Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1473: Sword Breaks the World

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Shao (

It turned out that the eight-armed bull demon occupies the body of the one-armed veteran, wanting to use Ye Tian's power to leave the dark prison.

The dozen or so prisoners released by Ye Tian were all killed by him.

Fortunately, these people have been imprisoned for a long time in the black prison, and their blood is very dry. The eight-armed bull demon is far from absorbing the resources that can restore the peak.

Ye Tian slashed out with this sword, unexpectedly, although the eight-armed bull's eye was about to escape with a swift hand, a striking blood stain was drawn on his body, blood spattered, and blood overflowed.

"Help me stop it!" Ye Tian said sharply.

The old man Jiu Jue, Li Chundao and Luo Feng, the three of them were surprised at first, and they all recovered and quickly followed Ye Tian's instructions.

How can they fail to see the seriousness of the matter, if the Eight-Armed Bull Demon takes the initiative, it is likely that they will all die.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

In the sound of the knife, Luo Feng swiped his palm nine times in a row, and the nine crescent knife wheels flew out one after another, slashing away the eight-armed bull demon with the force of tearing the void.

Li Chun has no long objects on the body, and gathered the true essence of his body onto his fists. He sat on the horse with a low waist, and with a burst of shouts, he exploded two fierce fist marks, like a cannonball out of the chamber, and blasted towards eight arms Bull demon.

After these two punches blasted out, his whole figure looked like a frustrated ball, and his spirit fell to a big level.

The old man Jiujue was seriously injured, and struggling to slap a palm, a cyan wave of air roared out, like a cyan dragon, shaking its head and tail, amid the high roar of the dragon, it flew towards the eight-armed bull demon.

Boom boom boom!

The tunnel was narrow and obstructed, and the three attacks finally converged into a terrifying torrent of energy. With a flash flood, it pushed forward rapidly and swallowed everything along the way.

The eight-armed bull demon didn't dare to resist, so he had to retreat.

At this time, Ye Tian once again urged Shushan to break the soldiers. Under the surging True Yuan perfusion, the ancient sword bloomed with brilliance, the glow of light, the room was full of vigor, all the rust peeled off, and the whole body became crystal clear. .


The sword body vibrated, and waves of terror surging out, as if a barren beast was resurrected, about to crush the heavens in ten directions and crumble thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

The three onlookers all throbbed and held their breath. Under the dazzling sword light, his eyes also stung, and he didn't dare to look directly.

But I saw that Ye Tian's face was very pale, and his body was trembling, as if he had been taken away by a soldier.


With a loud shout, Ye Tian swung a sword at the black iron gate.


A very thin ray of sword energy, like nuclear fission, eventually split into a river of sword energy, slashing towards the black iron gate, sweeping through Cyclonus, tearing everything apart in the sound of breaking through the air like a storm.



In the chaos and gloom, a burst of light 10,000 times shining than the sun, accompanied by deafening thunder.

When everything subsided, the black iron gate had disappeared, leaving only an empty hole.


Ye Tian rushed out first, only feeling top-heavy, staring at Venus, and his body a little out of control.

But it was this ancient soldier's sword that consumed a lot of his true energy, and his combat power was also plummeting.

Fortunately, he still has the Profound Light Platform, which can shatter the void and leave.

Right at the entrance of the cave, Ye Tian offered a sacrifice to the Xuanguangtai.

Although activating the Xuanguangtai also requires mana, it is far from activating the ancient swords of the Shu Mountain. It is easy to construct a space-time channel.

"There is such a good baby, why didn't you take it out long ago?" The old man Jiujue even complained, and was the first to rush to the space-time passage.


As a result, he hit a bag full of heads and he was bounced out of the space-time channel again.

The space-time channel is also broken.

"Damn, the void here has also been imprisoned, and there are great roads suppressed." Ye Tian's expression changed.

Boom boom boom!

Above the head, there was a vibration sound, billions of brilliance shining.

The tall floating mountain stands above the sky, majestic and vast, as if it has pierced through the sky, boundless, majestic and vast.

At this moment, the floating mountain seemed to have come alive, blooming with boundless brilliance, and the vast array of heavenly sounds, like a treasure of the fairy family, peaceful and sacred, but extremely powerful.

With the boundless brilliance, the great pressure fell, confining the void.

This is a Golden Core level restriction, and Xuanguangtai cannot break through.

"Come on, someone is going to escape from prison." Jiuli disciple yelled.

Ye Tian's sword cleaved a lot of noise, and it was impossible for the people of Jiuli to find out that someone had escaped from prison.


There was a dense and rapid bell, shaking the sky.

This is when the Tianyin Bell is ringing, the door is in great danger, and all the power of the sect is mobilized.

"Even the Tianyin bell rang, I really can look down on us!" The old man Jiu Jue laughed at himself.

"Run quickly, don't stay at the entrance of the cave." Luo Feng urged.

"The whole Jiuli was alarmed. We are probably already surrounded and we can't escape." Elder Li Chundao's face was ashes.

"If you want to break the void, the only way to break the prohibition is to break it. Then break it!" Ye Tian muttered, his eyes sharpened in an instant.

When the prohibition was broken, Xuanguangtai was able to construct a complete void passage, which happened to be able to escape at this time. UU Reading

This was the best way Ye Tian could think of, and it could even be said to be the only way to escape.

However, once again urging Shushan to cut off soldiers, Ye Tianyi's true energy was almost exhausted, and his combat effectiveness was almost to zero. But if there is any accident, it is very likely to die.


Ye Tian didn't hesitate too much. He spent the true essence at the bottom of the box, and once again urged Shushan to break the soldiers.


A white river of sword energy rushed into the sky, as thick as a mountain, and amidst the sound of swords tearing the sky, the angry dragon slashed away at the floating mountain.


Ten miles of clouds, in front of this sword, split in half, revealing a huge crack.

The long river of sword energy that rushes into the sky is like a divine sword that separates the world and the world. It is straight and supreme. The whole world seems to be divided in two in front of this sword.

At this moment, Jiuli Divine Sect, hundreds of thousands of disciples and a group of elders, all looked in the direction of Fukong Mountain, and at the same time, their discoloration changed, because this sword was unstoppable and cut towards Fukong Mountain.

In an instant, the floating mountains glowed brightly, endlessly, continuously intertwined, forming a layer upon layer of nets, blocking in front of this sword.


The long river of sword qi slashed on the net of Xiaguang, as if it had been slashed on the real object, making a harsh cracking sound.

The Jindan-level tyrannical restriction was actually vulnerable to a single blow in front of this sword.

I saw that across the river of sword qi, the ray of sunshine was like boiling soup and splashing snow, quickly melting away.


Ye Tian roared, almost squeezing all of his true essence, his face pale as paper, and even his hair turned grayish white. No matter how fast his sword power is, his sword energy will grow like a long river, tearing layers of glow and falling into the net. Finally cut on the top of the floating mountain.

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