Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1472: Sword Slayer Old Demon

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Shao (

"Jiujue, save me and leave." The one-armed old road called for help, his voice miserable.

"I don't want to die, boy, save me, let me do anything."


"Life and death are destiny, wealth lies in the sky, I will let you out, but whether you can live or not is up to you."

Ye Tianshun opened more than a dozen prisons and released more than a dozen prisoners who were still vigorous and likely to survive.

Then, with the overturning seal on his head, holding Shushan Broken Soldier in his hand, he rushed out towards the entrance of the cave.


The evil spirits of the heavens and the earth were tossing like a huge wave, and the entire underground palace was in chaos and boundlessness, and a series of major Dao patterns were intertwined, which was a part of the twelve capital gods' evil formations, extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the dark prison showed a cruel side, which could not only kill people slowly, but also wipe out all the creatures imprisoned in a short period of time.

It is no wonder that since ancient times, none of the prisoners who have been put in has been able to leave alive.

Bang, bang!

There were two prisoners at the earth immortal level, as soon as they walked out of the cage, they fell into the lines of the avenue and were crushed into blood mist.

The twelve capital gods' evil formations were too terrifying, and everyone was dumbfounded and terrified.

It was Ye Tian who also broke out in a cold sweat. Under this killing formation, his golden eucharist didn't even look at it. The coercion of the divine treasure dropped and made his body chill.

The Jiujue old man, Li Chundao and Luo Feng, are even more miserable. They have already entered the body with evil spirits, invaded into the flesh and blood, the internal organs, and even the bones and blood. While suppressing their mana, they are still drawing from them. Essence and blood, cut their way.

The old man Jiujue was seriously injured. Under the attack of the evil spirit, his body would soon be unable to bear it, his vitality was lost, and his physical body was almost dry.

He couldn't stand alone, and asked Luo Feng and Li Chundao to support him.

However, compared with the other prisoners released by Ye Tian, ​​they were considered good.

Ye Tian’s golden body bloomed with golden brilliance, blood boiled, and the half-cut soldiers in his hand cried violently, and there was also a hint of brilliance, with the sky-turning mark on his head, and the chaotic energy fell, and the three of them were also guarded. Although it is on the edge.

The Heaven-shaking Seal can resist the breath of the avenue, isolate the evil spirits of the world, and resolve part of the strangulation of the avenue's lines.

And the half of the magic weapon in his hand can resist the suppression of the unknown magic treasure.

But because of this, Ye Tian was also very difficult to go forward, because the chaos was so vast, there was no way to see the road, his feet were like lead blocks, and the pressure on his shoulders was like a mountain.

The depths of the underground palace are quite a few kilometers away from the entrance of the cave, and here is not able to fly, it is difficult to walk fast, and can only be measured step by step.


Suddenly, a scream came from behind, very sad.

An earth immortal prisoner released by Ye Tian flashed with blood, and a **** figure threw out.

Then the body of the prisoner of the earth shrivelled instantly and turned into a human skin.

"Ah, Mad, get out of here!"

Then came another scream, and the body of another prisoner of the earth was torn apart.

"Be careful, the eight-armed bull demon is doing the worship. This is a supreme blood demon. After swallowing human blood, it will become stronger and stronger. Everyone move closer, don't separate." The one-armed old man shouted, as if it had become The leader of a group of prisoners.

Their pace was much slower than Ye Tian, ​​and they had been left behind.

"Damn, this kid let us out uneasy and kind. He wants to use us to contain the eight-armed bull demon so that he can escape." Someone cursed.

"Don't complain. After leaving the cage, there is still a glimmer of hope for life. If you stay in the cage, you will really die without a place to bury it." Someone said so sensibly.

Puff puff!

The eight-armed bull demon continued to use hunting methods. Less than one kilometer forward, half of the prisoners were hunted by him, or they were devoured so that only a human skin was left, or there was nothing left, even human skin. Was chewed raw.

It can be clearly seen that the movements of the eight-armed bull devil are getting faster and faster, and the whole body is getting more and more vigorous.

Boom boom boom!

The whole body was suffocating, like a sea, and it was like a thousand horses galloping, with deafening noises erupting, making Ye Tian's footsteps heavier and heavier.

The most terrifying thing is the killing array pattern branded on the ground and in the void, dense like a spider web, destroying all vitality and cutting the way forward.

If there is no sign of the sky-shaking and half of the magic weapon, it is Ye Tian's golden body, and it will be full of holes.

In fact, he is fine alone. The key is to bring three oil bottles, especially one oil bottle, which is about to pass out.

He took out the Profound Light Platform, trying to see if he could break the void and leave, but found that the void was suppressed by a great road, and the void was imprisoned and could not be broken.

If you want to break the void, you must at least leave the underground palace and go to the ground.

"Ye Tianren, why don't you go first." Luo Feng was very sorry.

Li Chundao also looked apologetic.

At this time, he found that the evil spirit in front was getting thinner and thinner, and the falling pressure was also weakening, and even the formation patterns began to blur.

There is a tunnel ahead, which is the tunnel when it came, leading to the surface.

"Hahaha, I finally survived."

Just as the four of them were about to enter the tunnel, there was a burst of laughter behind them, it was the one-armed old man.

Among the dozen prisoners released by Ye Tian, ​​he was the only one who survived, and the rest died.

"Fate is so hard to ride a horse!" The old man Jiu Jue gritted his teeth and said with emotion.

"Hey, your life is pretty good, you can survive the hands of the eight-armed bull demon." said the one-armed old man, UU reading www.uukanshu. com smiled with pleats.

"If it weren't for a sneak attack, how could the **** eight-armed bull demon be my opponent?" Old man Jiujue resented.

There are only a few simple mechanisms in the tunnel, and everyone is already familiar with it when they come, and the way back is full of surprises.

Soon, everyone came to the black iron gate.

In the tunnel, there is no permanent light outside.

"This door can only be opened from the outside, there is no mechanism inside. If I read correctly, your broken sword is a magic weapon. I can help you, infuse you with some mana, and urge the magic weapon to break this door. Open." The one-armed old Taoist said to Ye Tian, ​​staring at the broken soldier in Ye Tian's hand, his eyes flickering.

"Brother Ye, I can also help you." Luo Feng said.

"No need," Ye Tian said, taking a long breath.

He clenched the broken soldiers with both hands, and poured the true essence into it crazily.


With the infusion of the true essence, the broken sword trembled and buzzed, and pieces of rust began to peel off, and gave out bursts of palpitation, like a soul that can swallow people, cold and sinking. Condensed.

"Shenhen has begun to recover, it really is a magic weapon!" The one-armed old Dao revealed a different color, his eyes cleared.

At this moment, the half-cut soldiers waved out, bursting out a brilliant light, like a dormant dragon awakening, bursting out terrifying power, breaking the world, nothing can stop it.

What is shocking is that the half-cut soldier was not cut at the black iron gate, but at the one-armed old way.


When the sword light passed, the one-arm road was suddenly torn apart, but a **** shadow flew out.

"Damn it, when did you find out?"

The blood shadow roared, manifesting his true body outside ten feet, it was the eight-armed bull demon.

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