Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1511: Final result

With three turns of Shenhuo, the Xisui Pill finally became a spiritual product. Although it only had a spiritual product, it was enough to shock the world, saying that it was a miracle.

For a while, everyone in the audience was amazed.

"Pavilion Master Wu's alchemy attainments are really terrifying, the alchemy saint in this life is promising!"

"Pavilion Master Wu, I have sold 30,000 top-grade spirit stones, how can I sell this marrow pill to me?"

"I give out fifty thousand."


The scene boiled over, everyone rushed to congratulate Wu Baopu, flattered, or asked for a pill.

In contrast, Zhou Mingshan seemed extremely lonely.

Bi Dou is obviously not over yet, but the outcome is already in everyone's mind.

This is a duel between bronze and the king, and the result is not at all suspense.

"Old Zhou, don't worry about it, hurry up and let everyone see."

"Ordinary stove, ordinary earth lung fire, three hours can refine the spirit product cleansing marrow pill, I don't believe it is killed."

"Don't say that, maybe some miracle will happen."

"A miracle? You believe it too?"


Zhou Mingshan turned a deaf ear to the discussion of the crowd, moving his index fingers with both hands, playing a series of fire control techniques, condensing pills, forging pills...

Seeing Zhou Mingshan unmoved, the discussion gradually disappeared, and everyone was bored waiting for the final result, although there was no suspense.

Bang bang bang!

The furnace vibrated violently, the furnace lid banged, and a gap was opened and closed from time to time, as if it was about to be knocked out.

There seemed to be a huge force in the pill furnace, struggling frantically, trying to break through the pill furnace and escape.

Undoubtedly, this is a pill that is doing the worship, like a prisoner, jumping up and down, rampaging.

Zhou Mingshan's pill refining has also come to an end, and the final exercise is in progress. It's like a piece of pig iron, which can only be made into steel by refining.

"I'm going, isn't it about the fryer?" Someone exclaimed.

"What? Fryer?"

Then, the crowd of birds and beasts onlookers dispersed.

However, there are still some strong men standing close to watch, fearless.

"Master Ye, is this...?" Wu Wentian, the lord of the Palace of Heavenly Secrets, asked Ye Tian.

"How can my pill Dao be comparable to the third-rate pill Dao of God of Medicine Sect? Dian Master Wu just looks at it." Ye Tianzhuo said lightly in the position, with an extremely confident look.

As soon as he said this, everyone in the audience looked sideways in an uproar.

It's all in this situation, I'm about to lose my pants, and even dare to brag. How invulnerable is this face?

"Huh! I don't know it when I die. Zhou Mingshan is just a third-rank alchemist. I learned the skill of a two-handed three-legged cat from you. I don't believe that I can refine a spiritual cleansing pill." , Cast an extremely contemptuous look.

"The alchemy is the heavenly way, and the meditation is the heavenly heart! The alchemy path is broad and profound. You must be down-to-earth, step by step, and don't be arrogant or arrogant, and don't be content with fancy methods. Otherwise, you won't go far this way. Xu Wei, my disciple, I hope you remember!" Wu Baopu half-squinted his eyes, stroked his beard in one hand, and looked like a worldly expert, instructing his apprentice.

Of course, the big guys in the field are not stupid, knowing that he is insinuating, saying that Ye Tian is arrogant.

However, when it comes to fancy methods, Wu Baopu is clearly better than Zhou Mingshan.


At this time, the pill furnace suddenly shook violently, and the furnace cover was directly shaken out.

Everyone thought it was a real fryer, and even the big guys were on guard.

But seeing the brilliant rays of light bursting out of the furnace, flew away in the direction of the door, as if wanting to escape.

"Haha, come back!"

Ye Tian laughed, and waved his big hand, an invisible huge force took the escape light into his palm and turned it into a crystal clear pill.

Seeing that the pill pill was bright yellow, like the best topaz, it was crystal clear, almost exactly the same as the washing marrow pill made by Wu Baopu.

"What? Has the pill become a spiritual product?"

Everyone exclaimed.

"It's impossible! Pavilion Master Wu's pill was turned three times, and he used three pill furnaces and three divine fires before the pill became a spiritual product. But Zhou Mingshan only used one pill furnace, an ordinary earth lung fire, how could it be possible? Pill becomes a spiritual product?"

"A miracle, a miracle actually happened."

"let me see."


The whole audience was full of noise, like boiling water, boiling.

In the end, several alchemists from other sects jointly appraised it and agreed that the marrow pill refined by Zhou Mingshan was also a spiritual product.

"So what? The same Pill became a spiritual product, Pavilion Master Wu took a short time, and Zhou Mingshan still lost." An onlooker said.

"Yeah, it's a miss after all."

"It's not bad to be able to become a pill to become a spiritual product. Zhou Lao's alchemy attainments, I'm afraid he is chasing Pavilion Master Wu."

"Boy, dare to be arrogant in front of God of Medicine Sect, now you know how powerful the God of Medicine Sect is?"


There was a burst of noise, some nodded in appreciation, some shook their heads and shook their wrists, and others sneered and sneered, with different opinions.

Wu Baopu's mouth twitched slightly, although he won, his face was blank. Because the other party is just a third-rank little alchemist, even his apprentice is inferior.

And if you use the same conditions to refine alchemy, he will lose.

He was opportunistic and it took a lot of effort to win, even though he won or lost.

Although Zhou Lao Dixian was defeated, it was still glorious. In a few days, his famous alchemist will be known throughout Kunxu.

"Boy, you lose, don't you give me back the spirit medicine? And Zhou Mingshan, the eighteen drunk immortal towers, from now on, belong to my Medicine Shenzong." Xu Wang shouted loudly, very domineering.

Zhou Mingshan was silent with a stiff expression on his face. Although he was glorious of defeat, he was defeated after all, and he lost half of his family business.

"Who said we lost?" Ye Tian suddenly sneered.

"Why, do you still want to admit it? This is the site of My Medicine Shenzong, so you can't help but lie." Xu Wang yelled.

"You show me a good idea, who is the one who lost!"

In the voice, Ye Tian waved his big hand, and the marrow pill in his palm rose to the sky, releasing a terrifying aura, sweeping in all directions.

Under the shock of this terrifying aura, the Washing Marrow Pill refined by Wu Baopu suddenly agitated and trembled.


There was a crisp sound, and there was an extremely shocking scene where Wu Baopu's marrow pill was cracked. In the beginning, there was only one crack, which spread continuously, and immediately spread all over the whole body of the medicine.


In the end, with a soft sound, the whole pill burst and turned into powder. The medicinal power in the medicinal powder evaporates sharply, and finally condenses into a cloud of medicinal gas with a radius of ten feet in the void.

The strong medicinal fragrance diffuses out, making people mesmerized.

Suddenly, there was a dead silence in the audience, and everyone seemed to fall into the fog for five miles. Unknown, they couldn't react for a while.

"Broken? Why?"

I don't know how long it took a confused voice came out.

The scene of dead silence, because of the sound of this sentence, and the frying pan.

"Broken? Is it caused by the breath of the pill?"

"If so, doesn't it mean that Zhou Mingshan's pill is better than Wu Baopu?"

"Can a medicine pill crush another medicine by its breath? I have never heard of it!"

"You haven't heard of it, it doesn't mean there is no. The reason why the pill is a pill is because there is a trace of spirituality. If the quality of two pill is too different, the breath of one pill will burst out with all strength, it is the existence that crushes the other A pill is possible."

"The quality is too different?"


Amidst the comments of the onlookers, Ye Tian's five fingers suddenly closed again, and the wash marrow pill that flew in midair suddenly exploded. In an instant, it turned into a medicinal gas cloud cover with a diameter of ten feet, almost filling the entire hall of the Medicine God Pavilion, ten times the pill that Wu Baopu refined.

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