"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Shao ( Find the latest chapter!

The little peacock prince of the Xuanqing Sect of the Western Regions was actually repaired, causing an uproar in the audience and shouting that he couldn't believe it.

It can be seen that the little peacock prince is so notorious in the arena, even ordinary people are familiar with it, for fear of avoiding it.

The attacker was an earth fairy with a hat on his head, covering his face. I don't know who it was.

Next to him sat a young boy, very face-to-face, no one in the audience could recognize it.

However, everyone can guess that this young man must have a background, he should be the owner of the carriage, from a certain top family, or a famous family, and at the level of the Son of God.

"Old woman, how do you sell this elixir? I want it all."

Ye Tian ignored the one-horned peacock and the **** little prince who had been hanged and continued to ask the old woman about the elixir.

With Ye Tian's eyesight, it is not difficult to see that these are some ordinary elixir. He just looked at the pitiful old woman and wanted to help, adhering to a pure heart.

"My son, thank you. These are all wild herbs I picked up on the mountain. If you need them, take them directly. I don't need any money." The old woman was very grateful, and told me.

"Pretend to be a good person, die for me!" The little peacock prince roared, and the man came to the court again, his eyes were full of wildness, his eyes were full of wildness, like a beast that just chooses people and eats.

His mount, the one-horned peacock, was suddenly radiant and full of feathers, filled with a powerful aura. The one-horned horn on his forehead was more like a magic lamp, suddenly lit, dazzling and dazzling.


Suddenly, a thick blue thunder pillar burst out from the horn, illuminating Tianyu, with extremely terrifying energy, like a cannonball out of the chamber, piercing the air, and blasting Ye Tian.

Ye Tian is considered to be the owner of the carriage, so the little peacock prince chose to attack him.

Of course, it is undeniable that this is also a soft persimmon.

"It's over!" The onlookers exclaimed again, and their heartstrings tightened.

Born in the Kunxu realm, even ordinary people have heard a saying that thunder can break ten thousand ways and is the most difficult to resist.

The one-horned peacock became angry from embarrassment, and almost exhausted all his strength, exploded with this shocking blow, which was enough to blast the ordinary gods of the gods into coke, which was rushing to kill people.

Although it was the Medicine God City, it was also the Western Regions. No one had ever dared to treat him this way in the Western Regions.


In the end, he saw an extremely horrifying scene. The moment the Lei Zhu was present, the young man suddenly spread his fingers apart and his palms were crystal clear. He even grasped the Lei Zhu in his palm and turned it into a war spear that was ten feet long.


The little peacock prince frightened his pupils, his scalp burst in bursts, and he took a few steps back.

Even his mount, the one-horned peacock, was shocked at once.

"It's really interesting to dare to play thunder and lightning in front of me." Ye Tian smiled lightly, looked at the little peacock prince suddenly, and wanted to throw the lightning spear.

"Stop it! Fighting is forbidden in Medicine God City, who would dare to be presumptuous?"

At this moment, a sharp shout came.

But it was a few city administrators from God of Medicine Sect who came, all wearing cold iron suits and armed with swordsmen, all of them had extraordinary auras, and their cultivation was above the transformation realm.

The speaker was the leader of a group of people, and even a **** from the gods. He was forty to fifty years old. He was tall and burly, holding a handful of cold iron wars, like a battle-tested veteran, killing and killing冽, there is a kind of force.

call out!

Ye Tian ignored it, struggling to throw the lightning spear.

In the next second, in front of the little peacock prince and the unicorn peacock, on a smooth bluestone road, there was a crater that was several feet deep. The magma at the bottom of the crater rolled, cooled quickly and crystallized, turning into colorful glass.

This lightning spear strike was far more fierce than the thunderbolt strike of the unicorn peacock. If you go a little bit further, the unicorn peacock and the little peacock prince may have no bones.

The soft persimmon he thought was actually a powerful monk in charge of thunder method, and the little peacock prince was shocked.

"Well, well, if you have a seed, wait for me." The little peacock prince turned and left, daring to find Ye Tian's fault wherever he could.

Ye Tian continued to trade with the old woman and took out a hundred spirit stones to buy all the old woman's elixir.

"My Medicine God City explicitly forbids fighting. Didn't you hear me?" The leader of the God Realm shouted again, but it was obviously a little lacking in confidence.

The young man in charge of Lei Fa, there is an earthly fairy guardian who sits down on the golden jade, and even the blind can see that the young man has a big background and can't easily provoke him.

"It was his hand that moved first, I'm just acting as a defense." Ye Tian said indifferently, without even looking at the leader of the gods. He took out one hundred middle-grade spirit stones and packed all the potions of the old woman.

The old woman was grateful, and everyone saw the boy's warm heart.

In this way, the leader of the gods is even more difficult to blame, otherwise he will be a tiger, indiscriminately indiscriminate.

"There are a thousand middle-grade spirit stones here. Let's go and repair the pavement."

When Ye Tian raised his hand, another thousand middle-grade spirit stones flew out, which was counted as compensation for damage to the road.

Then, he drove away in the carriage, no one dared to pursue him any more.

"Liuyun Inn, this is it."

Passing through half of the city and coming to the bustling city center, the old man Jiujue parked the carriage in front of a tall palace building.

This is a luxurious hotel called Liuyun Inn, which is comparable to a five-star hotel in the secular world. From a distance, it looks like a royal palace, magnificent and solemn.

Those who can live here are all rich and noble.

It is said that the lowest guest rooms also cost 500 pieces of high-grade spirit stones.

I saw that at the entrance of the inn, there was a large open space. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is equivalent to a parking lot in the secular world, full of luxury carriages.

As soon as the carriage stopped, the enthusiastic inn Xiaoer greeted him, with a disrespectful attitude, and asked Ye Tian if he had a reservation.

Ye Tian spurted blood, unexpectedly the Kunxu store would also like to book this set.

However, it is said that in weekdays, reservations are naturally not required, but the drug **** city has recently stirred up the situation in the ten directions and has become the focus of the entire Kunxu. Countless people are rushing to go there, making the rooms tense.

Ye Tian wanted three first-class guest rooms, but he didn't make a reservation, which made the inn Xiao Er feel embarrassed.

"There are really no three first-class guest rooms, but one deluxe suite is left. It occupies half a floor and can be accommodated by ten people. But it's a bit expensive, it costs 10,000 high-grade spirit stones a night, I don’t know. Does the son take the test?" said the second inn, with a big smile on his face.

"What? Ten thousand high-grade spirit stones are only one night?" Lan Meng took a breath.

Ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones are equivalent to hundreds of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones, which is a huge wealth.

You know, Kunxu second- and third-class giants have only tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones, and it is impossible to live in such a store, and they will go bankrupt in a few nights.

Even the old man Jiu Jue smashed his tongue, thinking that opening an inn was faster than he robbed him.

Ye Tian thought about it for a while, and finally agreed.

The inn Xiaoer was so happy that he almost jumped up, and was too busy to lead the way.

The hall of the inn is decorated with carved beams and painted buildings. It is magnificent and has a large space. The floor is covered with gorgeous carpets and the furnishings are very elegant. It is not inferior to the royal palace. No wonder the price is too high.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked into the inn, I met an acquaintance.

"Sorry, I have already booked this large suite."

At the counter of the inn, the little peacock prince sneered at Ye Tianyin.

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