Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1512: One more game

"At a young age, there is such an accomplishment in the alchemy, which is really admirable!"

Just when everyone was stunned, suddenly an old voice sounded at the door of Yaoshen Pavilion, giving people a sense of spring breeze and gentleness, but full of endless majesty.


Everyone looked at him, and saw an old man wearing a purple golden pill robe stepped into the Medicine God Pavilion, his hair was white and his back was slightly rickety, but there was an invisible pressure permeating the entire Medicine God Pavilion. , Let all people feel like facing the abyss, feeling fearful and awe.

"Pill Saint!"

"Sect Master Qiu!"


Suddenly, the audience became a sensation.

It turned out to be the Sect Master of God Medicine Sect and the only Pill Saint in Kunxu, Qiu Xuanhe came.

The purple golden pill robe on him is the only holy pill robe in Kunxu, unique.

Many people can't help but take a breath, not because of shock, but because of seeing the legendary characters, they can't help themselves, shocked, awed,...

A battle pill led to Qiu Xuanhe, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Wu Baopu looked surprised, obviously there was no such thing in the plan.

"Is this the Sect Master of Shen Medicine Sect? He looks so old! Is it really as powerful as the legend?"

However, there are also some people who are dumbfounded and judge people by their appearance. They only feel that at first glance, this person looks like an ordinary bad old man, without much spine.


Qiu Xuanhe suddenly shot, and his big sleeves flicked, and a tornado-like wind swept out, swept away the ten-zhang medicine gas cloud cover, and flew into his palm with howling.

In an instant, the aura on Qiu Xuanhe's body shook, and the two old eyes that seemed a little dim suddenly glowed like two magic lamps. When a cloud of medicinal power was caught in his hand, a cloud of flame suddenly burst in his palm. , Burning away at the billowing medicine gas.

In a short while, a shining, dazzling pill recondensed in his palm, and it was the marrow pill refined by Zhou Mingshan.


Seeing this scene, many people swallowed deeply, shocked to the heavens, and no more doubts.

Many people have never heard of such methods as the pill that can be transformed into medicinal energy.

As the saying goes, breaking a mirror is difficult to reconcile, and the hand that Sect Master Qiu exposed is more than a hundred times more difficult than breaking the mirror to reconcile.

"The appearance of the lower spirit product condenses the medicinal power of the middle spirit product, and the alchemy of the little friend is really extraordinary."

Looking at the pill in his hand, Qiu Xuanhe said lightly, with a gentle tone, like a kind old man.

Then, he glanced at Ye Tian and asked, "I don't know who this little friend has learned from?"

"Sect Master Qiu has praised me, I am just a casual practice, without a master. This alchemy is also casually learned by me and has no inheritance." Ye Tian said, neither humble nor overbearing.

However, no one believed his words at all.

Don't say that alchemists are ordinary cultivators who have no inheritance and it is difficult to grow up, even if they are geniuses.

"Since the little friend refuses to say, the old man won't ask more." Qiu Xuanhe waved his hand, did not get angry, looked at Ye Tian with emotion, and then said: "I thought my God Medicine Sect had captured the world. All the alchemy geniuses in the space, only now discovered that all of them add up to less than you alone."


As soon as Sovereign Qiu said this, the whole audience was fried!

Everyone did not expect that Qiu Xuanhe would have such a high evaluation of Ye Tian.

The disciples of Shenzong Medicine in the field, some were ashamed and consciously lowered their heads, but some were angry and felt that the evaluation was biased.

After all, Sect Master Qiu didn't see Ye Tian refine the pill with his own eyes. He made such a judgment only from a pill, and not from the pill made by Ye Tian himself.

However, some people have not had time to feel angry. Qiu Xuanhe continued to speak, his tone became more and more emotional, and said: "Don't say that my disciple of Shen Shenzong is the old man himself. If it is a few more decades, it will not necessarily be you. The opponent. At that time, this huge Kunxu, Dan Dao should respect you."


The audience was shocked again.

All the people looked incredible.

Sect Master Qiu's flattery simply praised Ye Tian to the sky and became a god.

His old man is a pill sage. Ye Tian will surpass him in a few decades. Doesn't it mean that Ye Tian can be promoted to pill sage in a few decades?

"It will take a few decades, maybe a few years, ten years later, the little friend can be promoted to the pill sage. If it is not limited by the resources of my Kunxu, the little friend will even be able to achieve the supreme status of the Taoist pill.




This time, even many big land immortals in the field took a breath.

Pill God, since the Kunxu Small World was recorded, there has never been one!

Even the hidden fairy gate, it is extremely possible that there is no pill god.

"Sect Master Qiu praised me. I know how many jins and taels I know, not as powerful as you brag." Ye Tian was a little speechless, said: "If there is nothing wrong, Pavilion Master Wu, please give me the three panacea. There's still something to go back."

"Little friends don't have to panic, the old man is not here to be your enemy, but wants to invite the little friends to join my God of Medicine Sect." Qiu Xuanhe said directly, his eyes flickering and his face was sincere.

Many people are not surprised by his behavior.

Because Ye Tian is really a genius in the Alchemy Dao, and if he wins over the God of Medicine Sect, not only will the strength of the God of Medicine Sect be greatly improved, but in the future, there will be one less rival, which will benefit without any harm.

"I'm used to being casual." Ye Tian said.

"It's okay, as long as the little friend is willing to join my Medicine Shenzong, I can grant you the position of guest, without patriarchal rules, status above many elders, and enough freedom." Qiu Xuanhe voiced powerfully and expressed it. Great determination and sincerity.

As soon as his voice fell, even the corners of Wu Baopu's mouth twitched slightly.

Xu Wang was gritting his teeth secretly.

Onlookers all envy and hate.

Once he became the guest of God of Medicine Sect, he was able to reach the sky in one step, and his detached status was enough to be on the same level as the sovereign of some religious sects.

Ye Tian only smiled coldly, shook his head, and refused.

But Qiu Xuanhe didn't give up and continued:

"All the elixir books of Shenzong of my medicine can be read by young friends. The elixir below medium grade can be used by young friends. The top-grade elixir and the best elixir, if you need it, you may not be able to give it away."

"If the little friend doesn't dislike it, I can even accept you as a true disciple, and give me a pill. In the future, the position of the master of the Shen Medicine Sect may not be impossible to hand over to you."

Gudong, Gudong!

All the people were dumbfounded and swallowed wildly.

This is where it is regarded as a guest, clearly regarded as an ancestor, people can not help but envy and hate.

However, there are some bigwigs who can see that there is no free lunch in the world, and things can't be that simple. Qiu Xuanhe must have a plan, that is Ye Tian's alchemy skills.


All eyes focused on Ye Tian, ​​wanting to see how he chooses.

There are some people who are not too big to watch the excitement and persuaded Ye Tian to quickly agree, otherwise there will be no shop in this village.

In the end, he heard Ye Tian sneered and said: "Sect Master Qiu, you blow me so hard, do you think you are still qualified to accept me as a disciple?"

As soon as the boy said this, the audience was silent for a while!

"Boy, you don't know how high the sky is, don't you? Sect Master Qiu praises you for admiring you. That's it. Are you really kicking your nose?"

"Yes, Sect Master Qiu invited you because he is worthy of you, don't really think that you are great."


The disciples of Shen Yaozong were agitated.

"Pavilion Master Wu, I would like to lose the gambling, and quickly bring me the elixir. I don't want to listen to any nonsense anymore." Ye Tian said a little impatiently.

"Who said that my master lost? Just now you may have used some dirty means to break the pill that my master refined. The same is the lower spirit pill. My teacher has a shorter time, so it is clearly my teacher. If you win, you lose." Xu yelled arrogantly, refusing to admit it.

"What did you say?" Ye Tian's eyes were cold.

"Why? Do you still want to do it? I'll give you a hand." Xu Wei's look of hideous color, protruding a palm, burst into a flame, lightly waved, a fire dragon dazzled the sky.

However, he didn't move away to Ye Tian, ​​just a threat.

With so many outsiders present, it is not easy for him to deceive others too much, so as not to fall into the bullying tongue.

At this moment, Qiu Xuanhe suddenly said: "If you lose, you lose. When will I be unable to lose my dignified Medicine Shenzong?"

"Sect Master..." Xu Wang was startled.

"Shut up! If you lose something, don't you give it to them soon?" Qiu Xuanhe said harshly.

"Master..." Xu Wang looked at Wu Baopu again.

"What the sect master says, do what you do." Wu Baopu said with a cold face.

"Yes, Master."

Xu Wei walked away desperately and took the herbs.

After a while, Qiu Xuanhe's image was so tall in everyone's mind that he was a gentleman.

"Little friend, you just said that Lao Yu is not qualified to be your master, which makes Lao Yu suddenly eager to win. How about we also fight? If I win, you will join my God of Medicine Sect." Qiu Xuanhe suddenly Suggested, smiling, very kind.

Suddenly, there was another uproar in the audience.

Qiu Dansheng took the initiative to offer to test the Dan Dao, which was unprecedented.

Everyone in the audience was excited and couldn't wait to see this wonderful matchup.

"Sorry, I'm tired I don't want to do alchemy, I just want to go back to sleep." Ye Tian turned down unexpectedly, the reason is far-fetched.

"What if I make a bet with a Nine-turn Wan Ling Great Pill? If you win, I promise you a Nine-turn Wan Ling Great Pill." Qiu Xuanhe said.


Nine-turn panacea to bet?

The scene suddenly became uproarious, so everyone's eyes widened, and they couldn't believe it.

That is a nine-turn panacea, a true supreme pill, which has a price and no market. It can not only improve the cultivation base, prolong life, and even help the peak earth immortal condense the original pill.

Ye Tian frowned slightly, obviously moved.

"Since the little friend has no objection, then let's start. What kind of medicine is up to you. It's a handful of calculations. It's been a hundred years. I have never fought a pill with others."

In the voice of the words, Qiu Xuanhe suddenly seemed to be a different person, a terrifying breath erupted from his body, and his rickety back stood upright like a gun.

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