Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1464: Beat to death

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"Elder Lu, there are people here who are disrespectful to my Jiuli. They dared to ignore the ban and insisted on breaking through the barrier. They also indulged domestic animals and injured Brother Ma."

As soon as the two figures approached, they heard what a Jiuli disciple who was on the forbidden road said.

These two figures are one old and one young. The elder is Elder Lu. He looks like a middle-aged man. His face is like a knife, his hair is black and shiny, but his cultivation is already a fairyland. .

"So courageous! How dare to be my enemy Jiuli, then stay!"

The Elder Lu immediately raised his eyes, and an orange-red fireball condensed between his hands, the size of a basketball, and it blasted directly at the golden jade cart.


The orange-red fireball was shot out with his palm, and stretched continuously, suddenly turning into a long fire dragon, covering the sky.

I saw that where this long fire dragon passed, the earth was melted, and the magma was raging and terrifying.

For a while, everyone in the audience was horrified, shocked by the strength of Elder Lu, and killed people when they came up without any second words.

"Pretending to be a big-tailed wolf, offending Jiuli, depends on how you died." Su Tianxing sneered, looking at the show.


At this moment, a cyan light burst out from the golden jade, forming a protective mask like an iron cloth shirt, which suddenly blocked the fire dragon.

"Want to stay with me unless you, Jiuli's head teacher, come to me. Now, let me roll as far as I can, or don't blame my subordinates for being merciless." The old man Jiujue shouted, still sitting firmly in the carriage, maintaining restraint. It didn't mean to fight hard.

Mainly because of the words Ye Tian said to him, he thought it made sense and regarded it as a standard.

If he put aside his bad temper, he would have shot it long ago, and he would have seen blood when he shot it.

"You're not ashamed, it's too hard to keep you!"

With a wave of Elder Lu's sleeve robe, a palm-sized purple-gold gourd flew out, with a gleaming purple light and crystal-like jade, with many mysterious runes carved on the surface.

"It's over!"

While talking, Elder Lu pulled out the stopper of Zijin Gourd and threw it high into the air.

Boom boom boom!

The purple gold gourd rose in the wind, and instantly turned into more than three feet long, like a hill, full of brilliance, the gourd mouth rushed down, flowing out of the misty purple gas, turning into a huge whirlpool.

Suddenly, a powerful suction force rushed out of the gourd’s mouth, like a whale swallowing a cow, and instantly drained all the surrounding spiritual energy, and even more importantly, the golden jade noodles, together with all the people on it, including the violent bear Take it in too.

This is actually a magic gourd similar to the old man's golden gourd!

The old man, Jiu Jue, who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, had his eyes bright at the time, and he looked more and more like his own.

"Wait for a moment!"

At this moment, a man's magnetic voice came from the golden jade, and then the curtains opened, and a figure rushed out and flew towards the dense forest in the distance.


The onlookers were startled at first, and then burst into laughter.

Su Tianxing was the one who laughed most brilliantly.

However, the old man in Hefadi who was accompanying him squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Tianfei's direction with a deliberate look.

He released his divine mind, and could perceive the sound of fighting from the dense forest.

"Brother, don't worry about me, you go first! The person they are going to catch is me." A young and beautiful woman cried, with blood on her Tsing Yi, and her flawless body was covered with scars.

"Junior sister, you go first. These wastes can't stop me, I can definitely kill them." A white-clothed man with cold eyes, disheveled, like a **** of murder, waved a sharp knife wheel, slashing to the surrounding strong enemy. 12 Novel Network

Under his feet, there were corpses one after another, many of which were incomplete, either cross-cut or vertical cut.


A long silver knife with icy lustre, without a sound, slashed out from behind him suddenly, embedded in his back, hot blood gushing, almost smashed him.


The white-clothed man clamped the blade with flesh and blood, and he let out a beast-like roar, Huo Di turned around, struck a **** fist, blasted the attacker with one blow, and exploded his entire head into blood.

His body was hurt too badly, blood spurted in his mouth, and his body was shaken, but his cold eyes remained unchanged, that was his invincible fighting spirit.

"Luo Feng, you are very good. I have only seen talent other than teaching the son of God. You should have a good future, even a generation of glory, but it is a pity that Mingzhu secretly voted. What's more sad is that you still don't realize it." An old man shook his head.

Yes, this man in white is the senior brother Luo Feng from the Qingshan Gate of the Southern Territory, and the young and beautiful woman is his junior sister, Zhao Qingyi.

At this moment they were in desperate situation and were besieged by the people of Jiuli.

I don't know how long the battle has been, Luo Feng is already at the end of the battle, the essence of blood in his body is burning, and he wants to exhaust the last bit of strength.

"Qing Yi, go!"

Luo Feng stepped out abruptly like a blood man, the entire mountain forest was shaking, and a full moon knife wheel suddenly swung out of his palm, slashing towards the talking old man.

"Brother..." Zhao Qingyi had tears in her eyes.

"Go!" Luo Feng roared again.

"Fell into the hands of my Jiuli, still want to leave?"

The old man directly used his palm to make a knife, slapped Luo Feng's knife wheel, and at the same time stepped forward, continuing to pat Luo Feng with his palm.

Luo Feng squeezed the sword art in his hand, burned the original essence and blood, and outputted his true essence madly. It was another round of the silver moon knife wheel that skyrocketed to a full three feet size.

"Fight with you, cut!" Luo Feng roared, like an angry lion, trying his best to fight.


The old man also suddenly exploded with a terrifying aura, letting the knife wheel slash him, and he didn't even move.

"Come here!"

The violent blood flowed from the palm of the old man, instantly filling the void, filled with endless pressure, and even condensing the void into a piece of iron.

In an instant, Luo Feng seemed to have turned into a mosquito in the amber. He was frozen abruptly, and his whole body was also suppressed.

"Boy, don't enter the earth immortal, how do you know the horror of the earth immortal? I have never killed you, but I cherish my talent. I just want to accept you as a disciple. Since you are stubborn, let me die!"

As he spoke, the old man's five fingers snapped together, and suddenly a mountain-like heavy pressure was transmitted to Luo Feng's body, and even steel could be pressed into iron mud.

Luo Feng's physical body could not bear it at all, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is about to collapse.

In this electric flint, a figure suddenly shattered into the vacuum, and the golden palm fingers grasped a large square seal. The chaotic air was raging, falling from the sky like a meteor, and suddenly blasted on the old man's heavenly spirit cover.

When the old man reacted, it was too late to escape, and he only uttered a loud shout:

"I am Elder Jiuli, do you dare to kill me?"


The blood spattered, the bone stubble flew around, and the old man was turned into blood mud from head to toe.

"Earth fairy, is it amazing?"

Ye Tian wiped the blood stains on the Heavenly Seal, and said coldly.

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