Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1474: Tiger Soul

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Shao (


As if the stars burst, the sound shook the sky, and the huge floating mountain shook.

On the hard mountain, a sword mark ten feet deep was cut instantly.

Hundreds of thousands of disciples and many elders of Jiuli God Sect were all shocked, worried that Ye Tian's sword would cut down the floating mountain.

This is the foundation of the Jiuli Divine Sect, and there is no room for loss!

At this moment, all the disciples and elders of the Jiuli Divine Sect were full of anger and rage in their chests, but they couldn't do anything except stare at them.

The elders with extensive knowledge have already seen that this is a sword made by the great soldiers of the great road, so it has such a world-shaking power.

Dao Shenbing, what kind of existence is that?

It can be called a weapon of the supreme way, and the immortal slashing the earth is like slaughtering a dog, but the golden core immortal dare not easily stun the front.

"My Kunxu Waiyinmen, there are only three schools with great weapons, Shen Yaozong, Wanfazong, and one is my Jiuli. Could it be that Shenzong Yao or Wanfazong is teaching me? But , It doesn't make sense!" An earth immortal elder, twisting his beard, muttered to himself.

As soon as his voice fell, a scene of surprise happened suddenly, and there was a tiger roar on the floating mountain, like a drum beating, the loud sound shocked the world.

Then I saw that a huge cloud, accompanied by billions of rays of sunlight, evaporated from the floating mountain and rushed straight into the sky.

In an instant, a huge tiger emerged. Its body was as large as a mountain, its body was red, its hair was crystal clear, and it was extremely dazzling, as if the **** of the heavens had descended on the earth.


In the stunned eyes of countless people, the scarlet sky tiger opened a huge mountain-like mouth, swallowing a river of sword energy, like chewing steel, and biting out a rattling sound.

"Tiger soul!" The old man Jiujue slapped a sharp spirit, not only his hair was covered with long hair, but the hairs on his body were standing upright.

"Tiger Soul? Is it the supreme **** soldier in the legend of Jiuli Sect? The **** treasure inherited from Chi You?" Elder Li Chundao was also surprised.

Even Ye Tian frowned slightly. He didn't expect that Jiuli God Sect was really related to Chiyou, the great **** before the ages.

Chi You's invincible soldier, Tiger Soul, and Ye Tian are also familiar with them, full of legend.

According to the legend, a strange monster from outside the world came to the world, swallowing endless creatures, accumulating endless resentment, and finally turned into a strange stone, a supreme treasure.

Chi You spent all his thoughts and thoughts and finally refined the strange stones into a god-level weapon, an invincible war knife.

Being able to refine God-level weapons, Ye Tian guessed that Chi You was probably a Yuanying Great God.

One day, Chi You was suddenly backlashed by the magic sword.

Chi You's mount was a war tiger, and the savior was eager, swallowing the strange monster and the sword in one bite.

As a result, Chi You was worried that the alien sword would be damaged, ignoring Zhanhu's loyalty, and pulling the sword from Zhanhu's body with one hand.

But I don't know that the sword has been integrated with the tiger, and Chi You's sword and the spine of the tiger are pulled out.

The Tiger Soul Sabre, from this, is the supreme **** soldier, but it is also the supreme fierce soldier and evil soldier.

At this moment, this huge mountain-like tiger is a tiger soul, which can be transformed into a tiger or a sword.

No wonder Ye Tian had sensed the breath of Divine Treasure before, and it turned out to be from Tiger Soul.

The disciples of Jiuli were all shocked, and at the same time very excited. The Tiger Soul is the great secret of Jiuli Divine Sect, and the disciples of Jiuli didn't even know. Even some elders do not know this.

"Go!" Ye Tian yelled.

At Xuanguangtai Guanghua Dazhi, a complete void passage has been constructed.

"Hurry up, everyone." The old man Jiu Jue rushed into the void channel first, and disappeared this time.

Elder Li Chundao followed closely, followed by Luo Feng, all of them flashed away in the void channel and successfully teleported.

However, just as Ye Tian was about to enter the void passage, a blood-colored figure suddenly flew from behind, and suddenly pushed Ye Tian away, and then rushed into the void passage by himself.

Ye Tian's true essence was almost exhausted, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. He couldn't resist this push at all, and suddenly fell into a big somersault.

"Hahaha, my eight-armed bull demon finally saw the sky again. Kunxu, tremble!" a rough voice shouted arrogantly, the voice still reverberating between heaven and earth, but the figure disappeared.

At this moment, the huge war tiger swooped down from the floating mountain, turning into an extremely splendid war knife in the air.

I saw that this war knife is ten feet long, devilish, fierce and powerful. The blade is transparent from the outside, red like a blood diamond, and you can see the fish-bone-like internal lines, which are the spine of a war tiger. . The entire handle is also spine ossification.

It can be clearly seen that there are gaps on the blade of the sword, cracks on the back of the sword, and the handle is broken, very incomplete.

It is a miracle that the divine soldiers of the ages have gone through hundreds of thousands of years and countless battlefield killings. It is not surprising that they are not complete.

The tiger soul is dormant in the floating mountains. It should also be being warmed up and repaired, so it will not be born easily.


The divine soldier descended from the sky, cutting out a scar from the sky, the great power of the great avenue shocked the world, the void was shattered, the time and space channel was cut open at once, and a blood-colored figure rushed out.

The eight-armed bull demon was mad, and almost succeeded in teleporting, but it fell short.


In an instant, the Tiger Soul Sabre once again turned into a fierce tiger, exploding with the might of devouring the world, and swallowed the eight-armed bull demon in one bite.

This change also caught Ye Tian by surprise.

He quickly switched a coordinate, almost squeezed himself clean, and finally opened a space-time channel again. U U Reading

However, before he entered the void passage, a black cloud covered the floating mountain and turned into a giant hand covering the sky and sun, sealing the void, and grabbed him.

This is an extremely powerful being who is taking action, and even the Tiger Soul soldiers are under his control.

Ye Tian's physical body was empty, and there was no one more power.

Fortunately, the few Dharmakayas he cultivated are still worthy of use.


A tiger roar shook the sky, and it actually matched the roar of the tiger soul soldiers.

A huge white tiger phantom first manifested behind Ye Tian, ​​and then flew up, rushing towards the big hand covering the sky that was shot down in the sky.

This is Ye Tian's White Tiger Law Body, which is vivid and concrete, and also has the power of a celestial **** tiger faintly. I have seen many elders and disciples of Jiuli God Sect.

Puff puff!

As it flew by, the white tiger opened his mouth and spit out, a silver light like a waterfall, rushing up, chaos and vast, lightning like a dragon, accompanied by thunderous sounds.


A cascade-like chaotic golden golden thunder blasted fiercely on the black sky-covering giant palm, and bombarded wildly.

The black giant palm trembled continuously, and black smoke came out, as if being evaporated by the scorching sun, and its size rapidly shrank.

However, the palm of the giant palm was still there, pressing down firmly against the bottom, without stopping.


The palm was finally slapped on Baihu's body, and Gengjin's body broke into pieces.

And the black giant palm also shattered in a crackle.

Ye Tian spit out a mouthful of blood, and the golden body burst into cracks. Although this palm was shot on the white tiger's body, it made him feel the same.

However, it also won precious time.

Swiftly, Ye Tian plunged into the void channel and disappeared in a flash.

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