golden It deserves to be an immortal golden body, the physical body is so powerful! "The old man Jiujue said in shock, his scalp numb for a while.

"What kind of physique are you, even stronger than me?" The violent earth bear was startled.

Ye Tian continued to move forward. When it reached a hundred meters, the body-protecting Qi Qi on his body was obviously unbearable. The zhengzheng sword-qi was like a thousand heavenly swords, and the three-foot-thick body-protecting Qi was constantly being torn. crack.

Ye Tian walked further ten feet, and when the body guard's qi was torn apart, he exhibited the Chaos God Realm, forming a stronger protection.

However, as you go deeper, the risk index increases exponentially.

At one hundred and seventy meters, the Chaos God Realm was also torn apart, like a rag, riddled with holes.

As a last resort, Ye Tian sacrificed the Heaven-shaking Seal, protecting his body with Chaos Qi, and continued to move forward.

His body seemed to be supporting a large mountain, and his feet seemed to be studded with lead blocks. Every step was difficult.

Moreover, the sword forest array was also aroused. One hundred and eight sword pillars blazed brightly, rushing out of the tsunami-like sword aura, and the hundreds of thousands of swords inserted in the sword mound all rattled and shook violently, like It is possible to rush to the sky at any time, Qi Qi beheads Xiang Ye Tian.

The tsunami-like sword qi condensed into sword qi dragons, strangling Ye Tian continuously.

But Ye Tian didn't shrink back, holding the Sun Moon Divine Sword in his hand, and fought and left.

In the last thirty feet of distance, he walked for two hours, with countless wounds cut out of his body, and finally came to the giant sword.

When he held this giant sword in one hand, the entire raging sword forest became quiet, no more sword energy attacked him, and the mountain-like coercion disappeared.

At this moment, the old man Jiujue and Lan Meng outside Jianlin clearly saw the main body of the giant sword, and they were all shocked immediately. It turned out to be a rusty ancient sword with many gaps in the blade.

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