Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1477: Street conflict

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

It was an evening, the setting sun fell to the west, the evening glow was full, the city of Medicine God was bathed in golden brilliance, and the dark red wall seemed to be inlaid with a layer of gold, adding a sacred taste.

The streets were very noisy and even noisy, but Ye Tian felt very close and warm.

This is the fireworks in the world!

For a long time, whether in the secular world or in Kunxu, he was either killing or rushing to kill. He was used to seeing life withering and blood staining the sky, wandering in life and death again and again. In the meantime, I felt very peaceful in the noisy market.

The sunset glow is gorgeous, the breeze is warm, the dazzling array of goods, the cries of one after another, and the passing crowd, laughing or arguing, everything is so simple and natural.

Practicing is a very boring thing, far away from the world, far away from the fireworks in the world, every practitioner is an ascetic monk. Therefore, on the other side of the starry sky, the monks of the road are also called ascetics.

Ye Tian walked out of the car, and sat outside the car with the old man Jiu Jue. He asked for a bunch of candied haws from a vendor. He ate and waited in the crowd.

"It's still a child!" The old man Jiujue laughed, and he saw a trace of innocence in Ye Tian's eyes.

Ye Tian changed a little bit of appearance, not worried about being recognized.

As a Jiangyang thief, the old man Jiujue certainly didn't dare to swagger through the market like this. He didn't change his appearance, but he wore a big hat.

The Shuiyue Saint Lan Meng in the chariot also wore a veil.

The old man Jiujue was very familiar with Medicine God City. He had been there many times before and after, and suggested to Ye Tian a high-grade inn, and everyone is now rushing to settle down.


Suddenly, a clanging bird's song came from the sky, loud, sharp, piercing, and deafening.

Then, there seemed to be a big cloud hanging down, and a large area of ​​the world was darkened, accompanied by howling winds, which caused pedestrians on the ground to stagger and stand unstable. There were even some vendors along the street, the small stalls were blown over, and the goods scattered all over the place.

When I looked up, I saw a huge peacock descending from the sky with gorgeous feathers and flowing colorful light. The wingspan can be seven or eight feet, which is dozens of times larger than the peacock in the world. There is a single horn on the forehead, crackling. , Cyan electric light shines non-stop.

This is a spirit bird named Unicorn Peacock. It is a kind of unicorn. It has thunder roots. The unicorn on its forehead can spit out the green wood **** thunder, which is not comparable to ordinary Suzaku in the secular world.

The one-horned peacock is beautiful and beautiful, but it is a fierce bird in the Kunxu realm, eating people without spitting out bones.

If you stand and watch from a distance, you will find that there is a young man sitting on the back of the one-horned peacock, wearing a peacock-like seven-color clothes, slightly nondescript, slender and tall, and looks very handsome, a blue dragon knife. He was in front of him, unsmiling, his eyes were cold.

"It's the little peacock prince of Xuan Qingzong who is here."

Suddenly, an exclamation came from the crowd.

Xuanqingzong is a sect of the Western Regions, ranking tenth among the top ten sects in Kunxu, and there are several earth immortals under the sect.

The little peacock prince is also famous in Kunxu. He is a generation of young talents, admires force, is very powerful, and kills people at every turn.


The crowd directly below was scattered like birds and beasts, and she rushed for fear of being fanned by the big wings of the unicorn peacock.

The uni-horned peacock has a wingspan of seven or eight feet long, almost the width of a street. Its feather feathers are sturdy, with the luster of flowing metal, and its two large claws are as big as door panels and can easily tear the steel armor. It is absolutely dangerous. Divine monks whose combat power is comparable to human beings.

On the street on the ground, there was an old woman with white hair, guarding one of her elixir stalls, her body pressed on it, unwilling to leave. Otherwise, the small stall will be blown over and the elixir will be scattered all over the place, and it will be difficult to find it again. This is her business, and every elixir is collected with hard work.

But the one-horned peacock didn't care about it, and still directly pressed it down. Its huge size brought heavy pressure like a mountain, which made people suffocate.

"There is someone below." Someone in the distant crowd reminded loudly.

The little peacock prince only raised his eyelids and ignored him.


The terrible bear suddenly violently violently, pulling the golden jade cart, rumbling across the bluestone road, suddenly rushed to the old woman's medicine stall, and stopped.

At the same time, a golden light curtain emerged, covering the old woman, forming a protection.


The one-horned peacock yelled, and a more terrifying coercion fell, seeming to form a powerful field, and the crowd of onlookers involuntarily moved back.

However, the golden jade car did not move.

The Grim Bear's eyes squinted, with a look of contempt.

The two people above, one old and one young, also stood still, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Old lady, how do you sell this elixir?" The young man in the car asked the old woman. It turned out to be buying medicine, which shocked a group of people.


The one-horned peacock showed a fierce light, and actually ignored it, fell down on the street, and at the same time a big wing was photographed on the golden jade car.

As it fell, this big wing was raised high, and its strength was obviously increased when it was slapped, as if it was about to smash the golden jade cart.

I saw that this big wing is like a cloud hanging down from the sky, with colorful brilliance flowing, and the metal luster shining. UU看书 is like a steel wing. It is extremely heavy, and under the hard blow, it is one An armored car can be shot into a discus.

"It's over!"

The onlookers were all shocked, and there were many others who were distraught.

The little peacock prince was too powerful, and he dared to commit crimes in the street without regard to human life.

However, in the next second, everyone's eyes widened again. The one-horned peacock's strenuous blow was enough to turn an armored car into a discus, but it failed to flatten the golden jade car, but it turned a feather. Several of them were shaken off.


The terrestrial bear was furious and roared like a thunderbolt on the clear sky. It caught the big wings of a one-horned peacock, swept it up, and threw it dozens of feet away.


Seeing this scene, countless onlookers were shocked and speechless.

This big bear, looks not amazing, but his strength is extraordinary, the spirit bird of the gods level hits it as soon as it is hit.

"court death!"

On the back of the one-horned peacock, a figure flew out, holding a blue dragon sword, with a fierce momentum, and directly slashed towards the golden jade, making it a mess.


A hundred-zhang sword light pierced the void, cold air, cold light and cold, full of endless killing.


Everyone present was all moved.

The little peacock prince is only thirty years old, but he is already a **** of heaven, and is a generation of arrogance. This time the Kunxu Tianjiao competition will definitely shine.

"Yellow-mouthed children, who have not even grown their hair, dare to be presumptuous in front of this immortal."

The old man Jiujue was shocked, sitting still unable to understand, only a cyan finger was pointed out.

With a bang, Baizhang Daomang broke into pieces.

Even the little peacock prince, as if being hit by a heavy hammer, flew out suddenly.

"Earth fairy!"

The onlookers were surprised again.

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