Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1454: Yuan Ying Warrior

A rusty ancient sword, the blade is full of gaps, and the sword body has cracks, as if it had been cut through time and space from eternity years ago, inserted in the center of the sword forest, arousing the energy of the entire sword forest formation.

One after another, the evil spirit of the epee was constantly scouring, like a pouring rain, but the rust on the ancient sword did not decrease. It was mottled and old, and there was no trace of its original brilliance.

However, although the sword is old, it has a hostile spirit, like a ferocious beast, murderously moving everywhere, as if slaughtering endless creatures, making people daunting.

Ye Tian touched the sword body with one hand, and the tiger's body suddenly shook, an extremely tragic suffocation instantly flooded his body, causing his body and soul to tremble involuntarily.

At that moment, Ye Tian saw endless killings, blood flowed into rivers, bones became mountains, endless creatures were wailing, and there was a sad cloud between the world and the earth.

A man wearing a black iron suit, tall and powerful, mounted a dragon-scale horse, holding a **** huge sword, with a terrifying posture, galloping on the killing field.

The dragon-scale horse he mounts is powerful and terrifying, able to walk in the air, and the big hoof at the mouth of the sea bowl, every time it falls, it makes the sky vibrate and rumbling, as if to crush the void.

The wind rushed, and the dragon-scale horse rushed into the enemy army like a flash of lightning, the group of alien warships that slowed down the sky.

The black iron-clad man is extremely brave. The tiger's body is like a dragon. The iron shirt on his body is cold and cold. Every time the **** sword is cut out, an alien battleship will be cut down. .

This is an extremely tragic war. The monks on the earth fought against powerful enemies outside the territory and guarded their homes.

The man in black iron clothes was not alone in the fight. There were many monks who rushed into the killing field like him, all brave and fearless.

However, the alien warships are not waiting. Ten thousand cannons blasted, some spit out flames, some spit out all, and some spit out energy pellets, all of them blasted and killed.

Moreover, strong enemies outside the territory also have individual soldiers who can conquer good combat, driving mechas, and they can also burst out the fighting power of the monks on the earth road, earth immortals, heaven immortals,...

In the end, the heaven and the earth became a field of Shura, the sky was covered with blood and scarlet.

The black iron-clad man didn’t know how many powerful enemies he killed, how many warships he smashed, and eventually fell into a pool of blood. Broken in two.

This is an immortal sword intent, a mark remains!

Ye Tian quickly removed his hand from the ancient sword, and filled his brain with thunder-tones of rectification, washing his mind, and also washing the sword intent of the ancient sword.

If his physical body and spirit are not strong enough, a faint ray of sword intent may tear him to pieces.

He had no doubt that the scene he had just seen in his mind was true. It was a historical replay from the ages ago. The powerful enemy from outside the territory, the Great Western civilization invaded the earth.

In this way, the history of this sword is really old, with hundreds of thousands of years, no wonder it is rusty.

Although it was a broken sword, the part exposed above the ground was five feet high, like a section of steel city wall, tall and towering, Ye Tian couldn't even grasp it.

However, it was difficult for Ye Tian to use his magical powers, exhibiting the ten-zhang giant spirit body, as if he had become a golden giant, and instantly set off the ancient sword very small.

Outside of Jianlin, the old man Jiujue, Lan Meng and Earth Bear were shocked.

Yes, the Grim Bear also left the sword forest and came outside the sword forest.

Because Ye Tian forcibly broke into the sword forest just now, the sword forest's great formation became mad, Wan Jian clanked, and the terrified bear left in fright.

On the hilt of the ancient sword, Ye Tian saw a section of dried blood, and his pupils suddenly shrank, showing a look of horror.

Although the blood was dry, it was still scarlet, like an eternal scar on an ancient sword, filled with a breath of the sun, which was frightening.

After eternity, the blood remains the same, how horrible and incredible is this?

"The breath of Yuan Ying, this is the blood of Yuan Ying!" Ye Tian's heart shook, and he could tell that it was the blood of Yuan Ying.

There are Dao marks in Yuan Ying's blood. Although it is dried up, Dao marks still exist, so the blood is still there, and the scarlet is still there.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Ye Tian's mind, the man in the black iron suit that he saw in the Jianyi photo.

Ye Tian made the association naturally, this drop of blood was left by the black iron-clad man.

"This is a Yuanying Tianjun. No wonder it can smash an alien warship with one sword."

Yuan Ying Tianjun is the ceiling of the monks of the Great Dao on the earth, nicknamed Jinxian, above the heaven and the earth, the real supreme existence.

Since the ages, there are only a few Yuan Ying Tianjun appearing on the earth, and perhaps both leaders can count them.

This black iron-clothed Yuanying Tianjun was a resounding existence before eternal but Ye Tian didn't know who it was.

However, Ye Tian knew that Yuanying Tianjun's soldiers were definitely extraordinary.

Ye Tian's big golden hands with two large houses spread his five fingers apart and gently grasped the hilt of the rusty ancient sword. The true essence in his dantian surged out frantically and poured into the ancient sword.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The true essence in Ye Tian Dantian is boiling like a sea, rolling like a tide, and the true essence surging every second is enough to break the pulse of a pinnacle master.

However, a full minute has passed before the rusty ancient sword has a slight reaction. There is a slight clank sound, pieces of rust begin to peel off, and strands of Xiahui bloom.

Fortunately, Ye Tian's true essence was strong enough, and even surpassed many earth immortals, otherwise, if it were an ordinary divine realm, the true essence in his body might be exhausted in just one minute.

Ye Tian only felt that this rusty ancient sword was like a bottomless pit, and he wanted to swallow his whole person.

"Impossible, the True Essence I poured in just one minute was enough to mobilize 18 stigmata, but why didn't I see one stigmata manifested?" Ye Tian was also surprised.

Soon, another minute passed, and the true yuan in Ye Tian's body poured out like money.

The glow of the ancient sword was a bit better, the rust peeled off more, but there was still no stigmata manifestation.

This was the amount of true essence that could spur 36 stigmata, and it turned out to be like a clay cow entering the sea without receiving good results, making Ye Tian very crazy, and also very unwilling.

Three minutes, four minutes,...

When the time has passed for five minutes, Ye Tian poured enough true essence into the rusty ancient sword to spur the eighty-one stigmata, and finally, a scene of surprise happened, as if a **** treasure was born, suddenly on the ancient sword Hundreds of thousands of rays of divine glory bloomed, and the heavens and the earth were shining, so flaming that people could not look directly at it.

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