Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1465: Great Dan is coming

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"who are you?"

The Jiuli disciples in the audience changed their colors and shouted in unison.

They never dreamed that they would kill Cheng Yaojin halfway.

"Kill your people!"

Ye Tian strode toward the meteor, his eyes were cold, his horrible aura was like a flood, and his face was very delicate, but it made people feel like a demon.

"Go to death for me!"

Luo Feng just froze for a moment, and then violently violently resembled a mad beast, full of blood and energy, slaughtering all quarters and killing everyone in the audience.

Zhao Qingyi took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​and there was a strange expression in his eyes, and then took a deep breath, waved the long sword in his hand, and killed the enemy with his senior.

"Go together, kill them!"

The disciples of Jiuli in the field were also furious, even if they saw Ye Tian's extraordinaryness, they couldn't wait to die. After all, this Kunxu is still the Kunxu of Jiuli.

Then came a burst of swords, lights and swords, shouting and killing.

But soon, a great battle ended, and dozens of Jiuli disciples all died tragically, most of them were killed by Luo Feng, and Ye Tian only stopped a few who wanted to escape.

Even Ye Tian had to admit that Luo Feng was indeed very strong and deserved to be the leader of the younger generation.

The corpses in the mountains and forests were one after another. The blood stained the ground, and the blood mist filled the air. It became an asura field. Even the wild beasts living in this mountain forest did not dare to approach. They were shocked by the evil aura and murderous aura. .

"Why are you here? Why were you besieged and killed by Jiuli?" Ye Tian asked a pair of seniors.

"It's not because of you." Zhao Qing sulked and cast an unfriendly look at Ye Tian.

"Junior sister, don't talk nonsense." Luo Feng snorted softly.

"Because of me? What's the matter?"

Ye Tian was Zhang Er's monk and couldn't figure it out.

Seeing the injustice, he drew his sword to help, but was turned into an army.

"Actually, I can't blame you." Luo Feng said with a deep voice.

"Why don't you blame him?" Zhao Qingyi said with a cold face, panting, and said: "I ask you, did you kill Xiao Wenlong of Jiuli God Sect? That is, the younger brother of Xiao Yifei, the son of Jiuli God, on a ship ."

Ye Tian touched his chin, thought for a moment, and said, "It seems that such a person has been killed."

Zhao Qingyi sneered and said, "You really did it. You are really good enough. You can kill people and disappear for a month. Do you know that the whole Kunxu is looking for you now? Do you know my Qingshan? What kind of pressure is on the door?"

"Junior sister, just say a few words less. Daoyou Ye is also unintentional." Luo Feng looked indifferent and unreasonable, but he spoke kindly.

After listening to what they said, Ye Tian understood. Kiss novels

His killing in the Southern Territory shook the entire Kunxu.

Later he killed Xiao Wenlong again, and there were many witnesses.

After some investigations, it is not difficult to find that the two are the same person.

Ye Tian stayed in the old place of Jian Palace for a month. The Jiuli Sect couldn’t find anyone, so he had to go to the Qingshan Gate to beg someone, because only Qingshan Gate had something to do with him.

Out of gratitude, Qingshanmen refused to tell his whereabouts. In fact, he really didn't know his whereabouts.

The Jiuli Sect was naturally unwilling to give up and threatened to destroy the Qingshan Gate.

"Then your Qingshanmen now...?"

"The gate of the mountain is still there, but Elder Li Chundao was taken away by the Jiuli Cult. My sister Qingyi and I were here to save Elder Li, but we were discovered before entering the gate of the Jiuli Cult. Now, all the way to here." Luo Feng said, with a look of dark hatred.

Ye Tian frowned, suddenly having a bad feeling.

If Elder Li Chundao told Jiuli God to teach him his family in the secular world, wouldn't his family be very dangerous?

As if seeing Ye Tian’s worry, Zhao Qingyi curled his lips and said, “Now that the Nine Transformation Great Pill is coming out soon, Jiuli God Sect shouldn’t pass away from the secular world to trouble you for the time being. You go back now and let the family home It’s too late for people to evacuate."

Luo Feng nodded and said, "Now many elders of the Jiuli God Sect, together with the head teacher, have all gone to the Western Medicine God Sect to protect the Nineth Rank Wanling Great Pill. I just want to rescue Li Chun because of this time. Elder Knife."

"The Great Pill of Nine Transformations is released? Why does the Jiuli Divine Sect go to protect the law?" Ye Tian was surprised, but he was very interested.

He had heard the story of the Nine-turn Wanling Great Pill. He had only heard it from Lan Meng's mouth. It was only released in about 20 years, and he had also seen this kind of pill in the hands of the old man Jiujue.

"You Daoyou Ye did not know that the Nine Transformation Wanling Great Pill is one of the top pill that can be refined by Shenzong Medicine. It can only be produced in twenty years after tens of thousands of medicinal materials. In previous years, the pill became a spiritual product, or The high-grade spirit pill, or the best-grade spirit pill. But this year is different. The Shenzong of Medicine has announced that it can become a sacred product this year. You must know that a sacred nine-turn universal spirit pill can create an earth immortal. According to legend, there is also the effect of condensing pill, helping the peak of earth immortal to a higher level." Luo Feng said eloquently.

"Even the Nine Stages of Spiritual Pills of the highest spirit or the ultimate spirit product are extremely precious and have extraordinary medicinal effects. Every time they are released, they will be watched by experts from all sides, especially some desperate and casual repairs on the rivers and lakes. Out of the robbery. The news that the Medicine Shenzong has released the pill to become a sacred product has detonated the entire arena, and countless people from the rivers and lakes have swarmed the Medicine Shenzong."

"As for the reason why the Jiuli God Sect protects the Dharma, it is because the Jiuli God Sect provides a lot of spiritual medicinal materials for the refining of the Great Pill. According to the agreement, part of the Great Pill is Jiuli. The last sect Dan has provided help can also be assigned at least one, and will also send masters to protect the law."

"So that's it!" Ye Tian squeezed his chin, lost in thought.

If it was the sacred nine-turn Wan Ling Great Pill, he could use it to heal his soul injury.

"You're not going to rob, are you?" Zhao Qingyi sneered, and said: "Don't even think about it. At that time, half of the gods in Kunxu will gather in the God of Medicine Sect, unless you have the skills of the golden core, otherwise I will die without knowing how to die."

"However, in the news that UU Reading www.uukā has 20 pieces of great pills, Yao Shenzong has only five pieces, Jiuli Shenjiao has three pieces, and the other seven have one piece each. Of the remaining five, two will be auctioned off. The other three will be given to the three outstanding young talents in Kunxu. Of course, there will be a competition as a reward."

"You have little hope of participating in the auction, because no matter how much money you have, you can't compare to those wealthy merchants and famous teachers. You have great hope in participating in the competition, but you are now a wanted criminal in Quankun Market. , Do you dare to participate in the competition?"

"No matter what, I'm telling you why. You go back to the secular world. Anyway, I still want to thank you for helping me Qingshanmen." Zhao Qingyi finally said to Ye Tian.

"Brother, what should we do now? After killing so many people of Jiuli God Cult, we are going to desperately lose the world?"

When he recognized reality, Zhao Qingyi was afraid for a while.

It was Luo Feng, who had no master for a while.

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